Soon the first round of the game was basically over, and the guys with the highest chance of advancing were also those who formed a team with a high degree of tacit understanding.

After the game, Liu Menghan and Ye Hong also brought their respective partners to Zhang Feng, and everyone got to know each other.

And soon, the first doubles match between Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu also started, standing on the battle arena.

The opponent is a combination of a muscular man and a beautiful girl, and the elves they choose are Heracross and the cat boss.

Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu threw the Poké Ball at the same time. In the first battle, Xia Zhimu chose to let his monarch snake play, while Zhang Feng went to the Muke Eagle.

"Heracross, megaton horn: stab, aim at the monarch snake."

"Boss cat, [-] volts, attack Murk Eagle."

The opponent chose to attack first.

"Let's solve one by one!"

Zhang Feng.

He smiled and said to Xia Zhimu.

"Muke Ying, use the brave bird on the cat boss after dodging."

Xia Zhimu's response was not slow, she seemed very serious for the first time teaming up for doubles.

"Monarch Snake, Ye Baofeng."

In the air, I saw Mu Keying dodged the [-] volts of the cat boss with a maneuver, and then the blue light enveloped the whole body and directly hit the unresponsive cat boss, and the cat boss was blown away.

As for Xia Zhimu's..., Heracross's million-ton horn: before she could get close to the monarch snake, she was hit by Ye Baofeng of the monarch snake and retreated. To be honest, Xia Zhimu's monarch snake as her main elf fighting strength can be To say it is very strong, Zhang Feng does not need to say it.

After easily solving the two tricks, the two also advanced to the next round.

The second round of the competition started soon, and Ye Hong and Liu Menghan also met their opponents.

Although Zhang Feng has been: instilling knowledge about the battle to Liu Menghan, but obviously her progress is not great, so her combination was eliminated, and she also dragged her partner's hind legs in the game, which made her look unhappy, but Her partner was... very open-minded, and she was still in the end: persuading Liu Menghan, who was a little unhappy.

Ye Hong and that... The man with glasses continued to sing, and still chose the combination of Yongjira and the flaming chicken.

Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu also did not choose a new combination. The elves are still Muke Ying and Monarch Snake. The opponent's strength is not too strong, and they are easily promoted. During the game, Zhang Feng also discovered a very strange point. The team of rank trainers has never encountered a team with the same rank of rank trainers. Perhaps Siruff Company also wants to make the finals more exciting! Except... the team of Shangguan's family, and four 44 ranks of rank kings. Outside the team, the most outstanding performance is undoubtedly... Zhang Feng's team and Ye Hong's team.

In the third round, Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu met a man and a woman from the Shangguan family, which attracted the attention of many people. After all, the performances of the two pairs in the preliminaries were also very impressive.

"Yo, isn't this the picture of Shangguan Wan'er's bitch?"

The female of the two also spoke first.

Hearing this, Xia Zhimu first frowned and glanced at Zhang Feng. Although she didn't like that...the so-called Shangguan Wan'er, the words of the woman in front of her made her feel very uncomfortable.

At this time, Shangguan Ling didn't say anything but just glanced at Zhang Feng. Although he was arrogant, he also knew that Zhang Feng was not easy to mess with, so this time he wanted to target the weaker Xia Zhimu more.

"Zhi Mu, I'll choose an elf to control the field later!"

Zhang Feng said with a slightly cold expression, although he and Shangguan Wan'er were just an ordinary cooperative relationship, after all, Zhang Feng got the True Dragon's Teeth from her, and some troubles still had to be resolved first.


Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Xia Zhimu also subconsciously responded, the doubles battle between the two of them has always been... ... Zhang Feng is the leader.

"Next, it's Shangguan Ling and Shangguan Yan from Shangguan's family, Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu from Hanlin City."

The game officially begins.

Shangguan's family threw the elf ball first. Shangguan Ling's elf was a purple water arrow turtle, and the female was a blue butterfly. They were very powerful beings in this conference.

Xia Zhimu chose Sun Coral, which is the most suitable for controlling the field among all her main elves.

"Zeraora, prepare for battle."

Zhang Feng directly chose Zeraora.

As soon as the majestic Zeraora appeared at the venue, some of the audience were attracted by his appearance, while others were very curious, because this was a handsome elf they had never seen before.

In the same field, Shangguan Ling frowned when he saw Zeraora, secretly guarding, the elves with unknown abilities are the most difficult to deal with, the only consolation is... Zhang Feng, who has only obtained the true dragon's teeth Horror Dragons won't play anymore.

71. Rolling, Shangguan Ling

Under the stage, the players in the first row of the spectator seats had different expressions when they saw Zhang Feng's Zeraora, some were puzzled, and some were calm.

"Is this Zhang Feng's new partner?"

Ye Hong looked at Zeraora and said to himself.

"Water arrow turtle, water gun."

"Bada Butterfly, spin silk."

The water gun and Tusi attacked the Sun Coral on the left at the same time. The woman still attacked according to the battle plan formulated by Shangguan Ling in advance.

"Zeraora moved to the sun coral and held it."

Zhang Feng commanded.

"Sun coral, mind power, control spinning."

Xia Zhimu's reaction was not bad.

I saw that Zeraora, who moved in front of the sun coral, held up the green protective cover to block the water gun attack, and the spinning silk spit out by the sun coral was also controlled by the sun coral's thought force in the air and turned to attack it.

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