Zhang Feng also directed Darkrai to use the black hole to prevent the people on the scene from escaping. In Zhang Feng's opinion, it would be more appropriate for this group of people to be sent to jail.

Compared with the deadly flame attack of the flame bird, the Bi family seemed to be more willing to be hypnotized by Darkrai's black hole, at least their lives were temporarily saved.

Emperor Xiu saw the two of the Bi family fleeing the battlefield in mid-air, and the unsuppressed flame birds slaughtered the Quartet, except... the Rocket Team members who were hypnotized by Darkrai's black hole before, the scene, the remaining Rocket Team members were also With heavy casualties, Emperor Xiu's handsome face was full of gloom.

"Qixi Blue Bird, Dragon's Wave."

Xiu Di shouted coldly.

I saw the Qixi Blue Bird speeding up and dodging the armored bird. The wave of the dragon directly hit the wing of the armored bird. Looking at the armored bird whose body was unbalanced and fell to the ground, Emperor Xiu directly took out a elf ball from his waist, grew bigger, and threw it. Out, a desert dragonfly appeared in the battlefield.

The moment the desert dragonfly appeared, it approached the three-headed dragon, and Emperor Xiu jumped directly from the back of the three-headed dragon to the back of the desert dragonfly.

"Fast Dragon, Dragon's Wave."

Zhang Feng could probably guess from Bi Xuan's attitude towards Emperor Xiu that Emperor Xiu's position in Team Rocket must not be easy, and Zhang Feng also did not want him to escape.

"Desert dragonfly, destroying light."

Emperor Xiu shouted on the back of the desert dragonfly.

I saw that the khaki energy in the mouth of the desert dragonfly gathered, directly facing the dragon's wave of the fast dragon. In Zhang Feng's shocked eyes, the wave of the dragon was no match for the destruction light, and the yellow light beam slammed on the fast dragon.

Emperor Xiu didn't even look at Kuailong and shouted coldly, "All members of Team Rocket immediately.


After speaking, Emperor Xiu looked at his elf again: "Flying Dragon, Blue Bird on Qixi Festival, Shuanglong Star Group."

I saw the Qixi Blue Bird and the Storm Flying Dragon raised their heads at the same time and the energy gathered in their mouths.

Seeing this scene, the face of Liarian changed drastically, and the previous Beagle wanted to fly away from the Red Lotus Volcano.

At this time, Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi also discovered the movements of Emperor Xiu, Zhang Feng, Lai Yi, and Xiao Chi rode on the fast dragon, and they were about to fly away with one wing.

At the same time, after the energy from the Qixi Blue Bird and the Flying Dragon was converging, they were directly launched into the sky. After the light ball flew into the air, it violently scattered into meteors, with a huge momentum. The fast dragon was constantly in danger among the falling meteors. As they walked through, the Dragon Stars swarmed to the ground and smashed deep pits one after another, and the Rocket Team members who were hypnotized by Darkrai were also directly hit by the Dragon Stars and lost their lives.

The Dragon Element's big move, the Dragon Star Group, played out the feeling of destroying the sky and destroying the earth in the hands of Emperor Xiu. Zhang Feng also felt the terror of Emperor Xiu for the first time.

At this time, the Emperor Xiu had disappeared over the Red Lotus Volcano, the flame bird gradually regained its strength, and the two heavenly kings of the Bi family fled the battlefield.

Zhang Feng also had lingering fears when he saw the giant pits left on the surface of the volcano. To be honest, he guessed that Emperor Xiu must have the strength of a champion. No wonder Sakagi could not be left even if he made a move. Regarding the strength of the Rockets, Zhang Feng have a clearer understanding.

And after the end of the dragon star group, the false words were also slightly embarrassed and flew towards the two of Zhang Feng.

The three of them landed on the surface of the volcano. At this time, the flame bird also flew out of the volcano and landed in front of Zhang Feng. Just now, it also felt the power of the dragon star group made by the elves of Xiudi and avoided into the volcano.

"Your injury is okay! Firebird."

Zhang Feng looked at the flame bird in front of him and said.

"It's all right, human, thank you."

The slightly feminine voice of the flame bird resounded in Zhang Feng's mind.

At this time, Ruo Yan also looked at the flame bird in front of him with a complicated look. To be honest, he always thought that he was unable to advance to the championship because of the lack of elf qualifications..., he came from a long way this time... to subdue the flame bird. It hit the championship level, but Emperor Xiu gave him a lesson he will never forget.

He originally thought that apart from... the Four Heavenly Kings and the two champions, no one in China could match him, and even he once thought that he was qualified to become the new Four Heavenly Kings, until today's fiasco in the first battle.

All of his main force appearances only defeated Xiudi's two main force elves.

And up to now, the only elf he can fight is a mere eagle, and now... he can't do it if he wants to challenge the flame bird.

At this time, Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi also looked at Ruan Yan, and Zhang Feng also knew that Rui Yan could be indistinguishable from Emperor Xiu, and naturally he could not be a nameless person.

"Zhang Feng, the first person on the Tianwang Potential List, President Damalanqi's vision is really good."

Ruizian also looked at Zhang Feng and sighed.

You must know that he is already known as a genius. At the age of 25, he became an extremely powerful Tianwang trainer in China, but Zhang Feng in front of him has such strength just after traveling for a year, and even obtained the Nightmare God Daclay. 's approval.

The stronger the strength, the more difficult it is to understand how difficult the beasts are to tame, but to conquer by force alone may not be recognized by the beasts, and Zhang Feng's recognition by Darkrai is also very surprising to Ruoyan.

"You are"

Zhang Feng was a little puzzled, as for... this ruthless man who could confront Emperor Xiu head-on, Zhang Feng also wanted to know.

Ruoyan waved his hand and took the eagle and said, "Haha, goodbye, young man."

After speaking, Ruan Yan flew away from the Red Lotus Volcano directly on the Beagle. He was very helpless, there was no way, he had no elf who could fight, the appearance of Emperor Xiu disrupted all his plans, and this time he had to give up. Now, after the battle with Emperor Xiu, he also realized that he was more insufficiency, and his desire for... Flame Bird also faded a lot.

105, entrust, little flame bird

After Ruan Yan left, although he was curious about the identity of Ruan Yan, since people didn't want to say it, it was fine. Zhang Feng immediately connected the phone number of the security personnel on Honglian Island. The people who survived the disaster under the Dragon Star Group, this group of people is better to hand over to the Elf Association to deal with the coming, Zhang Feng really did not expect this so-called first family of Red Lotus City to be entangled with Team Rocket.

And the two of them have already sent a lot of Team Rocket members to prison. Zhang Feng sighed a little that he could become a special investigator of the Elf Alliance. Xiao Chi also took out handcuffs from the space ring and took out these people. All handcuffed together, for...Xiao Chi's "professional"

Zhang Feng looked at it blankly.

Originally, the two of them came to Honglian Volcano to find secret treasures for their fire-breathing dragon training and to conquer the powerful elves, but because the battle was too loud, it is estimated that the wild elves around were scared away, and the secret treasure was even more fundamental. I didn't have a chance to look for it, but at least I saw the true face of the flaming bird, and it was a worthwhile trip for... the two of them.

Because the two elves were injured to varying degrees in this battle, the two were also ready to leave the Red Lotus Volcano.

Zhang Feng waved goodbye at the flame bird in front of him and said, "We are leaving, flame bird, let's live a good life in the future!"

"Wait...., I have something to ask you."

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