Age of Elves

Chapter 096

096 Lightning Bird Falls

Mo Feng looked at the opposite side, and one damage after another floated in the black fog formed by a series of attack explosions, and according to the damage, that shield had become shaky and would be shattered at any time.

“Gah!” The doctor’s voice sounded, countless electric lights, rushed out of the black fog, and the lightning bird emitted lightning all over its body and flew quickly towards this side.

“Shanado, use the spirit to throw it out!” The corner of Mo Feng’s mouth twitched, let this guy run to this side, with the range of that discharge, not to mention that the Pokémon is to kneel himself.

“Hakron, Nine-Tails, Largemouth Bat, Lizard King, Jewel Starfish Attack!” Issuing orders to several Pokémon, Shanadot unfolded the mental strong thought and threw the lightning bird back in an instant, and the spiritual strong thought was also shattered by the electric light of the discharge in an instant, exploded, the lightning bird half squinted, held back the damage and rushed over, continued to rush over, just rushed over, a series of attacks hit over, the lightning bird chirped, the electric light on the mountain greatly increased the rushing attack to scatter, and the attacks that came to the front were all scattered by the electric light.

“It’s so powerful.” Mo Feng looked at the lightning bird rushing over, and in the blink of an eye it had rushed over quickly.

“Shanado, use teleportation! Hakron, Tyrannosaurus… Disperse Dodge! Mo Feng shouted at several Pokémon, stared at the lightning bird on the opposite side, and also quickly retreated.

The lightning bird on the opposite side shouted, chasing towards the large-mouthed bat on the side, and the hatred for the large-mouthed bat that directly caused damage was even greater, and as it flew, the electric light emitted from the body shot in all directions, bombarded, and several Pokémon urgently dodged.

In the blink of an eye, he caught up with the large-mouthed bat, and with a flash of electricity, black smoke fell from the sky from the large-mouthed bat.

Mo Feng stood against the opposite side, with the attributes of the lightning bird, the discharge trick was also a comprehensive bombardment, knocking down the large-mouthed bat, and the lightning bird kept gasping in the air.

“Hakron, Shanado, Beautiful Flower Attack!” Mo Feng issued an order, took out the treasure ball opposite the downed large-mouthed bat, the jewel starfish and the lizard king to retract, the large-mouthed bat was directly attacked, the lizard king two were only hit by the erupted lightning, it was really troublesome to deal with this kind of Pokémon.

Several Pokémon who heard the order attacked at the same time, and Shanado’s spirit forced the lightning bird on the opposite side, and the next moment, the blizzard and the magic leaf shattered the shield, causing damage to the lightning bird’s body.

Attacked, the lightning bird chirped, the electric light flashed, countless electric lights rushed out from the body, shattering the shield of mental strength, with the explosion of the shield, the lightning bird made a cry again, the lightning on the body instantly dissipated, before it was damage to the shield, now it hurts the body, but there is a strong pain, the figure of the lightning bird fell from the black fog, suddenly opened its eyes, and a stream of electric light converged, launching towards Hakron.

“One hundred thousand volts!” Mo Feng paused: , dodge! As soon as he finished shouting and giving orders, Hakron could dodge before he was hit by electric light.

Mo Feng raised his eyebrows, the single attack was too fast, and the bombardment that followed the discharge shot was different from the straight line.

“Shanado, use spiritual strength to make the lightning bird fall to the ground!” Mo Feng waved his hand towards Sha Naiduo, and the lightning bird that had just spread its wings to maintain its balance and stayed in the air, a purple light on his body was pulled by a force and smashed towards the ground not far below.

Mo Feng took back the Hakron and threw out a few baby balls, big wolf dogs, big needle bees, kabi beasts, and magic frog flowers to release.

“Beautiful Flower uses magic leaves, Needle Bee uses Poison Strike, Kabi Beast uses Tarzan Crush, Magic Frog Flower, uses Parasitic Seed, Great Wolf Dog, uses Bitten!” Mo Feng issued orders to a few, and several Pokémon that appeared quickly attacked the lightning birds on the opposite side.

The lightning bird made a cry, and the electric light on its body shattered, and the sudden explosion made the lightning bird, screaming in pain, did not maintain its balance, and smashed to the ground.

Kabi Beast and several other Pokémon attacked at the same time, and Mo Feng nodded as he looked at the damage that appeared one by one on the opposite side.

“It’s still within a reasonable range, that is, the shield and HP are troublesome, although the attack attribute and the like are only 10%, the HP is still 100%.” Mo Feng looked at Sha Naiduo on the side: “Sha Naiduo, predict the future!” ”

“Shanai!” Shanaido nodded, and a white light appeared in his hand and flew into the air.

“Kabi beast, big wolf dog, big needle bee, get out of there! Scatter and run. Mo Feng frowned and shouted at a few Pokémon, and Kabi Beast and several other Pokémon quickly ran in several directions.

“Zizzy!” The lightning bird on the ground suddenly opened its eyes and soared into the sky, and the electricity in its body gushed out again, and the rapid lightning instantly scorched several Pokémon of the nearby Kabi Beast.

“Wipe!” Take out the Baby Ball and take back a few Pokémon, “Shanado, Spirit Strength, Magic Frog Flower, use hypnotic powder!” Issuing an order to the two Pokémon, Shanadot used mental strength to grab the lightning bird and pull it towards the ground again, the lightning bird broke through the shield with electric light, and was injured by the explosion of the shield again, the lightning bird chirped, smashed to the ground, splashed a stream of dust, and a blue powder emitted by the magic frog flower floated over.

“Shanado, use meditation!” Mo Feng looked at the opposite side, did not move, it seems that the hypnotic powder has taken effect, however, the state will not last long, and legend has it that Pokémon have the ability to purify abnormal states.

Shanaido heard the sound of meditation on the side, a white circle of light appeared in the opposite air appeared on the head of the lightning bird, a ball of light flew out and smashed on the lightning bird, as the ball of light exploded, the lightning bird, the paw grabbed the ground and stood up, the body was unstable, suddenly fell to the ground again, panting on the ground.

Mo Feng watched the lightning bird on the opposite side fall there and gasp, his body flashed with electric light, and disappeared without a trace.

“This situation is … The physical strength is completely exhausted. Mo Feng looked at the state of the lightning bird on the opposite side, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, this is still a hidden boss of 60 copies, and the blood bar has been half empty of the lightning bird.

“Gah!” The lightning bird on the opposite side stood up and looked at Mo Feng on the opposite side, the effect of parasitic seeds on his body was also purified, the blood bar was a little, and he was preparing to let Shanaiduo attack, looking at the eyes of the lightning bird on the opposite side, and slowly lowered his hand.

Took out the baby ball and put the magic frog flower back, and looked at the lightning bird on the opposite side: “It’s over!” Shanado, use foreknowledge of the future! Waving his hand towards Shanado, Shanaido immediately used a special move, and the white light escaped into the air.

“Gah!” The lightning bird screamed, staggered up, flashed with electric light on its body, and a bolt of lightning rushed towards Shanado.

“Teleport, dodge!” Mo Feng looked at Sha Naiduo and waved, Sha Naiduo disappeared in an instant, electric light passed through the side, and a big pit was made on the side, and a white ball on the head of the lightning bird fell and smashed on the head of the lightning bird, bang… The lightning bird turned into white light, and a white light slowly fell from the air. _

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