Age of Elves

Chapter 099

099 Fight Lightning Bird again

When I walked downstairs, I saw the white bird who was dealing with things below, looked at Mo Feng who came down, and asked Mo Feng: “Boss, are you leaving?” ”

“It’s time to continue to improve your strength, and here it will be left to you to manage.”

“Okay, please leave it to me.” The white bird nodded towards Mo Feng.

After listening to this, Mo Feng left the base, came to the park outside, and looked in two directions: “Do you want to go over there to brush some money, forget it is enough for the time being, it’s a big deal to sell this energy crystal, this can be used as a prop for energy, but it is very valuable.” ”

“Go ahead, this group of people can reach 50 in three days at the earliest.” Having made a decision in his mind, he quickly stopped moving towards the abandoned power plant.

Came to the place, put out the space tent, turned out the portable lamp, walked inside the space tent, and made some Pokémon dishes to use tomorrow.

Then take out a bunch of materials obtained before and put them in the furnace to melt, and use them to forge equipment and improve the experience of forging skills.

A material forged 21 pieces of equipment, looking at various different types of equipment, although I want to decompose and build again, used to practice skills, but, think about it, soon there will be many NPC subordinates, or reserved for this group of people to use, after all, NPCs join the legion created by the player, and can also brush copies like the player, NPC trainers in the legion are paid every day with clan funds, and the relative loot and the like will be directly handed over to the clan.

This is the difference between NPCs and players, NPC clan members are like mercenaries hired by players, so NPC clans can bring greater benefits to players.

Some equipment still had to be given, so I handed it over to the legion warehouse, put away these props, and went to rest for a while.

After feeding the Pokémon at six o’clock the next day, he continued his quest journey, and just after swiping the quest twenty times and hitting the boss, he heard the system’s prompt.

“Your battle in the power plant has alarmed the Pokémon hidden in the depths of the power plant, please be careful!”

Hearing the prompt of this system, Mo Feng smiled bitterly and looked at the Pokémon who ran back: “Out hidden, maybe I have to hang a few more, disrupt my plan, but if I don’t fight, it’s a pity.” ”

After glancing at the surrounding Pokémon, the two guys of Kabi Beast and the Great Wolf Dog put away, took out two baby balls and threw them out, and the Nine Tails and Shanado appeared in front of him.

“Hakron, Largemouth Bat, Tyrannosaurus, Beautiful Flower, Nine. Naido, disperse! Get ready to fight! Mo Feng looked at a few Pokémon and finished speaking, and several Pokémon immediately scattered around, quasi.

The electric light on the opposite side flickered, and a big bird scattered the electric light pillar and flew towards this side, emitting a chirping sound, and the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

“Shanado, stop it! Hakron, Tail, Beautiful Flower, Tyrannosaurus, Bigmouth Bat Attack! Mo Feng issued orders towards several Pokémon.

Shanaiduo spread out his hands, the light flashed, the lightning bird on the opposite side made a chirp, the thundercloud was interrupted, and the electric light on his body flashed to scatter the shield, and the next moment, one attack hit the lightning shield.

The level has increased a lot, coupled with his own intelligence increase, a round of attacks knocks out the durability of the shield.

The lightning bird let out a cry of lightning and rushed towards the large-mouthed bat, “Large-billed bat dodge, hack dragon, blizzard, nine tails, use jet flame, beautiful flower, use magic leaf, tyrannosaurus, use water cannon, shanaidor, use foreknowledge of the future.” Issuing an order to a few Pokémon, the large-mouthed bat flew up to dodge, but in the blink of an eye, it was caught up by the electric light of the lightning bird, and it was electrocuted.

Mo Feng helplessly covered his head and put away the large-mouthed bat, replaced it with a magic frog flower, and participated in the battle, but in a moment, the figure of the lightning bird exploded into white light in the air, and a golden box smashed to the ground from the air.

“5 large-billed bats killed, tyrannosaurus, magic frog flower, kabi beast, great wolf dog.” Mo Feng helplessly looked at the opposite golden box, the output of this big bird is a little fried, it is really enough to die when touched, a few discharges, lightning bombing everywhere, although there is no need to thunder that kind of ultra-large one-time screen clearing attack, this kind of random bombing also blows up their own Pokémon that are not fast.

“So, I just hate fighting this hidden boss, and I have to go back to heal it again, wasting a few hours.” Mo Feng sighed, glanced at the surrounding Pokémon, took out the treasure balls and took them back one by one, and walked to the golden treasure chest on the opposite side.

“Forget it, the result is good, a gold treasure chest, let’s see what there is.” Mo Feng directly opened the treasure chest, grabbed three things, and watched the opposite treasure chest disappear, Mo Feng looked down at the things in his hand, a delicate box, a drawing, an unknown Pokémon egg.

“Delicate jewelry chest: open to get 10-100 pieces of jewelry at random.”

“Steel Ruins: A drawing that records the location of the Steel Ruins and the key that opens the door to the Sky Ruins.”

“Ruins, steel ruins.” Mo Feng first chose to leave the copy and looked at the location above the ruins: “Dead Leaf City, the entrance seems to be near the power plant, go and play.” “Walked back and put away the space tent.

The permission returned to the base and looked at the crowded Legion base: “It has become like a place where people live.”

“Mad lord!” The people around suddenly stopped and looked at Mo Feng calling, Mo Feng nodded, and was about to go to the medical room to treat the Pokémon, but seeing this group of people, they immediately changed their plans and walked towards the talent recruitment office, and when they walked in, they saw that the white bird was sitting in the hall inside, seriously holding a piece of paper and watching.

Hearing footsteps, he looked up: “Boss, you’re back.” ”

“Well, the number of the legion is already 80, yesterday it was only 35 people, and today 45 were recruited? Just call me the wind. Mo Feng walked over and looked at the white bird to ask, and at the same time opened the legion to look at the information of this group of people, most of them were trainers.

The white bird nodded and looked at Mo Feng and said, thinking that Mo Feng was talking about the madness above the madman: “Yes, crazy lord, today I added a lot of people to apply, I selected some people to recruit, although these trainers are not high-level, but it is very helpful for us to improve the reputation of the organization, in order to help them improve, please forgive me for lending them the Pokémon of the Legion Pokémon Warehouse for free without authorization.” ”

“There is nothing wrong with this, it is also a waste to put it in, and it can come in handy.” Mo Feng nodded, looking at the white bird on the opposite side, the secretary sent by the system is really good enough, he can sit and wait to receive the money. _

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