Age of Elves

Chapter 088

088 First Pass

“Dodge attack! The Nine Tails uses jet flames. Mo Feng waved an order to several Pokémon, and the Pokémon within the attack range immediately dodged, and the Nine Tails were on the side towards the three-in-one magnetic monster in the air ready to use the cannon light cannon, and a flame rushed over, and the flame rushed through the three-in-one magnetic monster and turned into white light in the flames.

“Kill level 65 three-in-one magnetic monsters and gain 50,000 experience.”

A bright light fell from the air, Mo Feng nodded, the three-in-one magnetic monster and the naughty egg can only be regarded as small bosses here, and the defensive boss of the copy is still the level 70 BOSS electric shock beast.

Walked over and picked up the dropped things.

“Special Metal Block: Metal block on the body of the three-in-one magnetic monster, type: Forged material, can be used to craft equipment.”

“There is no specific level of these materials, depending on the amount used, different levels of equipment can be manufactured, the higher the forging skill, the amount required will be reduced, and the materials required to forge the equipment of the previous level will be reduced by 10% per level, but there is a limit to the reduction, up to 90% reduction.”

“One material, it’s okay, let’s go, go to another area, a single brush is good, but the terrain of the copy is too large is also a trouble, a waste of time.” Mo Feng shook his head, but the experience here is higher than the previous place, and there will be a situation here, and the exhausted lightning bird strength is only 10% of its heyday.

Although it is a weakened lightning bird, it is still a dropped Pokémon egg, but according to the probability, the chance of dropping the egg is impossible, and the chance of dropping items after weakening will also weaken, just to give a hope.

It’s just a hope, the chance of hidden bosses appearing is not high, and they don’t necessarily fight to death, and they came to the area of the Thunderball with the Pokémon.

Thunderbolt balls

Level: 60

Life: 45000/45000

Attack: 3780

Defense: 3780

Special Attack: 3780

Special defense: 3780

Speed: 3780

List of skills: discharge, self-detonation.

“It’s really troublesome, the simple electric system, it means that it hurts.”

“Go on, Harkdragon uses Blizzard, Beautiful Flower uses magic leaves, and Nine Tails uses Jet Flame.” Mo Feng looked at the attributes of several Pokémon and calculated the damage, only these Pokémon can kill this high-blood lightning ball in seconds, otherwise the self-explosion of this thing is very annoying, the most basic 300% double attack damage, and add the remaining life damage, although the self-explosion will hang up, this kind of self-detonation skill damage is explosive, it is not comfortable to be blown up, most of these Pokémon themselves are anemic, and they may die if they are blown up.

It is better to adopt a direct second-kill policy, several Pokémon attack, killing the lightning balls on the ground all the way, and the lightning balls within the perception range roll over one by one to prepare to attack, and they are killed one by one just rushing over.

A few minutes to kill this group of lightning balls, walking while advancing to kill, but in a moment, a naughty egg rolled out from a distant corner, and the whole body was emitting electric light, directly radiating out, and attacking widely.

Mo Feng frowned and looked at the lightning bolts, he hated this kind of large-scale attack the most, “Attack!” Hit back! “The order was issued, several Pokémon attacked at the same time, several attacks penetrated the rushing lightning, the strength of the attack, can not reach the strength of their own Pokémon, easily penetrated, several attacks instantly rushed over to burst the naughty egg.

“Kill level 65 naughty eggs and gain 50,000 experience.”

Mo Feng walked over and picked up the things that had fallen from the naughty egg.

“Power Core: The core of Naughty Egg, Variety: Forge material, can be used to craft equipment.”

Throwing his things into his backpack, he turned around and walked to the area where the shock beast was.

“This is the last area, phew! Prepare to attack! Mo Feng looked at the electric shock beast in front of him, “Nine Tails, Jet Flame, Beautiful Flower uses magic leaves, Hakron uses Blizzard, Tyrannosaurus uses Tornado, and Bigmouth Bat uses Air Slash.” “Give orders to several Pokémon, and several Pokémon immediately execute, attacking the electric shock beasts in front of them one by one, and the electric shock beasts that cannot be attracted by the explosion sound are defeated when they come out.

Glancing ahead, glancing at the Kabi beast next to him, he shook his head helplessly, and went all the way to kill the electric shock beasts that appeared, and came to a clearing in front of him, a giant electric shock beast appeared on the roof, an electric light rushed to the sky, above the sky, a lightning bolt slashed.

“Thunder!” Mo Feng looked at the boss that appeared: “Avoid!” “Issued an order to the Pokémon, and jumped away with several Pokémon, and a large hole appeared on the ground with electric light, and several Pokémon jumped away flexibly without being harmed.

“Roar!” The electric shock beast in front jumped down from the roof, and Mo Feng watched the electric shock beast on the opposite side wave at several Pokémon: “Attack!” ”

Several Pokémon heard the attack on the opposite electric shock beast without hesitation, the electric shock beast looked at the roar, his hands turned quickly, a lightning bolt rushed to follow, but was scattered by the joint attack, as the attack rushed on the electric shock beast, the electric shock beast was attacked and rushed back, a huge damage appeared on the head, and the body turned into white light and exploded.

“Kill level 70 giant electric shock beasts and gain 70,000 experience.”

“Congratulations to the player madman, successfully completed the first quest – abandoned power plant, time 20 minutes and 60 seconds, special rewards: character experience 400000, cash 1000000, reputation 70, random ancient ruins drawings.”

“Congratulations to the player madman, successfully completed the first quest – abandoned power plant, time 20 minutes and 60 seconds, special rewards: character experience 400000, cash 1000000, reputation 70, random ancient ruins drawings.”

“Congratulations to the player madman, successfully completed the first quest – abandoned power plant, time 20 minutes and 60 seconds, special rewards: character experience 400000, cash 1000000, reputation 70, random ancient ruins drawings.”

Looking at the prompt that appeared, Mo Feng looked at the surrounding Pokémon without fluctuation: “Well done, fortunately, come back and rest for a while.” After that, he put back the Pokémon one by one and walked to the dropped gold chest in front of him. _

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