Age of Elves

Chapter 090

090 Quick Brush

Mo Feng looked at the battle situation of the Pokémon on both sides in the center, Sha Naiduo’s side is very stable, there is no problem, the movement speed of teleportation, the shield with increased mental strength, to protect Sha Naiduo from damage, plus the 360-degree attack attack of the magic leaf after rotation, plus the extreme special attack growth will kill the lightning balls one by one.

“Very good, it has grown, and the powerful advantages of super-powered Pokémon have begun to show.” Mo Feng nodded, although such a battle will make Shanaiduo’s physical strength consume quickly, but it is very helpful for the growth of combat awareness, and the speed will be increased a lot by brushing separately in this way.

“Go, big wolfhound, let’s go take a look on the other side.” Mo Feng beckoned to the big wolf dog and walked towards the place where the little magnetic monster was, although the attack of the same electrical Pikachu was weakened to the little magnetic monster, but the four Pokémon united, the output is still no problem, that is, occasionally the Lizard King and the Magic Frog Flower in front will be attacked, and the Pikachu in the back and the big needle bee are easy because of the distance.

The speed of recovery of the two skills of the Magic Frog Flower and the Lizard King in front is not low, as long as it is not directly killed in seconds, it can be recovered, and there is no problem at all in dealing with attacks that occasionally hit the body.

Mo Feng looked and nodded, the second team’s plan to experiment with brushing two areas at the same time is feasible, after all, their Pokémon skills are much stronger than the opposite, most of the attacks do not need to dodge, they can also be forcibly defeated and fought back, and the effective damage caused to their Pokémon is still within the range that they can bear.

“Good, that’s it, after recovery, try it in the first team, sure enough, efficiency is the most important.” Looking at the battle here, the white light around him flashed, and Sha Naiduo appeared in front of Mo Feng with a white light in his hand.


“Oh, you’ve solved it, well done, take a break in place, Shanado.” Mo Feng took the white light, and the Pokémon were able to pick up the loot, but they would not show the contents inside, and only the player would reveal the original form if they picked up the inside.

Picked up and looked at this loot, in fact, you can know these things without looking, the power core, the copy here is mainly out of materials, as well as the energy crystallization of rare materials, with a large amount of electric energy crystallization, can be used to create advanced extreme equipment, can also be used as energy, but the explosion rate is very low.

Put away the materials and watch the magic frogs attack them, but in a minute or two they also finished these little magnetic monsters, solved the boss, harvested a material, and took the army to clear out the shock beasts.

“Player maniac, the time to clear the abandoned power generation level is 13 minutes and 50 seconds, and the copy record is refreshed…”

Mo Feng glanced at the announcement of the system and continued to drop the electric shock beast to accept, “Thirteen minutes, nearly fourteen minutes, shortened by six minutes and nearly seven minutes, to suppress the brushing time here uses the Pokémon of the rock and the ground system, with skills such as earthquakes to brush the map faster, no, in this way, if you cooperate with the three lines to brush monsters at the same time, the time can be shortened is good, but there are not so many Pokémon that can brush alone, if the firepower is not enough, it will be killed.” Mo Feng left the copy directly and continued to brush the diagram with the routine.

In the blink of an eye, after fifteen copies, looking tired, the Pokémon left the quest area, came to the space tent, and released the Pokémon, 14 once, three and a half hours.

“Put these Pokémon inside and rest.” He took back a few Harkrons and others who were resting inside, and entered the quest with a few Pokémon.

Released the Pokémon, looked at the few Pokémon in front of him, beckoned, and walked towards the area of the small magnetic monster.

“Large-mouthed bats, use high-speed stars, nine-tailed jet flames, tyrannosaurus, use water cannons, kabi beasts, if there are attacks that are not knocked out will attack a few of them, you go next.” Mo Feng watched a few Pokémon give orders, and the few Pokémon in front of him had begun to execute the order when they heard the order, attacking the little magnetic monster, and the Kabi Beast scratched his head suspiciously, indicating that he didn’t quite understand.

Mo Feng looked at the Kabi Beast with some helplessness, just beginning, the little magnetic monsters all ran over and took time, and beckoned to Hakron and Meihua: “Hakron and Meihua come over, you continue to fight here, don’t stop attacking.” ”

Hakron and Beautiful Flower Mofeng came to the area of the Thunderbolt Ball, and the damage was enough to clean up the Pokémon on this side, just Harkron, Beautiful Flower and Nine Tails, it was up to these two Pokémon to deal with this side.

“Hakron uses Blizzard, and Beautiful Flower uses magic leaves.” Mo Feng watched the two Pokémon wave their hands and give orders.

Hakron and Beautiful Flower attacked at the same time, looking at the attacks of these two Pokémon, nodded with satisfaction: “Very good, that’s it, Hakron, Beautiful Flower, this side is handed over to you, be careful not to hurt.” ”

The two Pokémon responded and continued to attack the thunderbolt ball that rolled out, Mo Feng went to the other side, the cleanup was not bad, the firepower was relatively much weaker, but the restraint attribute attack of the nine tails, or not much, the flame can drop which one in seconds when it touches, when the number of small magnetic monsters is not much, there is no pressure, dozens of small magnetic monsters fly in groups, using the attack to this side, while attacking while moving over, several Pokémon attacked part of the attack, attacked the small magnetic monster on the opposite side, or some of the lightning did not scatter , Mo Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at the electric light rushing towards the big-mouthed bat, and waved at the Kabi beast: “Kabi beast, next.” ”

“Kabi!” The Kabi beast jumped up and rushed towards the attack of the large-mouthed bat, and as soon as it landed, the large-mouthed bat slowed down and continued to attack.

“Mo Feng glanced at the Kabi Beast, Kabi Beast, using the Sleeping Skill.” The command was given, and the Kabi Beast went to sleep on the side to recover.

After brushing a round and looking at the situation of several Pokémon, the clearance time was compressed to 10 minutes and 59 seconds, and the output of the first team was much higher than the output of the second team, especially the overall output.

“Very good! Go on! “Put away the loot, brush ten waves in a row, several Pokémon fell into a tired state, just rest for more than three hours, physical strength can not return to full value, the consumption of these waves is very high, and the physical strength is exhausted, and the Pokémon are put away and dunified. _

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