Ruoxuan glanced at the apprentice and said indifferently.

The apprentice left the scene directly,,, Ruoxuan took a deep look at Zhang Feng and said slowly, "I hope you won't disappoint me too much"

Zhang Feng ignored him and walked straight to the battle arena.

Seeing this scene, Ruoxuan waved his hand and said, "Let's start!"

"The two sides in this game are Zhang Feng from Hanlin City, and Ruoxuan, the owner of the dark gymnasium. The battle format is three-on-three, until all the elves on one side lose their ability to fight."

The referee's voice just fell.

I saw that there were four unmanned shooting machines in the corners, and the staff on the side had already logged in to Ruoxuan's live broadcast account. Gym battle.

As soon as the live broadcast room appeared, many people entered it, and many people had become a habit to watch Zhang Feng's gym battles, and they expected Zhang Feng to choose any strange elves.

84, the power, the hell rolls

The live broadcast room soon gathered no less than 10 people, and everyone was discussing.

"Wow! Awesome, isn't this the owner of Ruoxuan Pavilion? I haven't seen him for a long time."

"That's right, there are a lot of Huaxia Taoist halls, and there is no ghost association center in the dark city. Who wants to go."

"I was beaten up last time I went there."

"I deduce that God Zhang Feng is not willing to take a detour at all. The closest thing around Symphony City is... the Dark City, so he went straight to the Dark Market, and there are a few who dare to trouble him. ."

Obviously, they are all people who are familiar with Zhang Feng.

Ruoxuan threw the first Poké Ball, and what came out was a Thunder Lion.

Zhang Feng glanced at Ruoxuan's Thunder Lion, purple aptitude and level.

4. There was a hint of surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect that the first elf in the dark city's pavilion would be... a purple one.

"Prepare for battle, fairies."

Zhang Feng threw out the Poke Ball and shouted lightly.

White light flashed, and a purple fairy elf appeared, and Ruo Xuan's indifferent face also flashed a trace of inexplicable.

All the pavilion owners in China are in private contact with each other, and Zhang Feng is a powerful challenger that all pavilion owners in China need to pay attention to. Because Zhang Feng is too strong, and they are all live, live broadcast, the pavilion owners do not want to lose face .

Although Qiu Jian, the owner of the Symphony Gym, has never had the habit of live-streaming his games, he still told other pavilion owners about all of Zhang Feng's elves that he was up against, among which the purple fairy elves were impressively among them.

And there is no doubt that Zhang Feng's fairy elf immediately caused an uproar in Ruoxuan's live broadcast room.

Set noble, lovely, gorgeous in one fairy elf immediately.

It became a hot topic of discussion among the audience in the live broadcast room.

"I'll go, what kind of elf is this! It's so beautiful!"

"It's so cute, I really want to have one."

"How come I've never seen this elf, but I think it's very familiar."

"Zhang Feng seems to have a flashing Ibrahimovic that is also purple. Could it be that this Ibrahimovic evolved?"

"It's possible! Ibrahimovic is called an evolutionary elf, and there must be evolutionary species that everyone has not discovered."

"What you mean is that Zhang Feng has discovered a new evolution of Ibrahimovic that no one has ever discovered in China."

After Zhang Feng released the fairy elf, there were more and more discussions about it in the live broadcast room, and the battle on the spot started.

"Thunder lion, charge."

Ruoxuan shouted.

"Fairy elf, lightning flashes."

"Thunder Lion, Thunder Fang."

The fairy elf turned directly into a white streamer, and the lightning lion flickering in its mouth flew out in an instant.

"So fast."

Master Ruoxuan's pupils shrank sharply when he saw the movements of the fairy elf, and the lightning flash of the fairy elf just now was too fast, and he could only see afterimages.

"Wow! Wow! What the hell is this speed"

"what just happened"

"It's too fast!"

Comments and gifts were swirling in the live broadcast room, and they couldn't accept the perverted speed of the fairy elf.

On the other hand, Zhang Feng showed a satisfied smile. Fairy elf, as a flash elf, is special in terms of speed, and as the level increases, his speed is still: getting faster.

"Fairy Elf, Fairy, Wind."

The fairy elf waved the ribbon around her neck, and waves of white whirlwinds swept towards Ruoxuan's thunder and lightning lion.

"Thunder lion, wall of light."

Ruo Xuan hurriedly shouted.

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