Age of Elves

Chapter 075

075 Ruins Harvest

After taking the two of them to turn the ruins around, no new Pokémon lair was found, but after discovering three deep-sea treasures and dividing some to the rose two, they harvested twenty gold bars, thirty gold beads, 2 water stones, 2 fire stones, 3 thunder stones, 2 sun stones, 2 leaf stones, and 30 jewels.

Mo Feng looked at these harvests, the deep-sea ruins are worthy of being the richest ruins, this wave of harvest alone exceeds 10 million cash, jewelry one hundred thousand cash, one wave will earn back the money of the diving suit.

has cleaned up here, Mo Feng took the two to the altar, looking at the Pokémon lying in front, a giant tyrannosaurus with a black weird tattoo is lying on the shabby altar stone platform, Mo Feng frowned, super ancient Pokémon, this kind of Pokémon because of the huge size, the game sets this super ancient Pokémon is very painful characteristics, with ten times the life force growth of ordinary Pokémon, that is, the life growth of ordinary Pokémon is 1 point of potential equal to 10 life growth, And this kind of ultra-ancient Pokémon a little dive is equal to 100 life growth, the rest is normal growth, this broken thing blood is speechless, although the overall strength is not as strong as the legendary Pokémon, but this blood volume is higher than the legendary Pokémon, however, because the legendary Pokémon have a special shield, can resist damage equivalent to health points, and the normal legendary Pokémon level can be much stronger than the super-ancient Pokémon, in general, the difference is not too much.

“Hmm!” Youlan pointed to the giant Pokémon below and looked at Mo Feng on the side, just lying there was scary enough.

Mo Feng threw a detection skill towards the Tyrannosaurus on the opposite side.

Super Ancient Tyrannosaurus (Five-Star BOSS)


Looking at the information that appeared in front of me with a question mark, I felt a headache, five-star BOSS, eight times the attribute bonus, looked at the gold treasure chest on the altar over there, and shook his head towards the two, or forget it, this harvest is enough, it is not worth dying once.

took out the baby ball to put away the Pokémon one by one, and left the ruins first, the rose and Youlan behind looked at Mo Feng who left, scratched their heads and put the Pokémon back, came outside, and found that Mo Feng had disappeared, but the two were not in a hurry to leave, looking at the scenery in the sea.

“It’s still too reluctant to go to the intermediate ruins now.” On the shore, he changed his equipment back and looked at the tyrannosaurus on the shore: “Fortunately, tyrannosaurus, come back and rest.” ”

“Roar!” The tyrannosaurus looked at Mo Fengying’s roar, Mo Feng nodded and took out the baby ball to take back the tyrannosaurus, and looked at the sea: “Haven’t come back yet?” Forget it, the distance is long, and you can’t get lost. ”

“After spinning around for so long, it’s already two or three o’clock in the afternoon.” Mo Feng first went to replenish some energy, looked at the time, and can almost brush the copy, go to the next point, even if you run over, it will take an hour and a half, it’s dark to run over there, it’s better to let them sleep well, today is not much effort, today brush the copy well, according to estimates, the highest special copy is about level 60, first train the Pokémon to level 40, it’s almost the same, you can eat experience on the line, after all, after level 40, every one million upgrade experience, there is too much experience, It’s hard to improve as quickly as before.

Looking at the time, put the teacup down, checked out and paid half a million cash, went to the ruins to make a big profit, let the Pokémon eat a Pokémon food meal that accelerates mental and physical recovery, first go to the store to process the harvested gold bars and gold beads, harvest 2.7 million cash, the jewelry will no longer be processed here, encounter random jewelry collectors, you can sell 40W a piece, much higher than selling the store, now there is no shortage of money, stay may encounter the random NPC, Or when you are short of money, you can also deal with it.

After dealing with these things, I walked towards the library, came to the library, and came to the door just in time to see a whirlpool appear on the opposite side.

“It’s time to brush.” Mo Feng, looking at it and walked directly in, this time did not plan, took that task, walked into the copy, released the Pokémon and began to brush the copy.

The Tyrannosaurus, Hakron, Largemouth Bat, Beautiful Flower, Shanado, and Pikachu were released.

“Let’s go! Big-mouthed bats, ultrasound! Mo Feng gave an order to the large-mouthed bat, and the large-mouthed bat flew out first and began to pull monsters.

After a few hours, the well-fed Pokémon swiped the copy 60 times in a row, and seeing that several Pokémon began to doze off, Mo Feng put away the things dropped by the Lada boss.

“Fortunately, come back and have a good rest.” Mo Feng looked at a few Pokémon and took out the Treasure Ball to put the Pokémon back.

Out of the copy, it was already completely dark, after all, it took more than six hours to brush, and since the copy appeared, it is now a little more than night, and the administrator has also left from the door.

Came outside, first went to find a hotel to stay, just lay down, Mo Feng began to liquidate the harvest of the copy.

Sixty copies of the quest, 200 rare skill book fragments, 40 skill upgrade book fragments, 5 skill upgrade books, this is the harvest of the copy.

Gain for yourself and Pokémon, the character level reached level 43, the large-mouthed bat rose to level 43, learned venom impact, forgot to suck blood, Pikachu level increased to level 43, Tyrannosaurus raised to level 42, Hakron level increased to level 43, Beautiful Flower increased to level 43, Shanadot raised level 42, comprehending the future.

Looking at such a little change, I feel powerless, the level becomes difficult to rise, or improve the skill level, the improvement of strength is more effective, looked at the level here, and looked at the two gems captured starfish level 60 rare quality Pokémon, relatively speaking, this wild Pokémon is also good, is this skill… Not very ideal, not at all compatible with growth, just used as a temporary Pokémon, or directly taken to exchange for contribution points, but it doesn’t matter, first put it on the one that may be used at that time, after all, it will be water guns and water cannons, although the main growth and personality are a bit pitted, it is still very good to deal with restrained Pokémon, after all, the special attack with skill bonus is very high. _

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