In this way, the list of the top eight is basically completely determined, because the next game is going to be played on the home court, and Siruf has also given all the trainers two hours to rest.

These two hours are basically time for everyone to eat.

The trainers who have been eliminated naturally enjoy the delicious food and discuss the ownership of the champion.

Most of the trainers who entered the quarter-finals were studying tactics with their partners and working out the cooperation between the two. It can be seen that their madness towards... champions, after all, they are elf eggs with purple qualifications and above, and no one can be exempted from it.

Soon, the spectators and trainers also returned to the competition site one after another, and the host did not ink any ink, and the competition resumed.

At this time, the only main venue was directly activated, and every battle of the quarter-finals would start on it, and the audience was also very excited, because there were several famous heavenly kings in the city of magic colors in the quarter-finals, where would they usually have a chance to see this This level of competition is considered to be the opportunity given to them by Siruf.

The pictures scrolled on the big screen, and the opponents of the first quarter-final match came out.

Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu meet Ye Hong and Shen Zuo.

Seeing this scene, Ye Hong, who was not far from Zhang Feng's side, patted his forehead in pain. To be honest, the opponent he didn't want to meet in the top eight was... Zhang Feng's team.

The two sides of the battle boarded the battle arena again, Ye Hong didn't have any ink on his side, and chose the combination of Flaming Chicken and Yongjira, which is a combination of strong attack and control.

Seeing the opponent's combination, Zhang Feng also nodded. Ye Hong and his partner also have a lot of experience in doubles battles. From the preliminaries, they chose to let the flame chicken and Yongjila play in almost every game since the preliminaries. It also made the cooperation between these two elves more and more... intimate.

Although this fighting style is easy to be targeted, the most important thing in doubles fighting is tacit cooperation.

"Zhang Feng, I didn't expect to meet you now, this time you will be eliminated by us."

Ye Hong said with a smile.

To be honest, although he met Zhang Feng, his partner gave him a lot of confidence. He thought that this might be one of the few who could defeat Zhang Feng in the elf battle. Xia Zhimu glanced at Ye Hong, although he knew that the other party and Zhang Feng , but she realized that she seemed to be undervalued.

Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu also chose the old combination. When Zeraora came out, all the top eight contestants in the audience also frowned. The speedy one came on stage, and it was also a good opportunity for them to observe and understand it. .

Seeing Zhang Feng's Zeraora, Ye Hong also frowned and reminded his companion: "Suzaku, be careful of its speed."

"I know, Yongjira, mind power."

Fukasaku also chose to attack directly.

I saw that Yongji stretched out the spoon in his right hand with red light flashing in his eyes and grabbed Zeraora directly with his mind power.

"Flame chicken, cooperate with Yongjira, flame kick."

Ye Hong saw that Yongjira had controlled Zeraora and hurriedly directed the Flaming Chicken to attack.

"Break away and fight in close quarters."

Zhang Feng said calmly.

"Sun coral, aim for the Yongjira spike cannon."

At this moment, Xia Zhimu commanded confidently, she didn't mean to rescue Zeraora because she knew it was not necessary, she was full of confidence in... Zeraora's strength.

Seeing the flame kick from the Flaming Chicken getting closer and closer, Zeraora's hands and forehead flashed blue light at the same time and roared to break free of Yongjira's mind power. Then, after parrying the flame kick from the Flaming Chicken with both hands, she directly fought for a while. Punching and kicking to say hello to the flaming chicken.

At the same time, Yongjira, who was freed from his mind power, ushered in a brief backlash, which gave him no chance to use teleportation to avoid the attack from the sun coral.

After Yongjira was hit, the flaming chicken was also defeated in close combat with Zeraora.

Seeing this scene, Ye Hong's complexion slightly condensed, Shen Zuo glanced at Ye Hong and then shouted: "Yongjira, self-recovery."

I saw Yongjira shouting, white light flashing on her body, and her injuries began to recover.

"Zeraora, one hundred thousand volts."

"Sun coral, foam rays."

The electric shock of Zeraora and the foam light of the sun coral were directed towards Yongjila at the same time, so Zhang Feng and the two naturally would not give Yongjila a chance to sway to recover his strength.

"Flame chicken, hold on."

I saw the flame chicken instantly appeared in front of Yongjila, holding up the green protective cover to block the attack, and Yongjila behind it also recovered.


Shen Zuo said slowly.

"It's okay, now we're partners."

The two seem to have become good friends in this doubles match.

"Zeraora, Volt's attack."

"Sun coral, mind power."

The sun coral controlled the movements of the flaming chicken, and Zeraora was covered in lightning and rushed directly to the flaming chicken. Now they need to focus on attacking the flaming chicken that is not strong in evasion. Moving is also useless.

73, the semi-finals, the war

At the scene, the audience also held their breath and watched the fierce battle in the venue.

"Don't think about it, Yongjira, use illusion."

"Come on! The flaming chicken breaks free."

Ye Hong shouted anxiously, the flaming chicken was trying very hard, but his flaming chicken couldn't break free from the control of mind power in an instant like Zhang Feng's Zeraora.

Fukasaku's response was very fast, Yongjira's illusion directly controlled the Sun Coral and interrupted its mind power, the flame chicken felt light, but Zeraora's volt attack had come to it.

"Flame Fist."

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