Although there are a large number of elves on Team Rocket and the Bi family, their quality varies, with a level of 1.

Left and right: There are a lot of them, basically all of them are coyotes, tail meows, big-billed bats, and the like, and there are also many high-level armored birds, eagles, big bills, three-in-one magnets, Aberdeen and the like.

102. Mutation, fangtooth shark

The Rocket team captain looked at Zhang Feng, who was directing the four elves to continuously defeat the elves on his side, and his face was very ugly.

He already looked up to Zhang Feng high enough, but he didn't expect that Zhang Feng could fight against all the elite members of the Rockets and the Bi family who participated in this operation this time.

This time, Sakagi asked him to be in charge of the command, and now he can't even take care of a child, which made him very frustrated.

"Darklaye, black hole, watch out for those around you. . . The destructive rays of the sparrow."

"Fast dragon, the dragon god swoops, aiming at Heruga in front of him."

"Fairy elf, use iron tail after moving at high speed."

Zhang Feng commanded his elves to fight, among them Darkrai and Kuailong basically attracted the siege of nearly half of the enemy's elves.

At the same time, Zhang Feng also found that the fangtooth land shark seemed to be out of his control in the continuous battle.

Several times Zhang Feng directed it to avoid the attack of the opponent's elf, but it was not obedient, but directly carried it down and stunned the opponent with its dragon claw backhand.

What surprised Zhang Feng the most was that he was surrounded by an iron-clad rhinoceros, a flying mantis, and a fangtooth land shark that was besieged by Kentaro. His body flashed blue light, and his shape began to change gradually.

The blue light disappeared, and a brand new fangtooth land shark appeared in the surprised eyes of Zhang Feng and Team Rocket members. Ice crystal barbs grew directly from the white single toe on its claws, and the white bone spurs on its thighs also directly transformed. It was an ice crystal, the protrusions on the head were completely covered by ice crystals, and the body exuded a biting cold air, and for the first time there was a sense of oppression that belonged to a divine beast...

Seeing the changes on the fangtooth land shark, Zhang Feng was shocked. To be honest, he could see that the current form of the fangtooth land shark was not the evolution of the fangtooth land shark, but the body of the fangtooth land shark. Some kind of mutation has occurred, but if Zhang Feng wants to find out the reason for the mutation of the fangtooth land shark, he must find the only Doctor Dark Moon who knows the situation, but this is obviously impossible.

If Dr. Darkmoon came across him, he would probably only scream and smash him into tens of thousands of pieces.

"The fangtooth shark, can the fangtooth shark hear?"

Zhang Feng approached the Fang Lu Shark and shouted softly.

Zhang Feng also temporarily put aside the battlefield of other elves. After all, whether the body change of the Fang Lu shark is good or bad, Zhang Feng is still unclear.

The Fang Lu Shark also seemed to have heard Zhang Feng's shout, and turned around, his pair had already changed: his scarlet eyes stared at Zhang Feng.

Immediately, Zhang Feng's heart was filled with warning signs, warning him, and at the same time, the fast dragon in the sky was also stagnant, and stopped chasing the opponent.

It was the first time the system had warned him for so long. Fang Fang Lu was a light blue streamer, and the dragon's claws in both hands were formed, but the goal was to take Zhang Feng directly. At that time, his scalp was numb and his face was very ugly. Before the fangtooth land shark will suddenly attack him indiscriminately.

Even the Rockets were stunned by the scene, whether it was the change of the fangtooth shark or its sudden attack on its owner, it made them feel incredible.

In the next second, the fangtooth land shark's attack is about to hit Zhang Feng, and the mutation regenerates, "Boom"

With a sound, a blue streamer in mid-air slammed into the Fang Lu Shark who wanted to attack Zhang Feng.


The blue light disappeared, and Kuailong roared at the Fang Lu Shark. At the moment the system warned him, Kuailong reacted and directly swooped down to save Zhang Feng.

Although the sharp-toothed land shark has mutated, its strength is still too far from that of the Heavenly King-level fast dragon. The Dragon God swooped directly and slammed him to the ground, causing a burst of smoke.

No waiting: Zhang Feng opened his mouth, and the angry Kuailong took shape with both hands and dragon claws, and rushed directly to the Fang Lu Shark on the ground again. The Kuailong, who had followed Zhang Feng for 16 years, had already been in the same mind with Zhang Feng, and it would not allow it. Anyone hurt Zhang Feng, and when he saw that the fangtooth land shark's attack almost hit Zhang Feng, it completely went berserk, and the dragon-type coercion on his body was unreservedly released.

Even the fangtooth land shark, its companion who has been with it, the fast dragon must give it some color to see.

"Stop it, fast dragon."

Zhang Feng looked at the fast dragon rushing towards the Fang Lu Shark and shouted hurriedly.

There must be a reason for the mutation of the fangtooth land shark, perhaps it is this strange state that makes it out of control, and the attack of the fast dragon in complete rage is definitely not something that the fangtooth land shark can withstand.

Hearing Zhang Feng's shout, Kuailong's body also froze slightly, and the dragon's claws that were about to shoot the Fang Lu Shark also stopped in mid-air.

Fang Fang Lu shark also stood up again with strong support, the fierceness in his eyes did not diminish, and his claws shot out a series of ice needles to attack the fast dragon.

"Fast Dragon, Dragon Wave"

Zhang Feng shouted in a deep voice, he could see that the current Fang Lu shark seemed to have completely lost the ability to think, and Zhang Feng could only choose to knock it out first.

The fast dragon roared, the wave of the dragon was activated, and the wave of the fast dragon directly destroyed the ice needle of the fangtooth land shark and slammed it directly on the fangtooth land shark.

The king-level fast dragon's furious blow is not... just kidding, the Fang Lu shark directly fainted.

Zhang Feng took out the elf ball belonging to the fangtooth land shark and took it directly.

Although the case of the fangtooth land shark is over, the battle still continues.

At present, Darkrai, Fairy Elf and Fast Dragon have defeated most of the elves, and the remaining elves on Team Rocket's side are high-level and beatable elves.

The ground was full of fainted Rocket members and elves. Although the Fang Fang Lu shark made trouble for Zhang Feng, he still won the victory in the face of an astonishing number of enemies, of which Darkrai contributed the most. The black hole has the characteristics of nightmare, and it is believed that it will be a nightmare for the Bi family and members of the Rocket team who participated in this battle for a period of time in the future.

Basically, it won't take long for Zhang Feng to deal with the rest.

On the other side, Xiaochi's side is already in jeopardy. Zeraora also has a slowdown and starts to be hit by the opponent's skills continuously. Xiaochi is currently commanding the two elves who can fight at last, Duduli and Flying Mantis.

After all, Xiaochi's enemies are two Heavenly King trainers, and Xiaochi and Zhang Feng have been traveling for less than a year.

103. Momentary movement, slipped away

Honglian volcano, the surface of the crater.

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