Age of Elves

Chapter 079

079 Go to the new replica area

“Now the main forces are tired, what a trouble.” Mo Feng looked around, first opened the gift box given by the administrator, the so-called treasured books of that guy, according to Mo Feng, that guy is the place to exchange skill upgrade books, that guy’s gift box.

“Open the gift box successfully and get the skill upgrade book*20.”

“20 books is good, it’s okay.” Mo Feng looked at the skill upgrade book, because the king of powers had already ascended, and all of it was used to upgrade the lord of power.

In an instant, the Lord of Power was raised to level nine, and the attack type Pokémon also became powerful, looked at the magic candy, a Pokémon that can improve the Pokémon level, 44 Pokémon is the same level as himself, and it can’t be upgraded if you eat it.

Looking at the information of several Pokémon, the Kabi Beast has not been taken out for a long time to level up, only level 30, Nine Tails level 38, Needle Bee level 37, Magic Frog Flower, Lizard King level 38.

Looking at the level of several Pokémon, Mo Feng had a headache, sure enough, there were too many to raise, or to brush the newly appeared sewer copy? Now is it time to adopt balanced breeding, all cultivate to the advanced level and then go to the next copy, or adopt the method of elite training, first cultivate the six dragons of Tyrannosaurus, Hakrosaurus, Largemouth Bat, Pikachu, Beautiful Flower, and Shanadot.

If you want to become stronger faster, you can only adopt the elite cultivation method, there are too many upgrade experiences behind, and the more Pokémon you cultivate, the more time it takes, which is not suitable for the strategy of quickly leading all players in the early stage.

Now that the main force is in a state of fatigue, there is no way to continue the high-intensity brush copy battle, at most one or two more copies, or it may be powerless halfway.

“That’s it, go rest for a while.” First left the library, just directed for two hours in a row, but also pay attention to the situation in both directions, mental fatigue.

I went to drink a cup of tea and rested for a while, checked the situation of Pokémon eggs, only prepared two incubators, the others were naked hatching, which took a long time.

After resting for a while, I left the lounge here, covered my head and walked all the way to the library, going to the next copy, I could only wait for the afternoon, and now I can spend some time.

Came to the newly opened copy, approached the whirlpool, took out the treasure ball, and the nine-tailed, kabi, mysterious frogflower, lizard king, big needle bee, and big wolf dog appeared on the field, all the way forward, sweeping the Rada that appeared, this level can directly brush this side of the copy.

This side of the sewer is divided compared to the monsters on the library side, and it is relatively time-consuming to clean up, and after ten minutes, the boss that emerged was successfully killed.

“Congratulations to the player madman, the creature copy of the successful first passage, in 10 minutes and 50 seconds, special rewards: 100,000 character experience, 500,000 cash, 50 reputation, and one rare class weapon.”

“Congratulations to the player madman, the successful first sewer creature copy, 10 minutes and 50 seconds, special rewards: 100,000 character experience, 500,000 cash, 50 reputation, and one rare class weapon.”

“Congratulations to the player madman, who successfully passed the sewer creature replica for the first time, in 10 minutes and 50 seconds, special rewards: 100,000 character experience, 500,000 cash, 50 prestige, and one rare class weapon.”

“Huh, this copy still has a first kill?” Mo Feng listened to the sudden system notification: “Actually rewarding weapons… The weapon, I remember came out with fifty copies and above. “Looking at the silver treasure chest opposite, I am very puzzled, open it or not, the recent hand qi is a little poisonous, this lucky increase seems to have been used up on Shanado’s promotion.”

Reluctantly walked over, pushed open the treasure chest, grabbed it in the treasure chest, took out a roll of paper, and the treasure chest turned into white light and disappeared.

“Drawings of rock ruins: show the location of the ruins and open the door to the ruins.”

Mo Feng looked at the drawing in his hand: “Rock ruins, I’m going to be a miner.” “Scratched your head, rock ruins, in the previous life of the raiders, this kind of ruins can dig up very rare Pokémon fossils, evolution stones, jewelry, because the rock ruins themselves are directly built in the mine that rock Pokémon love.

“This kind of mining thing, leave it to the Pokémon who are good at mining.” Thinking to himself, he took back the surrounding Pokémon.

Leaving the copy, he looked at the drawings of this ruin: “The entrance is in the Great Silly Valley, bah … Another medium-level ruin, forget it, don’t go for the time being, let’s talk about the high level. ”

Threw the drawings into the backpack, as for the weapons, as soon as he saw the level fifty, Mo Feng directly ignored it, looked at the continued walking into the copy, continued to brush the copy, and more than three hours passed in the blink of an eye.

After swiping the quest 20 times, head towards the restaurant with a group of Pokémon and eat a big meal first.

Looking at the results of several Pokémon training, the Nine Tails, the Great Echidna Bee, the Magic Frog Flower, the Lizard King have reached level 40, the Kabi Beast level 36, and the Great Wolf Dog level 35.

The large needle bee learned to move at high speed, the magic frog flower learned to worry about the seed, forgot to sacrifice the impact, the kabi beast comprehended the dream words, the ultimate impact, rolling, forgetting the smell detection and instant amnesia.

It can be regarded as up to the standard, after eating a meal, jogged towards the next copy, two hours later, through a forest, came to a beach, glanced at the entrance to the beach in front of him, was occupied by a whirlpool, Mo Feng scratched his head, looked at a lighthouse on the other side, there is Zhenghui’s lighthouse, there can take a task, it takes the players of the alliance to trigger the receiving task, the reward is to add to the Pokémon Guide, the fossil Pokémon and legendary Pokémon information researched by Zhenghui, It may be important for NPC researchers, but it is a reward that is useless for players.

Glancing at the Zhenghui lighthouse over there, the resentment of being pitted in the previous life, I really want to flatten the broken tower, but after thinking about it, I still endured it, don’t look at Zhenghui has no combat effectiveness in the anime, set in the game, these well-known doctors, at least have the strength of the king level, is with self-preservation strength, do not play which player brain pumped, ran to rob the research institute, instantly obtained a large number of NPC Pokémon, the strength instantly increased, that is not toxic. _

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