Age of Elves

Chapter 077

077 Crazy Rada

“My day! There is also behind, the worst situation, Harkron, use the tornado, and the largemouth bat uses Venom Shock to attack the back! Mo Feng issued an order to the two Pokémon of the Harkron, the Harkdragon and the large-mouthed bat, immediately turned to the rear, the attack of the tornado, rolled the re-coming Lada back, as the tornado exploded one by one Lada fell, blocking the road behind, the venom of the large-mouthed bat impacted, sprayed over, and Lada disappeared in the attack.

“Tyrannosaurus, use a tornado! Pikachu, 100,000 volts, beautiful flowers, use magic leaves, and Shanado use foreknowledge of the future! Mo Feng issued orders towards several Pokémon.

The tornado rolled the blue powder over, and while attacking, Lada fell into a deep sleep and fell while running, one by one, and the Lada behind rushed over.

Mo Feng paid attention to the situation in two directions, a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, endlessly, watching Lada in front was beaten, Lada in the rear quickly rushed over, knocking Pikachu and several other Pokémon away.

Mo Feng gave several Pokémon the last draw to use the damage medicine, immediately full of blood, and continued to join the battle.

“Shanado uses spiritual strength and throws them back.” Mo Feng waved his hand and gave an order, Shanaido launched an attack in the air, and Lada flew up one by one, and before the shield shattered, Shanaido threw all of them to the back, knocking back Lada who came back behind.

“Shanado uses Psychic Powers to block them, Beautiful Flower, uses Magic Leaf, Pikachu, uses 100,000 volts, Tyrannosaurus, uses Tornado, and continues to attack.” Give orders to several Pokémon.

Several attacks knocked Lada flying away from Rada who was rushing forward again, and just after this side was dealt with, he heard the calls of Harkron and Largemouth Bat behind him.

“Pikachu, go to the back to support, Shanado uses healing fluctuations.” Mo Feng looked at the two Pokémon and gave an order, Pikachu quickly turned around and ran to the back, attacked, Shanaido landed, and there was a fluctuation on his body, the healing fluctuation in this game is a life healing skill that can restore 50% of the friendly special attack, rather than the skill of adding blood to the enemy, with Shanaido’s blood, the small injuries that several Pokémon just suffered are instantly recovered.

Mo Feng did not relax, after using the healing fluctuations, he immediately issued an order to Sha Naiduo: “Sha Naiduo, strong spirit, throw them back.” When the order was issued, Shanado immediately sent out a special attack and threw Rada back on the opposite side.

In the blink of an eye, two hours later… Mo Feng looked around with a sweat, Lada who has not yet died, what kind of ghost copy is this, I don’t know how many I killed, how it’s not over, at the beginning, I let Shanado use healing fluctuations to treat Pokémon, and later in order to reduce Sha Naiduo’s pressure, all the blood recovery pills were used up.

Mo Feng looked at the surrounding Lada very unpleasantly, commanding a few Pokémon to continue to attack, booming, with the sound of the explosion, found that there was no Lada running out around, the passage was finally empty, looking at a few Pokémon who were tired enough to use skills for two hours, and lost a few tree fruits to eat.

“This little monster is finished.” A bead appeared on Mo Feng’s forehead, the most expensive copy since entering the game, Qing Xiaowei spent all the wound medicine, “Naiduo, use the healing fluctuation.”

“Shanai!” Shanaido nodded at Mo Feng, his hands unfolded, the fluctuations spread, and the white light flashed on several Pokémon, the injuries recovered quickly, and the health points were pulled back in a wave.

Sitting on the ground and looking at a few Pokémon: “First in place… Well, it seems that it is impossible to rest. ”

“Rada!” As the shout came, Mo Feng, who was sitting on the ground, felt a shock on the ground, and the water flow next to him was shaking, and he looked ahead and saw two red rays approaching quickly.

“Tyrannosaurus, Water Cannon, Hakron, 100,000 Volts, Pikachu, 100,000 Volts, Shanado, Spirit Strong, Large-mouthed Bat, Venom Shock, Beautiful Flower, Ultimate Absorb.” Stand up immediately and give orders to a few Pokémon, the opportunity to preemptively strike cannot be missed.

A series of attacks rushed forward, and Rada, who rushed in front, just showed his head, and immediately received a series of attacks, and the opposite Rada’s body turned into white light and disappeared.

“Kill the level 60 three-star boss giant Lada King and gain 500,000 experience.”

“Well… So weak. Mo Feng watched the opposite Lada die and dropped a golden box.

The voice of the system sounded in his ears: “Congratulations to the host for completing the special quest and completing the sewer search.” ”

“Complete the mission: Hide the Lada in the sewers, completely clear all the Rada, Evaluation: Perfect, please find the librarian to claim the reward.”

The sound of the system, Mo Feng, directly ignored, walked to the golden treasure chest in front, opened the treasure chest, quickly took out the contents of the treasure chest and threw them into the backpack, took out four things, and the treasure chest turned into white light and disappeared.

Mo Feng sat down, and several Pokémon gathered around to look at Mo Feng, and Mo Feng glanced at it: “Fortunately, let’s come back and rest first.” After that, he put a few Pokémon back.

Sit on the side and take out the things you just took out of the treasure chest, a bottle of potential enhancement potion, and the three things below.

“Skill Upgrade Book Gift Box: Open it to get ten skill upgrade books.”

“Secret Scroll: After using it, you can get a hidden mission.”

“The Secret Key: The Key to Unlock Somewhere.”

“The key… Secret scrolls. A drop of cold sweat appeared on Mo Feng’s forehead, this hidden task, playing so tiring, took out the secret scroll, the hidden task did not accept in vain, and directly used it.

“Trigger Hidden Quest: Doctor Madness.”

Mission name: Doctor Madness

Mission Description: Please trace the reason for the appearance of the sewer giant Rada.

Mission Rewards: ???

“I’ll go! There is a follow-up to this broken task. “A drop of cold sweat appeared on Mo Feng’s forehead, Mad Doctor, how can this guy be the same as the name of the level 100 copy crazy laboratory, that copy BOSS, it won’t be to pit me.”

Keep walking, or don’t go… It seems that this copy can only be entered once… Look or not, tangled to hold the cheek, look at the passage in the distance and sigh, go and take a look, this time the harvest is very rich, at most hang once. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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