"Ba Dahu, mind power."

The woman from the Shangguan family, her face changed, and she shouted.

Ba Dayu also flashed red light in his eyes, blocking his spinning.


Shangguan Ling was a little angry when he saw the two of them fighting back so quickly. Originally, he planned to catch Xia Zhimu by surprise and let them downsize one person to deal with Zhang Feng, but now it seems that he didn't get his wish.

"Zeraora, Plasma Lightning Fist, melee mode."

Zhang Feng ordered it directly.

I saw the powerful electric current of Zeraora's hands raging, and an acceleration rushed directly to the water arrow turtle, and the field raised a burst of dust.

"What water arrow turtle, fast, fast shrinking shell."

Seeing the powerful electric current in Zeraora's hands, Shangguan Ling's face turned very ugly for a while and hurriedly shouted.

He was very uncomfortable. Zhang Feng's Zeraora was an electric type, and such a sharp electric type trick was not something that an ordinary electric type elves could issue.

I saw the water arrow turtle immediately retracted its head and limbs into the turtle shell to minimize damage.

"Bada Butterfly, spin silk quickly."

The woman also hurriedly shouted, she is not an idiot, she can see the power of Zeraora's plasma lightning punch, Shangguanling's water arrow turtle, as a water elf, may not be able to withstand this blow.

"Sun coral, mind power."

Xia Zhimu naturally didn't want Ba Dahu to interfere with Zeraora.

I saw that the spinning silk flying towards Zeraora was also in the air.

At this moment, Zeraora with the supremely powerful plasma also fell on the water arrow turtle.

I saw that the shell of the water arrow turtle was directly flew out by Juli, and in midair, the water arrow turtle was a little dazed when it stretched out its head, and was a little dazed by the electricity.

"Water arrow turtle, water cannon."

The water arrow turtle who was beaten out by Shangguan shouted with a gloomy expression, he still underestimated Zhang Feng's Zeraora, he originally used his water arrow turtle's strong defense and abundant physical strength to withstand this blow. Not big, as a result, the state of the water arrow turtle can be said to be very dangerous now.

"Silver Whirlwind"

It seems that she also realized that the situation is very urgent, so the woman is also a little anxious.

The water arrow turtle in mid-air was obviously in a wrong state, and it fell to the ground heavily without hearing Shangguanling's command, looking very painful.

Ba Dahu's arm, a powerful silver whirlwind swept directly towards Zeraora.

"Zeraora, fly out."

I saw Zeraora's hands flickering with electric lights, and it flew directly out of the attack distance of the silver whirlwind. The audience and players who watched this scene were all shocked.

Ye Hong's mouth is also wide open, and his face is full of surprise, because from the form of Zeraora, it has no wings and is not like those... A super-power elf that can float, for... It can Fei, Ye Hong expressed that he was very confused.

"Spike Cannon."

Xia Zhimu directed the Sun Coral Spike Cannon to directly aim at Ba Dahu who had just released the silver whirlwind in midair, and Ba Dahu was also hit in the air and lost his balance.

At this time, the fallen water arrow turtle also stood up again.

"Water arrow turtle, good one, water cannon."

Shangguanling shouted in surprise when he saw the water arrow turtle standing up again.

The water arrow turtle fired two more powerful water cannons directly from the two battery turrets behind.

A water cannon directly hit the sun coral, and the other was dodged by Zeraora in the air.

"It's okay! Sun coral."

Xia Zhimu asked Sun Coral a little worriedly, only to see Sun Coral shaking her head, obviously it wasn't a big problem.

"Zeraora, end the fight! Volt attack."

Zhang Feng was obviously not interested in entanglement.

I saw Zeraora in mid-air wrapped in lightning and rushed directly to the water arrow turtle. The speed was so fast that Shangguan Ling had no time to react, but... his water arrow turtle fighting awareness was not bad, and he chose to shrink the shell by himself. , Volt's attack slammed into the water arrow turtle.

The water arrow turtle suddenly flew upside down like a kite with a broken line and hit the wall, and the head of the penis was stretched out, but it had already fainted.

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Ling took back the water arrow turtle and glared at Zhang Feng, ignoring the woman beside him, and left the battlefield directly.

When I think about it, I know that as a woman, a big butterfly can't make any waves at all. Sure enough, when the woman saw Shangguanling leaving, she gritted her teeth and chose to abstain. The audience immediately cheered and saw the powerful strength of Zeraora. Controlling the entire battle situation with one's own power, even the Heavenly King trainers looked very solemn in the audience. To defeat the combination of Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu, they must first find a way to solve this difficult Zeraora.

Ye Hong also looked at Zhang Feng with a slight sigh, and at the same time thought of Zhang Feng's indomitable fast dragon on the Pearl and Diamond.

72. Top Eight, Ye Hong

And because of this game, the combination of Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu is very popular, and because of her strong strength and handsome appearance, Zeraora has become the most popular existence among all the elves.

Many people are asking their friends what is the name of this little elf.

Next, because it was a doubles match to decide the outcome, the game progressed very quickly. Ye Hong and his partner also won after defeating the team of a Tianwang trainer.

The reason was also because the teammates of the Heavenly King trainer were too weak, and the whole match was basically a one-on-two result, and it just so happened that Ye Hong and his partner were also strong enough.

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