83, dark gymnasium, war

In the early morning, the screams and the screams of killing one after another woke Zhang Feng from his sleep.

Zhang Feng stood up, glanced at the pitch-dark sky outside, rubbed his eyes helplessly and looked down from the window.

I saw two groups of people under the street lights at the bottom of the building, one in white and the other in black, directing their respective elves to fight.

Although the citizens around this situation hate it, they dare not speak out, so as not to be called to the door.

Just as Zhang Feng was about to sigh about the chaos in the dark city, there were knocks at the door.

"Zhang Feng, are you awake?"

A soft female voice came.

"Come, come."

Zhang Feng heard Liu Menghan's voice and immediately put on his clothes and opened the door.

I saw Liu Menghan, with a haggard face and thick dark circles under his eyes, said softly, "Is it convenient to come in?"


Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Liu Menghan, who came in, sat directly on the sofa, Zhang Feng also closed the door and sat opposite Liu Menghan, but there were still deafening shouts outside.

"Menghan, what's wrong?"

Zhang Feng asked with a little concern, he knew that Liu Menghan must have something to come in to find him now.

Glancing at Zhang Feng, Liu Menghan said quietly, "Zhang Feng, it's so chaotic outside, and I've been through too much with you recently, I'm wondering if I'm not suitable to be a trainer"

"Why do you feel this way?"

Zhang Feng immediately understood Liu Menghan's thoughts. Liu Menghan, who grew up in an ivory tower like a school, rarely came into contact with the dark side of society.

And what she has seen and heard these days has made her a little confused! Liu Menghan sighed and continued: "I look at the... poor elves in the petri dish, I still can't imagine, I see so-called friends in danger. The ugliness shown at times scares me."

Zhang Feng patted Liu Menghan's slightly trembling body and said with a chuckle, "If you don't have me, I will always be with you."

Hearing this, Liu Menghan raised her head and looked at Zhang Feng's handsome face, her cheeks also glowing red.

"Zhang, Zhang Feng, it's great to have you here."

Liu Menghan's heart skipped a beat as she spoke, her face was crimson, and her low voice was almost inaudible.

At this time, Zhang Feng stared at the shy Liu Menghan a little dumbfounded: She is a little too beautiful in this state.

Zhang Feng leaned forward slightly and gradually approached Liu Menghan's cheek.

Seeing Zhang Feng's actions, Liu Menghan simply closed his eyes, his hands and fingers tangled together.

"Fuck him, fuck him!"

A Discord: A Timely Voice from the Window.

Liu Menghan opened his eyes directly, Zhang Feng's movements also kept leaning forward and froze like this, the gentleness on his face subsided, replaced by a trace of coldness.

Zhang Feng retracted his body, and Liu Menghan also blushed in shock and fled directly from Zhang Feng's room.

Door "bang"

He closed it with a bang, looking at Liu Menghan's back, Zhang Feng looked a little helpless.

And the shouting outside the window was getting louder and louder.

The corner of Zhang Feng's mouth drew a dangerous arc, and the Poke Ball was thrown.

"Darklay, give them a nightmare, let them all be quiet!"

Darkrai, who appeared, directly passed through the wall and appeared in the air outside the window. A huge black light ball appeared in his hand, and countless black holes directly attacked the crowd fighting on the ground.

The unsuspecting group and the elves were all hit by the black hole and fell directly to the ground and fainted.

After finishing everything, Darkrai returned to the Poké Ball, put away the Poké Ball, Zhang Feng breathed a long sigh of relief, and lay down on the bed. There was still some time before dawn, so he chose to continue sleeping.

In the morning, the sun was shining brightly, and Zhang Feng and the three of them were on the street of the dark city, on their way to the dark gymnasium.

"Hey, why is it different from the rumors! The elves forum said that there are fights on the streets of the dark city, and gangsters can be seen everywhere, but I don't seem to see much now!"

Xia Zhimu said with some doubts.

"That's a good thing! At least a little less trouble."

Zhang Feng said with a smile.

If Xia Zhimu knew that she thought those guys were too noisy, and let Darkrai use black hole hypnosis on their group to send them a nightmare, I don't know what she looked like.

The dark gym in the dark city is not difficult to find, it is not far from the shopping mall.

Under the leadership of the apprentice, Zhang Feng and the three entered the dark gymnasium.

Looking around, the decoration of the dark gymnasium is very simple, similar to the situation of the dojo, and it gives people a gloomy feeling. Entering the inner courtyard, Zhang Feng soon saw that the battle field, and there were already standing in the field. Middle-aged man in black dojo uniform.

The apprentice walked up to the man and said softly, "Master Ruoxuan, the challenger Zhang Feng has already brought him here."

"Understood, back off!"

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