Age of Elves

Chapter 080

080 Giant Cin Crab Beach

Turned around and walked to the front of the vortex in front, and a system prompt immediately appeared in front of Mo Feng.

“System Tip: Congratulations to the player for discovering the first copy – the beach of the giant pincer crab, and get a reward of 50,000 experience, cash +200,000, reputation +30.”

“Enter the quest, the beach of the giant pincer crab, the quest level 50, the recommended number of people: 5, the limited number of people: 5.”


Thinking about making sure, the scenery in front of me changed, and I appeared on a beach, looking at the beach in front of me without monsters, but… Picked up a small rock next to it and threw it on the beach.

Duh… The white light flashed, and the rock was instantly shattered by a large pincer, and Mo Feng also took advantage of the time when the pliers came out and lost a detection skill.

Giant pincer crab

Level: 50

Life: 30,000/30,000

Attack: 2650

Defense: 2900

Special Attack: 2650

Special defense: 2650

Speed: 2650

List of skills: Guillotine

Mo Feng looked at the information in front of him, he hasn’t brushed this copy for a long time, but he still has a deep memory of this giant pincer crab’s trick, and the severed head clamp will weaken the effect of the copy monster and the boss, but for the player, the hit is a second kill, without any suspense, as soon as you come, you will go directly to the beach, then go directly back to the city to revive with blood.

“First of all!” The corners of Mo Feng’s mouth rose, took out the treasure ball and threw it, and several flying Pokémon such as the Tyrannosaurus, the Hakron, and the large-mouthed bat appeared.

“Hakron, Tyrannosaurus, Largemouth Bat Lifts Off!” Mo Feng issued an order towards a few Pokémon, and the recovered Pokémon quickly rushed to the sky: “Yes!” Fly a little higher and go to the other side of the sea. ”

“Very well, big-mouthed bat! Use ultrasound and punch them out! Mo Feng issued an order to the large-mouthed bat, and the large-mouthed bat immediately sent ultrasound waves towards the beach below.

The ground shook, and the giant pincer crabs that were originally just lurking on the beach popped out one by one, and the giant pincers emitted bright light, jumping towards the large-mouthed bat.

“All led away, almost, this height, no matter how this group of giant pincer crabs jump, there is no such jumping power, if you can’t reach it, you can’t hit, this is the flying Pokémon.” Mo Feng looked at the giant pincer crabs that were chasing the big-mouthed bat, and took out the baby ball to release Pikachu, Shanaiduo, and beautiful flowers.

“Hakron, Pikachu, 100,000, Beautiful Flower, Magic Leaf!” Give commands with a wave of your hand.

Hakron, Pikachu, Beautiful Flower, at the same time attack, several attacks hit the opposite side was attracted by the ultrasonic attack of the large-mouthed bat, towards the large-mouthed bat attacked the giant pincer crab, the electric flash, starting from one, passed to the other, all the giant pincer crabs were attacked, the magic leaf attack, the giant pincer crabs were all swept away.

“Kill level 50 giant pincer crabs and gain 900 experience.”

“Largemouth bat, Hakron, Tyrannosaurus, don’t land, keep position.” Mo Feng looked at the few Pokémon that wanted to fly over and shouted, just a wave of giant pincer crabs disappeared, the sea wolf rushed, and one by one giant pincer crabs jumped out of the sea and attacked the Pokémon in the air.

However…… Can’t reach, Mo Feng scratched his head, the Pokémon that can fly, the natural advantage, the advantage of flying is the natural restraint of this monster that will not attack from a long distance, and the rest is only bombed.

“Large-mouthed bats use ultrasound to attack first, attracting them together, Pikachu, Hakron, and Beautiful Flower are attacking and turning enemies into waves!” Mo Feng issued orders towards several Pokémon.

The large-mouthed bat was the first to use ultrasound, shrouding the giant pincer crabs below, and the giant pincer crabs shifted their targets from the Harkdragon and the tyrannosaurus, attacked towards the large-mouthed bat, and even climbed on their companions, but they couldn’t hit, cruel facts.

“Attack!” Mo Feng issued an order, several Pokémon attacked at the same time, and the electric light and magic leaves rushed into the giant pincer crab group, restraining the damage of the attribute, and killing the giant pincer crabs one by one.

But in a moment, one by one, the giant pincer crabs turned into white light and disappeared, and the giant pincer crabs jumping on the beach died one by one.

A huge pincer appeared in the sea and was raised high, a huge giant pincer crab appeared, and Mo Feng directly threw out a detection skill.

“Pikachu, Hakron, Beautiful Flower, Attack!” Mo Feng issued orders to several Pokémon, and he looked at the attributes of the boss.

Giant Claw Crab King (1-star BOSS)

Level: 55

Life: 49500/49500

Attack: 3410

Defense: 4510

Special Attack: 3410

Special defense: 3410

Speed: 3410

List of skills: Guillotine

“It’s not bad, if there is no skill bonus, it is very difficult to fight this guy, the defense is very high, the HP is not low, and the attack is killed once it hits.” Mo Feng looked at the information of the giant pincer crab in front of him.

“Yet.” Mo Feng looked at the giant pincer crab that jumped up on the opposite side, and the pincers had shrouded the large-mouthed bat, was hit by the electric light and magic leaf, and in the white light streaked by the electric light and magic leaf, the body turned into white light and dissipated.

His current attributes are extreme, both skills are king-level plus attack skills, the output power is bursting, plus attribute restraint, damage will kill this boss in seconds.

“Kill the level 55 one-star boss giant pincer crab king and gain 30,000 experience.”

“Congratulations to the player maniac, successfully completed the first quest – Giant Claw Crab’s Beach, in 6 minutes and 30 seconds, special rewards: character experience 200,000, cash 700,000, reputation 60, random advanced skill learning machine.”

Congratulations to the player maniac, successfully completed the first quest – Giant Cin Crab’s Beach, in 6 minutes and 30 seconds, special rewards: character experience 200,000, cash 700,000, reputation 60, random advanced skill learning machine. ”

Congratulations to the player maniac, successfully completed the first quest – Giant Cin Crab’s Beach, in 6 minutes and 30 seconds, special rewards: character experience 200,000, cash 700,000, reputation 60, random advanced skill learning machine. ”

“It’s this guy again…” All over the Kanto region, several guilds heard the notice, and the leader seemed helpless, “Do you want to change the region to develop, develop here, you can’t grab the first kill at all, I doubt that guy is open, my group of people have been playing online for up to 16 hours, and they can’t catch up with the game progress of that guy.” Several people in the copy sighed helplessly, and spent all their confusion on fighting monsters, which increased the speed of fighting monsters a lot. _

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