: Yu's talent in front of Dalai has been changed to a second-level god, which is the author's mistake.

100. Firebird, Emergency

At the same time, the giant pincer mantis and the flaming horse on Bi Jia's side also suppressed the thunder elves. Several times the thunder elves were in danger, and they were only reluctantly and Bi Jia's side with the help of Zeraora. Stand still.

After all, Xiaochi's Thunder Elf is not as strong as Zhang Feng's Zeraora, not to mention that the two opponents' levels are higher than it, and Xiaochi is not by his side.

"Xiao Chi, you used to command the battle over the Thunder Elf, leave it to me here."

Zhang Feng obviously also noticed the situation on the Thunder Elf's side. Although his Zeraora could gain an advantage in the chaos, it was not enough to win, so Zhang Feng chose to be led by Xiao Chi and the Bi family first. The battle of the kings.


Xiao Chi glanced at Zhang Feng, and without the slightest hesitation, he flew on the fire-breathing dragon.

"Attack quickly, don't let him run away."

Seeing the situation, the captain led by Team Rocket shouted quickly, he hoped that the two heavenly kings of his camp would end the battle as soon as possible and come to help them.

You must know that the biggest feature of the beast is...it has a very strong recovery ability. If you let this flame bird, which has been around for a long time, recover its stamina, it will be troublesome.

Following the order of the leader, the members of Team Rocket and the Bi family also commanded their respective elves to start the attack.

For a time, various electric shocks and flames attacked the flying fire-breathing dragon.

"Fast dragon, destroy the light strafing."

Zhang Feng shouted coldly, Zhang Feng directly instructed the fast dragon to strike indiscriminately against the Bi family and the members of the Rocket team. He didn't care whether the person or the elf was hit by the light of the fast dragon, and he would not treat the evil organization Zhang Feng. There will be no mercy.

Xiaochi rode the fire-breathing dragon in the air to dodge various attacks. Although he was hit by skills from time to time, the fire-breathing dragon also protected Xiaochi well behind him.

At the same time, the indiscriminate shooting of the destructive light of the fast dragon with amazing destructive power also caused great losses to the Rockets' minions. The Bi family members lost their lives directly.

After the fast dragon's destructive beam was released, the attack on Xiao Chi and the fire-breathing dragon was directly interrupted by it, and Xiao Chi also successfully came to the battlefield where the two heavenly kings fought against the Thunder Elf and Zeraora.

At this time, the Thunder Elf was already injured, and Zeraora's speed also slowed down. After all, the Thunder Elf who hit Xiaochi now has basically become Zeraora's burden. A heavenly king's elf must pay attention to protecting the thunder elf while fighting, and it is indeed a special burden for it.

Xiao Chi also immediately took back the Thunder Spirit and summoned it.

The participation of the cat boss and the fire-breathing dragon in Xiaochi also greatly reduced the pressure on Zeraora. It has to be said that under the command of Xiaochi, the fire-breathing dragon and the cat boss are very brave, causing a lot of trouble to the king. The situation is deadlocked again.

On Zhang Feng's side, Captain Rocket looked at the team members who were swept away by the fast dragon's destruction light and suffered heavy casualties, and looked at Zhang Feng's face: extremely cold.

"Everyone summons all the elves and directly attack Zhang Feng himself."

The Rockets captain shouted fiercely.

As soon as the Captain of Team Rocket finished speaking, more elves were summoned, and the black sky in the sky was filled with elves such as bats, sparrows, and eagles.

The ground is also a coyote, a wind speed dog, a black ruga, and this kind of elves have high and low levels.

Even if they met the Flaming Birds before, this group of minions didn't do their best. After all, even if the Flaming Birds were killed, the benefits had nothing to do with them. Naturally, they would paddle if they could, and summon an elf to lead the way. It's good to pretend to be the king of heaven, after all, a magical bird like the flame bird is not... easy to provoke, and a casual blast of flame can make their elf lose the ability to fight.

But who knew that Zhang Feng was not polite at all when he came, and directly instructed Kuailong to use the destruction beam to shoot at them. This time, the nature was completely different. Looking at the companions who were swept by the destruction beam, their lives were lost. Threatened, they are naturally going to desperately be stimulated.

Looking at the elf lineup on Team Rocket's side that was still increasing, even Shudi, who was fighting from a distance, noticed it.

"It seems that... the kid named Zhang Feng is in trouble."

After the dragon wave of the three-headed dragon on his side and the raster cannon attack of the rhetorical giant gold monster canceled each other out again, Xiudi said with a smile.

If they are fighting at this level, it is really difficult to tell the winner and the loser. Zhang Feng's side is in danger, which may make Xianyan anxious, resulting in a command error. After all, Zhang Feng's side loses, and Xianyan wants to compete with the Rockets for the flame bird. It's not very realistic.

Ruizian didn't speak, but the commanding attack was even more violent. Zhang Feng's situation did make him a little anxious. He didn't care about Zhang Feng's safety. What he cared about was that once Zhang Feng lost, the flame bird would definitely fall into the In the hands of the Rockets, then his journey this time was a waste of effort.

Xiao Chi was also extremely anxious when she came to Zhang Feng's side. In this case, Zhang Feng's life might be threatened.

As for the two heavenly kings of the Bi family opposite Xiao Chi... they showed a smile, after all, the situation was in his favor.

On the surface of the volcano, the flame bird behind Zhang Feng let out a whimper.

"Boy, let's go, don't worry about me, my child is in the cave at the foot of the volcano, I entrust it to you."

A more powerful voice sounded in Zhang Feng's mind.

Zhang Feng glanced at the flame bird in surprise, and sure enough, he guessed right, the other third-level god of the Red Lotus Volcano was... the cub of the flame bird.

He has the phantom system, and he knows the strength of this flame bird like the back of the hand, this is a Gundam: 1.

The flame bird is also the highest-level elf Zhang Feng has ever seen. It is so powerful that it can use telepathy.

His frozen bird doesn't have this ability either, and the reason why the flame bird is injured like this may also be related to its child.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng looked at the countless elf army in front of the enemy, frowned slightly and touched the elf ball around his waist.

101. Darkrai, terrifying team fighting ability

"Play with me the crowd tactics Darkrai, and prepare for battle."

Zhang Feng shouted coldly, and at the same time threw Darkrai's Poke Ball into the air.

Indeed, the current battle situation is extremely unfavorable to him. Although Kuailong is very strong, it is difficult to solve the current situation. Zhang Feng can only expose his trump card.

"Jie Jie"

White light flashed, and a dark, oppressive figure floated in the air.

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