Age of Elves

Chapter 076

076 Special Copy

“This level is also almost practiced, go and see tomorrow, what special copy is that, well, also prepare some potions just in case.” Thinking in his heart, he stood up and looked outside, first using the skill upgrade book to raise the level of the king of powers to level 14.

Synthesized two skill upgrade books and rare skills, and looked at the two skill books in his hand, a doctor’s skill book, and a martial artist’s skill book.

Looking at the two skill books, I felt extremely puzzled, and I threw it directly into the backpack, this game in addition to trainers, doctors, cultivators, and various professions, among which martial artists are unpopular professions, at the beginning can open the character’s combat attributes, good at various fighting skills, can participate in the battle by themselves, and group passive BUFF skills, for Pokémon bonus skills, only the bonus to the fighting Pokémon.

Like the one I got, “Battle Spirit Enhanced: Rare, each level boosts 1% damage to Pokémon that enter the battle state.” ”

Got off the line in the hotel, appeared in the outside world, went out to watch TV, and relaxed.

The next day, I logged in to the game again, checked out and left the hotel, first went to replenish my energy, then went to the store, bought a hundred bottles of special healing potions, recovered a bottle of 15,000 health points, 40,000 cash, bought the potion here, plus the consumption of breakfast, and spent 4.3 million cash at once.

“Only successful battles, not defeated battles, it is better to be well prepared.” Mo Feng, as for antidotes and the like, Lada didn’t have this skill, just forget it, after purchasing, walked towards the library.

Not long after leaving, he came to the library, and the administrator in the courtyard watched Mo Feng’s arrival: “You are here again, are you ready this time?” ”

“Ready, wish me well.” Mo Feng looked at the administrator and waved his hand and said, “I wish you success, I hope you can solve this problem quickly, and my library will be able to reopen.” ”

Hearing this answer, Mo Feng paused, the library reopened, so to speak, the copy can not be brushed? Do I wait a few more days, thinking to myself, people have already come to the front of that whirlpool, and this side has not disappeared in the morning, and it is really similar to what I thought.

Walking directly into the whirlpool, the scenery in front of him changed, the dark sewers, Mo Feng looked around and took out a portable lamp to illuminate, and then took out a treasure ball and threw it.

Tyrannosaurus, Hakron, Largemouth Bat, Pikachu, Beautiful Flower, Shanadot appeared, the first three were all in a floating state, and the last three appeared on the ground, which is just right for the narrow road here.

“Tyrannosaurus, Hakron, Largemouth Bat, you are responsible for the guard behind, Pikachu, Beautiful Flower, and Shanado are responsible for the guard in front.” Mo Feng issued orders to several Pokémon, the Tyrannosaurus, the Hakron, and the large-mouthed bat, flew to the back and vigilantly looked at the dark passage behind, while Pikachu and the other three were watching the front in front.

Seeing that a few Pokémon were ready, the detector was activated, and there was no reflection of Pokémon on the top of the screen, Mo Feng scratched his head and walked along with a few Pokémon.

“How big is this copy? Half an hour, this is already far beyond the scope of the library, Mo Feng frowned, looked at the radar, and suddenly a red point of light appeared on the radar.

“Finally appeared.” Seeing the red dots, quickly walked over with the Pokémon, found the scenery with a numb scalp, a group of huge Ladas were looking ahead, found movement, looked to this side one by one, Mo Feng threw a detection skill towards the opposite Rada.

Giant Rada (Special Monster)

Level: 50

Life: 30,000/30,000

Attack: 2850

Defense: 2650

Special Attack: 2650

Special defense: 2650

Speed: 2700

List of skills: Flashes of Lightning, Kill Incisors, Crush, Angry Incisors.

“Rada!” One by one, Lada let out a cry, his eyes glowed red, and a white light appeared behind him, and he quickly ran towards this side.

“Pikachu, 100,000 volts, beautiful flower, magic leaf, sanaidor, spiritual strength.” Mo Feng gave the order, the Pokémon in front, at the same time launched a special move, Shanado’s eyes flashed, several Ladas in front of them appeared purple light, floated up one by one, blocking the Lada in the rear, a group of Lada all collided together, was hit by 100,000 volts and magic leaves, and Lada appeared one by one with damage.

“The spirit is really easy to use.” Mo Feng looked at the effect in front of him and looked at Sha Naiduo’s skills.

“Mental Strength: Use on the target, can form a mental shield that imprisons the target for ten seconds, the shield life is equal to 190% of the Pokémon special attack, the broken shield causes 190% special attack mental impact damage to the target and a small range of enemies around it, use it on yourself, attach 190% of the special attack life mental armor to yourself.”

The effect of using one target for places is the highest, if you have two, the effect is /2, three is /3, and the damage is the same, the more targets, the weaker the effect.

A wave of attacks on the front part of the Rada screamed one by one turned into white light disappeared, the back of Lada, seeing the obstacle in front of the disappeared, immediately rushed over, taking advantage of the short time of the Pokémon to move, the front of several crowded with electric light flashes crashed into several Pokémon Pikachu.

Mo Feng watched and waved at several Pokémon: “Pikachu, Beautiful Flower, Shanado Attack, Tyrannosaurus, Hakron, Bigmouth Bat, you also join the battle ahead, Tyrannosaurus Water Cannon, Hakron, Dragon Fury, Bigmouth Bat uses venom to attack!” ”

Issuing orders to several Pokémon, several Pokémon joined by the Tyrannosaurus, with several artillery batteries, non-stop attacks, the Rada in front, the offensive was repelled, even if the flash of electric light was used, there was no way to rush to the front.

Mo Feng looked at the cheek and thought for a while, temporarily peaceful, full of firepower, although there is no cooling in the skill, but after the Pokémon use the skill, there will be a period of charging interval, this thing is the so-called cooling, although only a few seconds is also a trouble.

Looking ahead, in just a minute or two, a large number of Rada have been eliminated, one experience of three thousand, and the experience has grown rapidly.

Suddenly I heard a noise from behind, and the shouts of Rada, with a bang… Boom…… One by one, Lada ran from those iron pipes, turning passages. _

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