"This is"

"What kind of elf is this"

"Looks a bit like a legendary elf."

For... Darkrai who appeared in front of everyone, the members of the Rockets and the Bi family all had different expressions.

"It's Darkrai"

The moment Xiudi, who was fighting with false words in mid-air, saw Darkrai's face also gloomy.

A second-level god is almost enough: the direction of this battle, Emperor Xiu couldn't understand why Zhang Feng could have Darkrai.

The false words were also full of surprises. Although he knew that Zhang Feng was the number one potential king of heaven, he didn't know that Zhang Feng was so lucky, or a divine beast.

You must know that the flame bird that he has tried so hard to obtain this time is just a third-level god.

Xiao Chi was surprised to see Zhang Feng's Darkrai, but he was also relieved. After all, when Darkrai appeared, Zhang Feng's crisis was relieved.

The two heavenly kings of the Bi family also looked extremely ugly, Darkrai appeared, and the difficulty of catching the flame bird increased a lot.

The flame bird behind Zhang Feng also stared at Zhang Feng's back with a surprised expression. Although Darkrai was a lot lower than him, he could still feel the... faint sense of oppression from Darkrai.

But at the same time, it was also relieved, and began to close its eyes and continue to recover its strength.

The captain of the Rockets opposite Zhang Feng also shouted loudly: "Everyone, don't mess up, we have a large number of people and attack."

Hearing the leader's command, everyone immediately directed their elf to attack Zhang Feng.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Zhang Feng's mouth rose slightly, revealing a cruel smile.

"Darklay, black holes solve them."

Zhang said that since his hole cards were exposed, he didn't have to keep his hands.

"Jie Jie"

Darkrai gathered a huge black hole light sphere with both hands, and shot countless black light spheres from it, which directly and indiscriminately hit the elf and human on the opposite side.

The people or elves who were hit all fell into a drowsiness with a painful face. Darkrai with Nightmare characteristics was eating away their dreams. Darkrai showed everyone its powerful teamfighting ability as soon as he shot.

"Mysterious guardian, fast dragon."

At the same time, Kuailong created a mysterious barrier, which blocked all kinds of attacks aimed at Zhang Feng.

"Attack that elf first."

Seeing that there are constantly being hit by black holes and falling asleep, the Captain of Team Rocket pointed at Darkrai and shouted anxiously.

Immediately, the flames, shadow balls, electric shocks and the like that had attacked Zhang Feng all headed towards Darkrai.

Looking at these attacks, Zhang Feng showed a trace of disdain: "Darklay, a surprise attack on the hidden spirit."

I saw that Darkrai directly turned into a black shadow and sneaked into the ground, and all the attacks were immediately empty.

"The wave of evil, Darkrai."

Zhang Feng's voice just fell, and the next second Darkrai's figure escaped from the ground again. The wave of evil in his hands brewed and slammed directly into the crowd, and the screams were heard incessantly.

In the blink of an eye, the steel wings of a speeding armored bird hit Darkrai fiercely.

"Darklay, black hole."

Looking at Darkrai who was hit by Steel Wings and took a few steps back, Zhang Feng shouted.

In such a large-scale melee, Darkrai couldn't pay attention to all the elf attacks at the same time.

I saw Darkrai, who took a few steps back, threw a black light ball with his right hand and hit the armored bird directly, and the armored bird fell directly from the air and fell into a coma.

"Darklay, pay attention."

Zhang Feng quickly reminded the three big-mouthed bats that attacked Darkrai from behind.

Darkrai's reaction was fast enough, and he turned around and greeted the black hole three times again. After knocking down the three big-mouthed bats, Darkrai also avoided the long-range attacks of the opponent's multiple elves and a few in the air. Big-billed eagles fighting.

"Fast dragon, tornado."

Looking at the big-billed sparrow in front of him, Zhang Feng shouted directly.


The fast dragon roared, and the strong tornado gathered, and a few big-billed sparrows that didn't have time to escape were directly involved in it.

Although both Kuailong and Darkrai were very strong, and from time to time, people and elves were hypnotized by Darkrai's black hole, but there were still too many elves and people on the other side. For a time, Zhang Feng was still at a disadvantage.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Zhang Feng threw the two Poke Balls in his hand at the same time.

"Come out to help, fairy elf, fangtooth land shark."

So far, all five of Zhang Feng's elves have been summoned, and the battle has intensified, and the last Poké Ball belonging to Celebi on Zhang Feng's waist is also shaking, as if he wants to come out and fight together.

Naturally, Zhang Feng would not let Celebi come out to fight after exposing Darkrai, although Celebi's ability is suitable to be a group battle support.

But after all, only Darkrai Zhang Feng doesn't know how much it will attract in the future... Trouble, Celebi is not suitable for appearing now.

The figure of the fairy elf with amazing speed flashed in the battlefield, and from time to time it turned into a pink streamer and hundreds of millions of shock waves were launched, just... a few enemy elf lost their combat effectiveness.

Fang Fang Lu shark immediately aroused anger in his heart when he saw the familiar Rocket Team uniform, and Dragon Claw rushed directly into the battlefield to kill the Quartet.

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