"Boy, go help your friend, leave it to me here!"

The voice of the flame bird sounded in Zhang Feng's mind.

At this time, the flame bird had recovered some of its strength, flapped its wings and flew into the air, and a scorching flame directly pushed back the remaining Team Rocket personnel who attacked Zhang Feng.

Seeing that the flame bird seemed to be in good condition, Zhang Feng did not hesitate at all, and took back the fairy spirit into the spirit ball with Darkrai and Kuailong before rushing towards Xiaochi.

"Looks like you have no chance."

The air and Xiudi said with a faint smile.

Ruan Yan was also a little fortunate to have Zhang Feng, the emperor. Xiudi was too strong. Almost all the main elves that he fought against Xiudi lost their ability to fight, and he could feel that Xiudi still had spare power.

However, Zhang Feng had a decisive advantage on the other side of the battlefield, and even if the large group of Team Rocket's elves were replaced by him, he would have to flee.

And now the flaming birds have recovered some of their stamina to participate in the battle, their side has a great advantage, he just needs to continue to hold back Emperor Xiu and create opportunities for Zhang Feng.

At this time, Emperor Xiu glanced at the two heavenly kings of the Bi family who were dragged by Xiaochi alone, and their faces were extremely gloomy. At this time, the King of Heaven had already been included in the ranks of waste by Emperor Xiu.

At this time, Bi Xuan was also in a very bad mood. He had already tried his best, but Zeraora and Xiao Chi were always there: delaying his time, seeing the flame bird flying again, Bi Xuan, the head of the Bi family, was full of anxiety. , This action can basically be said to be a loss for the lady and the loss of the army. It is not a problem if the flaming bird cub is not caught, and it also offends a terrifying flaming bird.

"Duduli, triangle offense."

"Flying Mantis, Cross: Cut."

Xiao Chi is still there: crazy attacking, he used almost all his main elves to delay Zhang Feng, and even used injury-for-injury to defeat several of Bi Jia's main elves. He has a strong fighting talent. Undoubtedly revealed.

At this moment, although the remaining Rockets wanted to stop Zhang Feng from going to support Xiaochi, they were forced to retreat by the flame birds. Heyday, but it's still easy to deal with them.

"The wave of evil, solve it."

After Bi Jia's Dharma baboons dealt with Xiaochi's flying mantis, he was knocked out by Zhang Feng's Zeraora with a plasma lightning punch. Bi Xuan also took the opportunity to drive the three-headed Duduli to launch the last one. hit.

Before one of his three-headed dragons was given such an opportunity by Zhang Feng's Zeraora, he naturally wanted to seize it.

In the air, the black wave hit directly, an explosion occurred, and Duduli's body flew out backwards. Xiaochi also gritted his teeth and retracted his incompetence Duduli when he saw this scene.

"Black hole, Darkrai.

"Dragon wave, fast dragon."

I saw Zhang Feng's voice sounding, and the three-headed dragon was directly hit by Darkrai's black hole skill unprepared. Knocked down to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Bi Xuan directly raised his head and looked at Zhang Feng on Kuailong's back with an extremely ugly face.

Bi Jia also took the opportunity to throw out his last elf, his initial elf, and also his ace, the fiery beast.

"Can you hold on?"

Kuailong flew to Xiaochi's side, and Zhang Feng jumped directly from Kuailong's back.

"If you don't come, I can't help it."

Xiao Chi's tone was a little helpless.

It was the first time for him to face two heavenly kings at the same time, and the other party's elf level was much higher than him, so from the beginning he had to use the injury-for-injury fighting method as a last resort, which is why the battle was so tragic.

However, he also knew that the battle on Zhang Feng's side was even more dangerous than him. With so many elves attacking together, even Zhang Feng's life would be greatly threatened, but he did not expect Zhang Feng to be so strong. , not only solved the opponent, but also came to support him in advance.

Looking at Darkrai floating in front of Zhang Feng, Xiao Chi was also shocked by his terrifying teamfighting ability.

Bi Xuan took back the three-headed dragon with an ugly face, and at the same time, he had a desire to retreat, not to mention that the current battle situation is completely on Zhang Feng's side, Zhang Feng has the terrifying fast dragon and Darkrai, even if he and Bi Jia It's hard for them to work together to solve Zhang Feng and the others... I have enough energy to face the flaming bird in anger.

Their Bi family's calculation of the Flaming Bird almost killed it this time. Even if his ancestors had a great kindness to the Flaming Bird, the Flaming Bird would never let them go.

"Master Xiu, retreat first!"

Bi Xuan shouted directly at Emperor Xiu who was riding a flying dragon in the air and commanding the Qixi Blue Bird to fight, and at the same time threw a Poké Ball, and a Hudi appeared on the scene.

"Not good, Darkrai, Wave of Evil, Fast Dragon, Wave of Dragon."

Zhang Feng's expression changed after seeing Bi Xuan summoning Hu Di. He didn't expect that Bi Xuan still had a Hu Di, so he immediately ordered Kuailong and Darkrai to attack Hu Di.

"Fire beast, block it, and use a jet of flame."

Bi Jia instantly understood what the master meant.

I saw the fiery beast directly blocked in front of Hu Di, and at the same time Bi Jia also got close to Hu Di.

The jet flame of the fire beast directly hit the wave of evil of Darkrai, and the wave of the dragon of the fast dragon hit the fire beast fiercely. The fiery beast put his hand on Hu Di, and blocking this fiery beast was considered to have completed his mission.

"Hu Di, teleport."

Bi Xuan also put his right hand on Hu Di and stared at Zhang Feng with a gloomy face and shouted.

In an instant, the two of them disappeared in place.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng was a little helpless, and the two actually left their clan and fled by themselves.

104. Emperor Xiu, Long Xingqun

In the same way, Xiao Chi, who was standing beside Zhang Feng, was completely stunned by the rhetoric of the Bi family.

Seeing that the head of the family abandoned them and left first, the Bi family was also in disarray. Before, they were able to cooperate with the remnants of Team Rocket to fight against the Firebirds, but now they are running away from each other, and some even abandoned their own elves.

Of course, the flaming bird's violent temper cannot be let: they escaped, after all, it was before... this group of people almost killed it.

A jet of flames attacked the Bi family members who were scurrying around, and basically the Bi family members who were swept away by the flames of the flaming bird were directly turned into fly ash.

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