"Hey, the name is very strange, what does it mean?"

Xia Zhimu on the side also noticed the signboard.

"Never mind, let's order first, we can improve the next meal."

Liu Menghan found an unoccupied table and sat down.

Hearing Liu Menghan's words, Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu also sat down.

"Order, waiter."

Seeing that no one was coming, Zhang Feng shouted.

Immediately, a girl dressed as a waiter came over and said softly with the recipe in her hand: "Dear guests, we have a rule in our restaurant, that is, if you want to eat, you must fight with our boss. If you win, you will be free of the order, and if you lose, you will pay for the meal. ."

Hearing the words of the waiter girl, Zhang Feng rolled his eyes, what kind of rule is this, then this hotel doesn't entertain ordinary people.

"Then take us to your boss, and we accept the battle."

Xia Zhimu said a little helplessly, she couldn't help but she didn't care, money was just a number to her, the main thing was that she was really hungry right now.


Immediately, the waitress took Zhang Feng and the three of them to the inner hall.

At this time, it was the turn of Zhang Feng and the three of them to be surprised. There were a lot of elf statues in the inner hall, and the inside of the hotel was actually a huge battle arena.

This restaurant is also very interesting, putting all the guests outside.

The inner sanctuary was built into a battle field for elves.

The three of them finally saw the owner of the restaurant, a girl with two ponytails in a long blue dress and a delicate face.

"My name is Cersei, and this is my restaurant. If you beat me, you can eat whatever you want for free."

The girl said in a relaxed tone.

"My name is Zhang Feng, let's start fighting"

Zhang Feng said slowly.

"Zhang, Zhang Feng, are you that... Zhang Feng on the Heavenly King List?"

Cersei looked incredulous.... staring at Zhang Feng in front of her with confidence and asked.

Although she doesn't like watching live broadcasts very much, she has also heard of Zhang Feng who has crushed the pavilion owners of various avenues in China all the way. She didn't expect that her restaurant would welcome such a powerful trainer today.

"Let's start it now!"

Zhang Feng said in a deep voice.

"Look, Zhang Feng is very famous now, and anyone knows his name!"

Xia Zhimu looked at Cersei and said to Liu Menghan with a smile.

Hearing the battle, Cersei also recovered.

"Yes, fight, little green, get ready."

Cersei said to the waitress beside her.

"The game adopts the rule of 33."

"Until all the elves on one side lose their fighting ability."

"Now the game begins."

Xiaolu is very skilled and obviously often acts as a referee.

"Fairy elf, prepare for battle."

Zhang Feng flicked the elf ball gently, and the fairy elf appeared.

"Baby Kamui, come on stage."

Cersei threw the Poke Ball directly after kissing it.

And as soon as the fairy elf appeared, Cersei was immediately attracted by its cute appearance.

Seeing Cersei's nympho, Zhang Feng shouted helplessly: "It's fighting! Fairy elf, goblin, wind."

"Cami turtle, shrink the shell."

Cersei also responded and shouted hurriedly.

Facing the white whirlwind of the fairy spirit, Kamui directly shrunk his body into the tortoise shell, and saw that Kamui was directly swept up into the sky by the fairy, the wind.

"Iron Tail, end it."

Zhang Feng shouted.

He could see that the level of this Cammy turtle was not high.

"Water gun, Kamui."

Looking at the fairy elf rushing towards Kamui, Cersei shouted directly.

I saw that Kamui turtle in the air stretched out its head and directly hit the fairy spirit who wanted to use the iron tail with a water gun, and the fairy spirit fell to the ground.

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