Any elf and cub are the easiest to tame, and it will become dependent on the trainer who cultivated it since childhood, and the beast is no exception.

99. Relief, Flaming Birds

The appearance of Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi was immediately noticed by Bi Xuan, Emperor Xiu, Ruo Yan and others.

Seeing Zhang Feng rushing towards the injured flame bird on the fast dragon, Emperor Xiu's eyes flashed, and then he said lightly to the lie: "This is your helper"

Obviously, Emperor Xiu was also very surprised that... Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi would appear here. Originally, after he had planned to deal with the flame bird, he went to Red Lotus City to clean up Zhang Feng, but he did not expect that he would become one with Ruan Yan. lineup of people.

Seeing Zhang Feng appear, Ruan Yan was relieved. After all, Xia Zhimu lost control of her emotions when she left the Xia family branch, and Rui Yan was not sure that Zhang Feng and his party would definitely come to Red Lotus Island.

At the same time, the battle of rumors is also more serious. Although Zhang Feng has arrived, it is undoubtedly the battle between him and Emperor Xiu that can determine the direction of the entire battle.

On the other end...., Bi Xuan's face was also a little ugly. He thought he had covered up the news of the Flaming Bird very well, and now Xiao Chi and Zhang Feng suddenly appeared and slapped him in the face again.

At such an important moment for their entire family, seeing the Flaming Bird on the verge of being beaten, the sudden appearance of two little ghosts made Bi Xuan very annoyed.

"Bi Jia, solve these two little devils together."

Bi Xuan looked at Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi who were rushing towards them and said to another Bi family's Heavenly King trainer beside him.

Bi Jia is also another heavenly king of the Bi family in this action, and is also the strongest of the Bi family except... Bi Xuan.

"Heruga, throw flames."

"King Yanwu, rock collapse."

I saw He Lujia, who was beside Bi Xuan, spewed flames and aimed directly at the fast dragon in mid-air.

Bi Jia's elf King Yan Wu also resorted to rock collapse, and pieces of broken stones aimed at Xiao Chi and the fire-breathing dragon.

"Fast Dragon, Dragon's Wave."

Zhang Feng, who was on the back of the fast dragon, looked at the oncoming flames and shouted calmly.

"Fire-breathing dragon, dragon's claw."

Xiao Chi shouted angrily as he looked at the flaming bird, who was still at risk of being besieged by the Rockets and the Bi family.

The fast dragon slowed down and directly used the dragon's wave in mid-air, the dragon's wave and the jet flame canceled each other out, and the fire-breathing dragon on Xiao Chi's side also used the dragon's claws to smash every broken rock that attacked it.

The two Heavenly Kings who were the main force in the crowd besieging the Flame Birds were lacking, and the Flame Birds were relieved a lot.

Zhang Feng glanced at Xiao Chi on the back of the fire-breathing dragon and said, "It's a quick fight, we can't let them drag the time."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Feng was directly on a Poke Ball from his waist, and Zeraora appeared directly floating in the air.

"Zeraora, fight on your own, disrupt the opposite."

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Zeraora straightened a yellow flash and rushed towards Bi Xuan's Heluga.

Xiao Chi's response was not slow, and he directly summoned the Thunder Elf, and the Thunder Elf that fell on the surface of the volcano was also a thunderbolt and greeted King Yanwu directly.

At the same time, Xiao Chi and Zhang Feng simultaneously motioned for their elf to speed up.

I saw Zeraora dodging and appearing in front of Heluga in an instant, his hands were surrounded by lightning, and a plasma lightning punch hit Heluga directly, and the powerful thunderbolt Heluga's body twitched. , flew out straight upside down, and fainted.

Seeing this scene, Bi Xuan's face was very ugly, and his body was also retreating. He was afraid that Zeraora, who was very close to him, would directly attack him.

The same is true for Bi Jia on the side, King Yan Wu did not react and was directly hit by the thunder of the little red thunder elf, and he also lost his fighting ability directly.

However, the two of them were trainers at the level of heavenly kings, so they reacted instantly and threw two 2 Poké Balls again.

"Three-headed dragon, lava snail, come out!"

"Giant pincer mantis, flaming horse, ready for battle."

A burst of white light flickered, and the two of them also summoned their respective ace spirits.

Looking at the three-headed dragon and lava snail beside him, Bi Xuan is certain that a trainer's energy is limited, and controlling two elves at the same time is already the limit of what he can do as a trainer. They can only let it fight on its own, and the two also feel that there is no need...

And while the two heavenly kings of the Bi family were dealing with Zhang Feng and Xiaochi's elves, Xiaochi and Zhang Feng also seized the opportunity to rush to the flame bird to attack the rogues who attacked the flame bird.

"Fire-breathing dragon, throwing flames."

Seeing the shocking scars on Firebird's body, Xiaochi was full of anger, and now he was directly ready to vent to the Rockets' minions.

"Fast dragon, destroy the light."

Zhang Feng was much calmer than Xiao Chi, after all, he had seen even crueler scenes at Team Rocket's secret base before.

The powerful spray of flames and destructive rays also caused serious damage to the Rockets and Bijia who were attacking the Firebird and were forced to stop the attack on the Firebird.

Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi also landed in front of the flame bird. At a closer look, the flame bird at this time has scars that are shocking, and even the color of the hair has almost lost its luster.

The flame bird's eyes are full of hatred and stare at the Bi family and the Rockets. It has helped the Bi family many times over the years, but they did not expect the Bi family to attack it.

And the Xiu Emperor, who was fighting in the air with the false words, was also Yu Guangjian when he realized that the attack on the Flaming Bird had stopped, and the strength displayed by Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi made him frown slightly.

Ruan Yan also saw this scene, and was relieved, he did not want to see the tragedy of the fall of the divine bird.

"Don't give that beast a chance to breathe, everyone will attack immediately."

Seeing that everyone's attack had stopped, Bi Xuan immediately said fiercely.

He was a little angry, the Zeraora in front of him was too fast, and he was able to face the pinch attack of the lava snail and his ace three-headed dragon with ease, and even had the upper hand.

As the head of the first clan of the Red Lotus Family, he commanded several elves to besiege Zhang Feng's Zeraora, but was restrained by Zeraora, which made him disgraced in front of his own hands.

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