Age of Elves

Chapter 091

091 First Army

Out of the copy, looked at the sky, it was already dark, “Almost,” facing the sky, walked back to the tent in the distance, and when they entered, the Pokémon who were resting on their stomachs stood up one by one, and looked at Mo Feng and made a hello call.

Mo Feng nodded in response: “Next, take a good rest, and you won’t fight tonight.” Looking at a few Pokémon said, he released a few Pokémon such as Harkron, and distributed Pokémon food and tree fruits to a few Pokémon.

I took a sweet peach and gnawed on the side, sorting out the day’s information, the character level was raised to level 52, 11 levels ahead of the second place, and the latter did not need to look, completely overwhelming level advantage.

“It’s time to learn life skills and get some equipment, otherwise these broken materials are piled up and are a waste.” Then looked at the changes of several Pokémon.

The level of Bigmouth Bat, Tyrannosaurus, Hakron, Beautiful Flower has been raised to level 50, Pikachu, Nine Tails, and Shanado have been upgraded to level 49, Kabi Beast level has been raised to level 48, and the level of Giant Echidna Bee, Magic Frog Flower, Lizard King, and Great Wolf Dog has been raised to level 47.

The Nine Tails comprehended the mysterious guardian, forgot the ghost fire, Shanado comprehended hypnosis, and nothing else changed, the comprehension of this skill depends on talent, and the higher the quality of the Pokémon, the easier it is to comprehend the skill.

“Mysterious Guardian!” Mo Feng looked at the skill comprehended by the Nine Tails, the mysterious guardian in addition to being able to resist abnormal states, but also attached a 100% health shield, this thing in the hands of the game BOSS, is an extremely terrifying skill, legend has it that the boss drops 10% of health points once, beyond imagination resistance.

In the hands of the player’s Pokémon, the effect is relatively small, after all, there is not such a perverted amount of health.

“Hmm! Almost eaten. Mo Feng looked at the Pokémon that were resting on the side after eating, put away the Pokémon and the tent, and it was time to get down to business.

Returned to Dead Leaf City, went to eat first, and when it was completely dark, I came to a hidden corner of the park in Dead Leaf City and took out the legion building order.

“Whether or not to use the Clan Building Order, this land that is not the player’s private land will be forcibly demolished by the city where it is located once discovered.”

The corners of Mo Feng’s mouth rose, and he directly chose to use it, “Please order the player for the legion.” ”

“Eternal!” Mo Feng thought for a moment and spit out two words.

“Named successfully!”

“Ask the player to choose the type of base to build: aboveground base, underground base.”

“Just kidding, how can this kind of secretly built thing get on the ground, and it will be demolished the next day if you want to get the ground.” Mo Feng directly chose the underground base.

“The legion base has been successfully built!” With sound

System Notice: The player madman has successfully established the first legion, the Eternal Legion, with a clan level of +1, a clan fund of +1,000,000, and a rare architectural drawing.

System Announcement: Player Maniac successfully builds the first legion, the Eternal Legion, special rewards: Clan level +1, Clan fund +1000000, rare architectural drawings 1

System Notice: Player Madman successfully establishes the first legion, the Eternal Legion, special rewards: Legion level +1, Legion fund +1000000, rare architectural drawing

“What! The guilds that were originally struggling online were stunned one by one, they still didn’t know where to get the construction order of this legion, this guy actually built a legion, and the first reward was too rich. ”

An underground staircase appeared in the grass in front of him, and Mo Feng walked in, and the door behind him automatically closed like a normal grass.

The base gate will only be open to members of the organization, and others will have to break the door to enter.

Every step you take, the light on the top lights up, the corners of Mo Feng’s mouth rise, the so-called level +1 of the first legion, but send all the ordinary buildings of the first level, as long as it is established, the legion is equivalent to the level of the second level, and there should be some, because the premise of the upgrade of the first level of the legion is to build all the basic buildings, which is a large amount of legion funds.

In fact, the types of clan bases are also very different, for example, the larger the above-ground legion, the more prestige it brings to the core members of the legion every month, and the base of the above-ground legion can also operate shops and earn money.

The most important thing in the underground legion base is the secrecy, which is generally used by the villain, the greater chance of attracting the villain camp NPC for the legion to join, there is nothing else, of course, you can also open a store, but the underground base is made for this secrecy, of course you open a store to have guests, more customers, the bottom base is meaningless, the more people flow the greater the chance of exposure, this building for opening a store is a building that all legions can build, however, the underground legion base is a non-important building, It’s about upgrading buildings that aren’t needed.

All the way to the underground, looking at the buildings illuminated by the lights, the second-level base occupies, but it is very large, and it is already comparable to the branch of the rocket team in Tokiwa City.

“Very good!” Mo Feng walked to the largest building, the core building: the corps headquarters.

Walking into only the empty hall, Mo Feng shook his head, these buildings of the legion need to recruit NPCs to maintain, of course, you can use players as a player, but where are players who waste more than ten hours a day here to help you manage these things, or ask NPCs to be a little real.

I found a place to sit inside and began to check the information of the Legion.

Legion name: Eternal Legion

Legion ranking: 1

Legion Prestige: 0

Legionnaire: Madman

Clan funding: 1,000,000

Legion members: 1/1

Clan Building: Level 1 Legion Headquarters, Level 1 Breeding House, Level 1 Library, Level 1 Research Room, Level 1 Warehouse, Level 1 Pokémon Warehouse, Level 1 Resource Warehouse, Level 1 Legion Store, Level 1 Energy Room, Level 1 Battlefield, Level 1 Medical Room, Level 1 Teleportation Hall, Level 1 Airport, Level 1 Bathhouse, Level 1 Meeting Room, Level 1 Canteen, Level 1 Member Dormitory.

Mo Feng looked at a bunch of buildings and scratched his head, this is a lot of money, 100 million cash or even more, after all, no legion has been built before, but he also knows that the building of this legion is very expensive.

Looking at these buildings scratching their heads, the energy room can provide energy, electricity, and water to the base, the library can study character skills, members can use contribution points to level up directly in the library, and there are piles after that.

For example, the teleportation hall can receive Pokémon teleported from outside, and the medical room can treat Pokémon like the Pokémon Center, and similar buildings have various effects. _

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