As a museum owner, his experience told him that Zhang Feng's fangtooth land shark was far lower in level than his fossil pterosaur, but its fossil pterosaur failed to take the top spot in the game against the fangtooth land shark. Made him a little annoyed.

"Stay away, fangtooth shark."

Ruo Xuan, who was a little impatient, obviously didn't notice the strangeness of the fossilized pterosaur's wings.

In the face of the hundreds of millions of shock waves that were much slower, the fangtooth land shark in midair ducked sideways.

Looking at the fossilized pterosaur Zhang Feng, whose back was facing the fangtooth land shark, the corner of his mouth raised slightly and shouted, "Fantooth land shark, catch up, freeze the fist."

The fangtooth land shark's right claw flickered with blue light, and it began to speed up and approach the fossilized pterosaur.

"Fossil pterosaur, destroy light."

Ruoxuan shouted.

And the Fossil Pterosaur, which had just withdrawn the hundreds of millions of shock waves, was caught up by the Fang Lu Shark before it could turn around and hit the right wing again with a freezing punch.

This time, the entire right wing of the fossilized pterosaur was directly frozen, and the fossilized pterosaur began to fall from the air directly out of balance.

"Ice needle, get rid of it."

Zhang Feng looked at the fallen fossilized pterosaur and shouted lightly.

The fangtooth land shark fired several ice needles in a row and directly hit the falling fossil pterosaur, and the landing fossil pterosaur fainted.

"Ding, the fangtooth land shark level has been raised to 1.


Hearing the system's voice, Zhang Feng was not surprised, the Tianwang-level fossilized pterosaur, and the master of the gymnasium, naturally gave the fangtooth land shark experience.

At this time, Ruo Xuan's complexion also became: very pale, he tried his best, but it seems that he was still defeated by Zhang Feng, a challenger who was almost crushed.

86. Dark forest, cross bat

Ruoxuan's live broadcast room, looking at the fangtooth land shark standing in the field, after a brief silence, the audience also fell into a frantic discussion.

"What is this! Who is the challenger!"

"After defeating Master Ruoxuan, God Zhang Feng has already won the fourth badge. It seems that this year's World Championship qualifying battle will be interesting."

"I really want to have a handsome dragon elf!"

"The winner is the challenger from Hanlin."

The referee shouted slowly.

Ruoxuan took back the Pterosaur's Poké Ball, took out a black heart-shaped badge from his pocket, and handed it to Zhang Feng.

"It's been a long time since I gave out this badge."

Ruoxuan said with a light smile.

Because of the chaos in the dark city, few trainers are willing to come to the dark gym on his side, and he hasn't fought gym battles for a while.

Zhang Feng took the badge, "ding"

The sound of the system also resounded in my mind at the same time.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the water drop badge, the plot is activated, and the permission to open the forest of time on the map is obtained."

After putting the badge into the badge box, the three of them also left the dark gym.

"Next is... Red Lotus City. To go to Red Lotus City, we must pass through the dark forest."

After leaving the gym, Xia Zhimu said directly on the street.

Because she knew that Zhang Feng would challenge various gyms along the way, and the gym closest to Dark City was undoubtedly... Dark City.

"Red Lotus City"

Hearing Xia Zhimu say that the next stop is Red Lotus City, Zhang Feng's face suddenly changed: It's very interesting, he remembered that the person who competed with him for the True Dragon's Tooth said he was from Red Lotus City before on the Shangguan Wan'er ship.

"What's wrong, Zhang Feng?"

Liu Menghan looked at Zhang Feng with a somewhat inexplicable face and asked.

"Oh! It's nothing, let's go!"

Zhang Feng chuckled lightly. …

The dark forest is one of the top ten treasures in China. There are not a few powerful and rare ghost-type elves, but it is also one of the most dangerous treasures. There are also many trainers who disappear after entering the dark forest every year.

"Zhang Feng, it is said that the dark forest still needs a super-power-type elf so that it is not easy to get lost!"

Xia Zhimu said while walking with a little ease.

Zhang Feng ignored Xia Zhimu, but observed the surroundings.

At this time, everything around him was introduced into his eyes through the system. Since the dark forest is known as one of the most dangerous treasures, they must also be careful.

"It's really weird."

Liu Menghan muttered.

After walking for a long time, the sky was completely dark, and the three of them came to the grass that was half a person high. At this time, the road had become very difficult to walk.

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