"Fairy elf, act like a spoiled child."

The fact that Kamui can react to this blow only surprised Zhang Feng.

The fairy elf's blowing kiss directly hit Kamy Turtle, and Kamy Turtle's eyes suddenly turned into love, and slowly walked towards the fairy elf.

"Kami turtle, wake up."

Seeing this scene, Cersei shouted anxiously.

"Fairy elf, billions of shock waves."

The fairy elf instantly turned into a pink streamer and slammed into the delirious Kamy Turtle. Kamy Turtle flew upside down, fell to the ground, and fainted.

"Cami Turtle loses its fighting ability, Fairy Elf wins."

Little Green's voice sounded.

Cersei looked at the fainted Kamui, her face changed slightly.

107. Orange Qualified Kirby Beast

"As expected of you, I have to be serious now."

With a serious look on Cersei's face, she pointed at Zhang Feng and said.

After speaking, Cersei threw the second Poké Ball, and what came out was a hunting swallowtail.

"This Cersei really likes fighting!"

Seeing the seriousness on Cersei's face in the arena, Liu Menghan said with a smile.

"It's a pity that she met Zhang Feng, this fighting madman knows more than Lianxiangxiyu."

Xia Zhimu also said.

Zhang Feng still doesn't choose to change the wizard.

"Hunting swallowtail, silver whirlwind."

"Fairy Elf, Fairy, Wind."

Fairy, the wind is facing the silver whirlwind from the hunting swallowtail, or the fairy elf is stronger, the fairy, the wind pushes the silver whirlwind and continues to attack the hunting swallowtail.

"The level of this bird-hunting butterfly is still too far from Zhang Feng's fairy elf, and the power of the ultimate move is not at the same level."

Under the stage, Xia Zhimu, who was watching the game, analyzed the first time the two elves faced each other.

Seeing this scene, Cersei gritted her teeth and shouted "mental interference."

I saw the blue light flashing in the eyes of the hunting swallowtail, and the fairy who directly controlled the fairy elf, the wind attacked the fairy elf.

"Iron Tail, Fairy Elf after moving at high speed"

I saw the fairy elf turned into an afterimage and walked directly by the whirlwind. After avoiding the whirlwind, the fairy elf kicked its hind legs and flew directly into the air, with a white light on its tail, and its body rotated 180 degrees in the air. The tail slammed hard on the hunting swallowtail in mid-air.

"Hunting swallowtails!"

Seeing that the hunting swallowtail was hit by the iron tail, Cersei shouted anxiously.

"Fix it, Fairy Elf, Billion Shockwave."

Zhang Feng said lightly as he looked at the Hunting Papilio, who lost his balance in mid-air because of the iron tail of the fairy elf.

The fairy elf that landed again turned into a pink streamer and hit the hunting swallowtail that was caught off guard, and the hunting swallowtail was slammed into the wall.

"Hunting swallowtails, are you alright!"

Cersei ran directly to pick up the hunting swallowtail that fell to the ground.

Off the field, the audience said, "Here is the end."

Xia Zhimu doesn't care about... Zhang Feng...

Men and women, the character of no mercy is still very understanding.

"Uh, do you still want to fight?"

Zhang Feng scratched his head and asked Cersei, who was half-squatting and hugging the swallowtail.

Hearing this, Liu Menghan also laughed.

"Fight, why not fight."

Cersei took out the Poké Ball and retrieved it from hunting swallowtails and stood up and said.

"Prepare for battle, Kirby."

Cersei's third elf is a Kabi beast, and Zhang Feng's expression became slightly serious the moment he saw the Kabi beast.

Because this is a level up to: 1.

And it's a Kirby beast with orange aptitude. At the same time, Zhang Feng has a little curiosity about... Cersei's identity, after all, the two elves before Cersei generally have a level of no more than 1.

, this jump is too big.

"Little, ma'am! This elf is!"

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