"Zhang Feng, after a short walk, let's camp and rest!"

Xia Zhimu said breathlessly.


The two women with tired eyes, Zhang Feng, who were walking in the front, said directly.

This was the best route the system gave him, the fastest way to get to Red Lotus City, but Zhang Feng didn't expect it to be so difficult.

"Zhang Feng, look in front of you."

Liu Menghan's anxious tone surprised Zhang Feng, who was panting with his head down.

Looking up, I saw a pair of eyes staring at the three of them in the dark 3.

"What, what's the matter."

The two women were obviously stunned by the scene in front of them, and a sense of fear emerged spontaneously.

Zhang Feng, on the other hand, threw out the Poke Ball with a calm expression, because the system showed that there were bats in front of him.

Fairy spirits appear.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the grass, and sure enough, one forked bat rushed towards Zhang Feng.

"Fairy, Wind"

Looking at the forked bat rushing towards him, Zhang Feng said slowly.

I saw that the fairy, the wind directly swept all the cross-shaped bats in front of Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng glanced at the leading purple-qualified cross-shaped bat and said coldly: "Fairy elf, billions of shock waves."

The fairy elf turned into a pink streamer and hit the bat leader. Looking at the bat that was knocked out, Zhang Feng skillfully threw the elf ball. The elf ball hit the bat. The word bat is included in it.

And the swarm of bats that saw their leader being caught turned their heads and slipped away.

The Poké Ball shook violently on the ground for a few seconds, and it also "deng"

With a bang, the subjugation was successful.

Seeing that the cross bat was subdued, the two women were also relieved. Zhang Feng took back the fairy elf, walked over and picked up the poke ball. The poke ball of the cross bat was also directly transferred to the system warehouse.

Zhang Feng, who was just about to get up, suddenly flashed a dazzling purple light in front of him.

"What was the light just now, elf?"

Liu Menghan asked with some doubts.

"It should be, the visibility here is too low, we can't see what kind of elf, Zhang Feng, have you seen it recently?"

Xia Zhimu said directly to Zhang Feng.

At this time, Zhang Feng did not speak, but just looked forward with a shocked expression.

"what's wrong with you"

The two women walked up to Zhang Feng, followed Zhang Feng's line of sight, and the expressions of the two women suddenly changed: they were the same as Zhang Feng.

I saw that in the grass in front, a huge black castle stood, and there was a sign of the Elf Association at the door.

"This, is this the Fairy Association Center? Why is it here?"

Liu Menghan asked in surprise.

They couldn't understand the sudden appearance of a spirit center in the depths of the dark forest.

"But this decoration doesn't look like it!"

Xia Zhimu asked suspiciously.

At this time, Zhang Feng said slowly: "It's true or false, go in and see it and you'll know!"

After speaking, Zhang Feng walked straight over, and the two women immediately followed.

Walking to the gate of the castle, Zhang Feng pushed open the door directly, and suddenly a dazzling white light flickered, and the three of them were stunned by what they saw.

I saw that there was a large battle field in the castle, there was a battle of elves, and the auditorium was also full of people watching the battle.

It would be fine if it was just like that, but what shocked the three of them was that the battle spirits on both sides in the arena were the huge Riftza and Groudon.

87. The trap of the dream demon

At this moment, Cracked Seat was hitting Groudon with a wave of a dragon, Groudon retreated in pain, and when he stood up, the sword of the cliff immediately counterattacked at Korado.

At this time, the trainers of both sides were also sluggish, and the audience was applauding wildly.

"Zhang, Zhang Feng, if I guessed correctly, this green dragon-like elf was photographed by the satellite of our country five years ago."

Xia Zhimu said with a shocked expression.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng frowned, he always felt that something was wrong.

"Zhang Feng, you are here too, for the World Elf Championship, right?"

A familiar voice came.

"Xiao Chi, why are you in the dark forest?"

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