Age of Elves

Chapter 068

068 to Hualan City

I came to the underground exchange in Tokiwa City and started my own procurement operation, first bought a set of diving suits, the captain gave a seven-fold discount, and spent 700,000 yuan in cash.

Walked out and looked around, looked at the things that needed to be replenished, looked at it and went to buy a 100,000-volt skill learning machine, spent 3 million cash, seven discounts, and spent 2.1 million cash.

Scratching his head, he left Tokiwa City and walked towards Nibi City.

Back and forth, plus the time to visit the underground exchange, it was almost two hours to arrive, and I went directly to the Pokémon Center in Nibi City and retrieved the Coyote Dog’s Baby Ball.

“This guy is a Pokémon prepared for the Super Power Department Dojo in Golden City, and he must be leveled up.” Holding the coyote dog’s baby ball, I looked at the attributes.

Coyote dog

Level: 1 (0/100)

Attribute: Evil

Features: Scud

Personality: Stubborn (+10% for attack growth, -10% for special attack growth.) )

Quality: Excellent (Growth value is 50, up to the realm of the king.) )

Realm: Normal (0/100, Realm bonus: None)

Growth: Health 100, Attack 22, Defense 5, Special Attack 4.5, Special Defense 5, Speed 15.

Life: 100/100+110

Attack: 22+44

Defense: 5+4

Special Attack: 4.5+24.75

Special defense: 5+2

Speed: 15+6

Trick: Impact

“Not bad.” Put away the Baby Balls and take the Pokémon to a full meal before heading to the Hive of the Needle Bee.

Sent a large-mouthed bat, took Larulas, Coyote and Duckbill Dragon to easily brush a wave of copies, harvested two gold beads, took back the Pokémon, went to the store in Nibi City to sell the gold beads, and walked towards the side of Mt. Tsukimiyama, walking leisurely while watching the system prompts.

Larulas’ level was raised to level 13 without comprehension, the coyote level was raised to level 13, comprehending the two skills of howling and biting, and the duck-billed dragon level was raised to level 13 and comprehended fire.

Okay, came to the side of the rock cave, entered the cave, Mo Feng threw the baby ball, beautiful flower, tyrannosaurus, hack dragon, larulas, coyote dog, duck-billed dragon appeared, led by beautiful flower quickly brushed a copy.

Larulas and Coyote, the level of the little duck-billed dragon has been upgraded to level 21, Larulas evolved into Chillulian and learned the magic leaf and heal fluctuations, the coyote evolved into the great wolf dog, comprehended the loud roar, biting, roaring, forgetting the impact, the little duck-billed dragon, comprehended the flame vortex.

Picked up the dropped gold bars, and then put away the Pokémon one by one, the level was enough, it was time to change places.

Left the side of the rock cave, walked slowly, walked towards the exit to Hualan City, defeated many wild Pokémon such as Super Sonic Bat and Little Fist Stone that ran over to attack, walked for three hours and finally walked out of Mt. Tsukimi and came to Road Four.

Mo Feng scratched his head, thinking about the copies that could be brushed here, and the Pokémon that could be captured.

“There is no copy here, but there is a copy in Hualan City, a copy of the skill book and skill upgrade book, the disaster of the library.”

After recalling, Mo Feng ran towards Hualan City quickly, passing by the grass on the side, only to see a hissing sound, and an Arbor snake bit towards this side.

The corner of Mo Feng’s mouth twitched, directly ignored, quickly rushed over, the aber snake behind him chased for a while, found that he couldn’t catch up at all, and gave up going back, the wild Pokémon that arrived here are not very good, although the previous Arbor snake gave up, there were still a lot of Pokémon running out to attack, Mo Feng turned a blind eye, ran with a group of wild Pokémon, ran for a while and found that he couldn’t catch up with Mo Feng in front of him, and gave up one by one and returned to his territory.

After running along the road for half an hour, he arrived at the side of Hualan City, Mo Feng looked around, this side is much more prosperous than the Nibi City side, first came to the door of the library on this side of Hualan City, saw that the library on the opposite side was closed, and was about to walk in, a person walked to Mo Feng: “Sorry, the library is temporarily closed.” ”

“Why? I also want to borrow some books. Mo Feng looked at the person on the other side and asked, and the person on the other side paused: “Recently, I don’t know why, a lot of Lada has appeared in the library, causing the shelves and books in the library to be damaged, and they are being removed, why is the library temporarily blocked for the safety of guests.” ”

“Well, I’m a traveling trainer, and I think I can help you.” Mo Feng looked at the administrator on the opposite side and said.

“You’re going to help… Well, Lada they’re all haunted, if you want to help, come back in the evening. The administrator on the opposite side looked at Mo Feng and said.

Mo Feng nodded: “Okay, I’ll come back in the evening.” After speaking, he nodded at the administrator on the other side, turned to leave, anyway, it was almost night and was not in a hurry, but the Pokémon were used to sleeping at night, and they would look very unenergetic at night, maybe they had to go and let them sleep well first.

Left this side, walked towards the restaurant, let them eat a big meal in advance, and let them sleep well by the way, so that they could brush the copy in the evening.

After eating the big meal, spending 200,000 cash, so that the Pokémon were resting in the Baby Ball, Mo Feng looked at the time, the sun had just set, it was not completely dark, first went to the park to rest for a while, until it was dark and walked towards the library.

Although the library says it is being cleaned up, two years later, the copy still exists and the library is still not open.

Walking over, the library administrator NPC was indeed at the door, and the familiar prelude walked over and followed the administrator conversation.

“Since you have the heart, go and help me clean up a hundred Lada first.” The administrator looked at Mo Feng and said, and threw a key over after speaking.

“Accept!” Meditate in your heart.

“Accept the mission: clean up the Lada successfully.”

Task Name: Clean Up Lada (Loop 0/10)

Mission content: Clean up a hundred Rada.

Mission rewards: 10,000 character experience, 10,000 cash, 1 library credit.

Mo Feng looked at this familiar task, every ten tasks completed can get an excellent quality skill book, but there is no use, excellent quality skills can be learned with 100,000 cash, but this library points are good, can be exchanged for skill upgrade books. _

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