Age of Elves

Chapter 084

084 This special training

It is better to use Pokémon, and it is enough to cultivate a high-speed growing bird Pokémon mount, saving money and acting as a combat power.

Looking at the Pokémon fighting on the opposite side, thoughts flashed in his mind, and the last wave of 100,000 volts wiped out the second wave of giant pincer crabs that attacked the big needle bees, and Mo Feng looked at the giant pincer crabs that appeared on the opposite side, disappearing in the green light.

Mo Feng looked at the time, walked over and put away the loot, and then took back the Pokémon one by one: “Seven minutes and 35 seconds, just Pikachu, the coverage of range attacks is not 100%, and two attacks are needed, otherwise you can shorten the time to about 5 minutes like a team and improve the efficiency of brushing monsters.” ”

Left the copy, walked to the side to put down the tent, walked in, opened a portion of Pokémon food, and released several Pokémon from the first team.

“Hakron, Tyrannosaurus, Nine-Taileds, Beautiful Flower, Largemouth Bat, Shanado, you guys rest here first.” It was the first time I saw the structure inside, which looked only the size of an ordinary tent on the outside, but there was a lot of space, enough to release most of the Pokémon.

“If you can, get a large aquarium.” Mo Feng looked around, in addition to some basic appliances, kitchen and bedroom, bathroom, power room and a large open space, there is a bathroom and kitchen, here can not provide water and electricity, are provided by large batteries and the reservoir inside, there is no only to replenish themselves or spend money to find someone to replenish.

Immediately after that, he released the Pokémon one by one, let all the Pokémon eat first, and went to get a cup of instant noodles to eat.

“I didn’t expect to eat instant noodles when I came to the game.” Mo Feng shook his head helplessly, let the Pokémon eat, then took it back, and continued to brush the copy, just to see how fast the second team configuration brushed, and now it really started to brush.

Soon arrived, when brushing thirty times, Pikachu fell into a state of exhaustion, after all, I don’t want to cooperate with Hakron them, a wave can be taken away, each time you have to use two or even three skills, physical exertion is very large, and finally let the big needle bee attract giant pincer crabs, by always using parasitic seeds and ultimate absorption, physical strength is basically full value state, and finally by two Pokémon as output to brush, Pikachu, and other several Pokémon are eating experience, because Mo Feng does not allow them to go to close combat, joking, close combat past to send death ah, A pincer sends you to heaven.

Forty copies were swiped, ten low-speed brushes later, about fifteen minutes a day, ten copies were brushed for two and a half hours, plus the previous four hours, and now it is almost twelve o’clock.

Looking at the Pokémon who began to doze off, Mo Feng collected them one by one, packed up the loot and left the copy, coming to the tent.

“Isn’t it a little too reluctant.” Mo Feng was lying in the bedroom of the tent, and here I just used the wall to get up, but there was no wall and door in front, but the walls on the left and right sides separated the place, so that you could see the entrance of the tent.

“That’s it, the copy training has only started the first day, after all, at the beginning of the use of the first team of Pokémon to brush, although the second team of a little late, but the rest time is longer, can make up for it, first get used to them, to know that the later Pokémon physical strength and spirit are enough to support three or four days of battle, and there are more, like ghost Pokémon, physical strength does not exist for them, ghosts are souls to put it bluntly, as long as the spirit is not tired, it can support unlimited time of battles, and now Pikachu they are these full output, It can only support a maximum of 4-5 hours of fighting, which is far from enough. ”

Non-stop combat can strengthen their physical strength, but also can increase the level, the most important thing is the experience accumulated in battle, as well as the number of skills used, increased hidden proficiency, so that the time to use skills is faster and faster, as long as they get used to the current rhythm, and then slowly strengthen.

Lying down and checking today’s harvest, today I brushed 110 copies, 120 gold bars, 60 pearls, 20 materials.

“The strong must learn to endure loneliness, and tedious training, the character level is 48, 9 levels ahead of the second place, the top twelve on the god pet list are their own Pokémon, the same quality Pokémon, the high level ranking is higher, the same level, the same quality, the more skills and strong Pokémon rank higher.”

Looking at the changes in the Pokémon this time, Pikachu rose to level 46, the Great Needle Bee, the Magic Frog Flower, the Lizard King rose to level 43, and the Kabi Beast and the Great Wolf Dog level 42.

The big needle bee learned the lethal needle prick and forgot to pursue, the lizard king comprehended to see through, looking at these gains, Mo Feng nodded, the game has just begun, he has already led many levels, the later the level mirror image difference, like an insurmountable mountain wall, it is almost impossible to catch up, as long as the people in front do not stop, the experience difference will be more and more.

Looking at the Pokémon in his hand, ten people reached level 50 before they started to move and level 50 wild map bosses, and waited for ten people to reach level 50.

“It’s really can’t wait, in other words, in a few days it will be the next protagonist plot, by the way, Ash’s guy will be bloodied by the dojo in Dead Leaf City, and there is a hidden mission, do you want to go to Dead Leaf City, no… Ash’s guys will go to Zhenghui’s lighthouse first and summon the huge fast dragon, which is a high-level wild map BOSS, an ancient fast dragon, but this thing is too fat, too big, can’t fly at all, and loses the advantage of the flying system, but this guy is a gun battery, and high-level skills can be put non-stop.

“I’m here today, so let’s rest for a while.” The corners of Mo Feng’s mouth rose, and the next morning, he prepared the Pokémon food early, cooked a little fast food and ate it himself.

Then the Pokémon were released around six o’clock, and there could only be six at the same time when participating in the battle, but in the non-combat state, as many as they could be released, let them eat Pokémon food by themselves, Mo Feng went out to see and enjoy the scenery first.

When Harkon waits for a few Pokémon to eat, take back a few Pokémon, and walk towards the replica, the others are left in the tent to let them rest. _

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