Age of Elves

Chapter 093

093 Forging equipment

After selling the things, Mo Feng slowly took advantage of the dark night to walk back to the park, “It took a day to brush copies non-stop, and the cash accumulated was about to run out.” ”

Scratching his head, he walked back to the base, came to a vacant land, invested 90 million cash into it, converted it into 9 million corps funds, and at the same time obtained 9,000 contribution points and 10,000 cash contribution points.

“Are you starting to build a talent recruitment office?”


“Construction starts: 72:00, please be patient.”

“Three… Three days…… This construction time is also a trouble. Mo Feng looked at the construction time, tic-tac-toe appeared on his forehead, and looked at the place where the front was wrapped in white light, and the light kept flowing.

Turn around and leave, it’s useless to stare here, leave the base, the current base is not of any use, and it is useless to stay here, although the breeding house has experience with Pokémon in it, but at least someone must feed the Pokémon, the breeding house is not Dr. Ohki’s courtyard full of fruit trees, just simply provide a place for Pokémon to live, food, some fruit trees are still available, but there are not enough Pokémon to eat, let go hungry and crazy, and tear down their legion base, That’s funny, after all, I won’t come back to feed them regularly, so let them stay dormant in the Baby Ball first.

Taking advantage of the darkness, he left the base and walked outside.

“Go, continue to brush the power plant tomorrow.” Mo Feng secretly said in his heart, just walked for a while, and suddenly stopped: “By the way, life skills have not been learned, it’s only nine o’clock, go to that professional college to take a look, the closing time over there should be ten o’clock, you should be able to catch up.” With this in mind, he immediately turned around and ran towards the place where he learned life skills.

A puff of smoke ran to the place of study: “Caught up.” “I ran into the middle-aged uncle who was chatting inside, and looked over one by one.

“It’s so late, there are actually people coming, young man, are you here to learn the specialty?” An uncle in front stood up and looked at Mo Feng and asked.

“I’m here to learn forging skills and cooking.” Mo Feng looked at a few people on the opposite side and said, a few people on the opposite side nodded, Mo Feng walked over, paid 200,000 tuition, learned two life skills, and was also promoted by several middle-aged men, bought a set of high-grade forging combination set and a set of high-grade kitchenware combination, 5 million cash.

Mo Feng walked out of this place expressionlessly, learning skills only 100,000, buy related utensils, but to millions, if not used, Mo Feng will definitely not buy, of course, there are low-level, but also much higher than tuition, advanced forging combination set, there is a chance to increase the attributes and quality of equipment, high-grade kitchenware is the same, increase the attributes of food and improve the quality of food.

The food made by cooking, which can improve mental and physical recovery, the effect of those Pokémon food made by the speed breeder is different, the formula of this food, when they are all researched by themselves, one of the two necessary skills in the previous life, food to speed up the recovery of the Pokémon’s state, forging equipment are all necessary skills.

The food recipe of the previous life Mo Feng is very clear, as long as there are enough materials, you can make the highest level of cuisine for non-combat use, restore the current 100% recovery spirit and the cuisine Mo Feng will also, the basic king level players in the previous life will be, these two hidden attributes are quite important.

Eating a Pokémon is like beating chicken blood, exhaustion is swept away, and another 300 rounds can be fought, but these materials are difficult to get, generally only 25% and 50% of the recovery can be eaten.

After learning the skills, he walked to the tent not far from the abandoned power plant, took out two kinds of utensils, forged a furnace, a hammer and anvil, and iron tongs.

Forging in the game is easy, the basic materials are thrown into the furnace to melt, take it out and choose the type of equipment to be manufactured, and hit it twice with a hammer, the more advanced the furnace, the faster the material is melted.

Cooking skills are similar, take a knife to write down the materials to get it, and then according to a certain proportion and order, put it inside the kitchenware, stir-fry the form of a few flips, stir-fry is almost the same, soup, stir it or directly put it inside and wait for it to cook.

First walked, the side of the furnace, now to forge is level fifty equipment, “level fifty equipment, I haven’t fought for a long time, it seems that the initial amount is 20 materials, try it first, the materials are insufficient, although the equipment created is the minimum limit of level 50 rare equipment is good, but the relative attributes of this equipment are much worse than normal equipment, if the material is too high, the equipment attributes will not be improved to the limit, it is a waste of materials, as long as the most suitable amount is the most economical, And adding too much will create more advanced equipment, relatively speaking, the higher level, the materials required for the previous level will be reduced by 10%, and the materials required for the higher level will be increased by 10% on the basis, as a forger, you must learn to control the materials in the appropriate amount. ”

I took out all the materials in the backpack, 92 giant pincer fragments of giant pincer crabs, a stinger of a giant stinger jellyfish, 41 power cores, 41 special metal blocks, and 40 horns of electric shock beasts.

First take the most materials, the giant pincer fragments of the giant pincer crab for experiments, he is reborn well, but there is no so-called unforgettable ability, the amount of use to create fifty equipment is a long time ago, and it is normal not to remember clearly.

The materials were split into 20 and thrown into the furnace, but for a moment, I watched the materials melt quickly and finally fused together.

“The material is melted!”

Listening to the system’s prompt, Mo Feng picked up the iron tongs and took out the material like a red-hot iron plate.

“Please select the type of forging equipment.”

Looking at the system prompt that popped up, Mo Feng directly selected: “Trainer occupation, clothes.” ”

After choosing, he took the hammer and knocked it down, and the iron plate in front of him quickly turned into a set of clothes.

“Forge successfully, get the level 50 rare equipment – the guardian armor of the giant pincer crab.”

Giant pincer crab’s guardian armor (rare)

Equipment requirement level: 50, trainer

Endurance: 100

“Yes, it seems that I am not mistaken, this is indeed a normal attribute of level 50 equipment, but it is better to try whether the amount is high.” Mo Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, put away the equipment, and threw nineteen crab tong fragments into the furnace. _

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