Age of Elves

Chapter 073

073 Deep-sea ruins

Tyrannosaurus is a wild Pokémon equipped with relatively good Pokémon, these four are rare quality, the skills are similar, the three skills can be used directly, however, their current main skills are special attack bonuses, if they focus on adding attacks, then even wild monsters can act as the main force to use, but the configuration of this skill is not as good as the skill of the configuration they raised.

After going ashore and taking the tyrannosaurus back, I want to send these guys to be treated, thinking, I walked towards the Pokémon Center in Hualan City, these tyrannosaurs were directly captured in a near-death state, and they must be sent for treatment to be able to continue to be used.

After returning to the Pokémon Center in Hualan City and sending a few Baby Balls to Joey for treatment, Mo Feng rested in the restaurant of the Pokémon Center, leisurely eating refreshments, drinking tea, and relaxing himself.

“Here is brushing a little skill book, to upgrade a king-level skill, you can go to the next copy, but this broken copy can only be brushed in the evening, it is really troublesome, the player is in a sleep state because of the body, and it will not be sleepy in the evening, but the Pokémon routine is still very normal, and it will become very sleepy in the evening, and the copy will not be brushed for too long.” Holding his cheek with one hand and holding the teacup in the other hand and shaking: “Today’s main purpose is to take down this ruin, tomorrow morning I will brush 50FB, and I will come back to brush this copy in the evening.” ”

Leisurely continued to drink tea, watching the scene outside, more than two hours later, retrieved the Pokémon from Joey’s side, strolled around the Hualan City, looking for any tasks to do, and the task sounded before finding the communicator.

“Mr. Madman, we have arrived at the entrance of Hualan City.”

“Okay, wait a minute, I’ll go over now.” Mo Feng responded to the rose of the call, turned around and walked towards the entrance of Hualan City, and walked to the entrance in a few minutes.

Seeing the two people standing over there, he raised his hand and waved his hand to greet: “Miss Rose, Miss Youlan.” ”

“Keep you waiting, Mr. Madman, master brother.”

“How well prepared, if there is no problem, let’s go.” Mo Feng looked at the two people opposite and asked.

“The wetsuits are ready, and so are the Pokémon.” Rose and Youlan looked at each other and looked at Mo Feng and said.

“So, let’s go.” Mo Feng looked at the two and said.

The two walked behind Mo Feng, “Senior brother, didn’t those two friends come?” ”

“Oh, the two of them, go and don’t come, don’t come this time.” Mo Feng explained to the two while leading the way.

“It turned out to be like this, it’s a pity, master brother, will it be more difficult for us to go to the ruins this time than the last one.” Youlan looked at Mo Feng and continued to ask, and looked ahead behind her and smiled.

“Look at the luck, last time only the luck was too bad, this time, maybe if the boss is too strong, then give up, just catch the wild Pokémon inside.” Mo Feng looked at the two and said, Youlan nodded on the side: “However, if you can’t use auspicious eggs, this amount of treatment, the master brother will bear a lot.” ”

“It’s okay, it’s okay to be able to resurrect.” Mo Feng glanced at Youlan and said that defeat does not matter, the main thing is continuous combat effectiveness.

“Then, I’m relieved.” After Youlan finished speaking, she retreated to the back and chatted with Rose in the back, but for a moment, she walked to the sea outside, and the two looked at the front except the sea that there was no way to go, and looked at Mo Feng suspiciously: “Brother Master, is it a mistake?” ”

“Yes, Mr. Madman, there seems to be no road ahead.” Rose also looked at Mo Feng suspiciously and asked.

Mo Feng looked at the two, it seems that he has not recovered from common sense, there is no way here, he took out the baby ball and threw it out.

“Roar!” With a roar, the tyrannosaurus appeared in the sea and roared hello to several people.

Quickly equipped the wetsuit, jumped on the head of the tyrannosaurus and sat down: “Next, it’s time to go by water, release your Pokémon, let them swim with you, that can save a little effort.” ”

Youlan and Rose behind him said: “It turns out that I want to dive now.” The two released the Pokémon, and the two tyrannosaurs who didn’t know where to catch them, changed into diving suits like Mo Feng, sat on the head of the tyrannosaurus, and grabbed the horns on the head of the tyrannosaurus.

“Then, let’s go, you two follow.” Mo Feng looked at the two and patted the tyrannosaurus below, and the tyrannosaurus roared and dived into the water with Mo Feng.

The orchid and rose behind him have a kind of learning, let the tyrannosaurus dive into the water, keep up with Mo Feng, just dived into the sea not long ago, the two were attracted by the scenery in the sea, Mo Feng smiled bitterly for the first time into the sea of this game will indeed be surprised, after all, the scenery is much better than the ocean outside, the past urged the two, the two turned back, lowered their heads and followed Mo Feng forward, paraded for a distance, in Mo Feng took out a relic drawing, the door to the ruins was opened.

Mo Feng looked at the two and beckoned, took the lead to walk into the whirlpool, disappeared in the whirlpool, rose and Youlan looked and followed in, just brought in by the tyrannosaurus, the scenery suddenly changed.

Mo Feng looked at the scenery in front of him, it was one of the deep-sea ruins, coral ruins, ruins composed of coral and rocks, because they were all in the water, driving the tyrannosaurus on the top of the ruins, Mo Feng could clearly see an altar in the distance.

The deep-sea ruins are different from other ruins, and players at the high point can see the full picture of the ruins below, but to find the treasures of the deep sea and the nests of wild Pokémon in such a pile of coral seas and rock piles, you must look carefully, after all, this kind of place is very suitable for hiding.

Mo Feng looked at the two and pointed down, Mo Feng patted the head of the tyrannosaurus, the tyrannosaurus roared, took Mo Feng to swim towards the coral sea below, rose and Youlan looked at each other and followed Mo Feng, followed behind Mo Feng, Mo Feng took out before to capture activities, the small detector sent by the rocket team, this thing has not been recovered before, it is also one of the rewards of the mission, after all, it is the most basic detection equipment, the rocket team does not lack these, has been waterproof, take it out for use, this detection range, Much faster than the human eye to find it himself, let the tyrannosaurus continue to swim, grabbing the horn in one hand and holding the detector in the other hand to look at the Pokémon detected by the radar inside. _

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