Because there were too many people, Zhang Feng simply did a lottery screening directly on the website.

"Zhi Mu, please act as the referee."

Later, Zhang Feng also said to Xia Zhimu.

"Challenger No. [-], Gai Yi."

Liu Menghan on the side also glanced at the phone and said loudly.

Before coming, Zhang Feng gave her the list of ten 10 challengers on the first day.

"It's me! It's me."

In the crowd, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy came to the challenger's position with three steps and two steps.

Everyone looked at Zhang Feng expectantly, and they were very curious about... Zhang Feng would use: what elf would go to battle.

"This elves battle will involve a pair of Zhang Fengs."

"The Pokémon that both sides can use is until the end of the game when one of the Pokémon is incapacitated."

The first sprite used by Gai Yi was a Fiery Fire 1.

, blue qualifications, I can only say that Zhang Feng's screening is not bad, and the quality of the first challenger's elves is not bad.

Zhang Feng glanced at the fierce fire monkey who was blindfolded and showed a slight smile, and it was not in vain that he took out the evolution stone as a bargaining chip.

"I'll leave it to you, pull"

Zhang Feng directly let Lalu Lasi play.

Seeing the blue Lalu Lassi, the originally quiet Fossil Park suddenly became noisy again, and it was a flashing elf again. Many people looked at Zhang Feng with envy and jealousy in their eyes.


It was the first time that Lalulas saw such a scene full of people, and she was not at all stage frightened.

Gai Yi was also a little surprised when he saw that Zhang Feng was summoning the Glitter Elf, but it was only the initial form of Lalu drawing that also made Gai Yi relieved.

"Although it is a flashing elf, it is only in its initial form. Can it beat the Fire Monkey that has evolved once?"

"If you want me to see, the level of this Lalu drawing is at most 1.


"It won't be the first game where the evolution stone will be gone. I'll go! Then I'm not here for nothing."

At the scene, most of the people watching the game were not very optimistic about Zhang Feng's Lalu drawing.

"Flame Wheel, Fire Monkey."

The fierce fire monkey, which turned into a flame wheel, went straight to the opposite Laluras.

"Lalu Lasi, mind power!"

Psychic is the basic skill of the super power department, and it is also the only damage skill of Laluras at present.

Lalu Lasi's eyes flashed with blue light, and the body of the Fire Monkey, which had turned into a flame wheel, was directly grabbed by the power of thought. The Fire Monkey looked at the petite Lalu Lasi in a panic, and it could sense how much pressure was placed on it. , it's hard to imagine that Lalulas actually has such a powerful super power.

"Hurry up! Fierce Fire Monkey."

Gai Yi said very confidently.

In his opinion, Lalulas's psychic power could not limit the level of life far higher than the action of its fiery monkey.

I saw that the Fire Monkey was struggling frantically in mid-air, and at the same time the blue light in Lalulas's eyes was even deeper, and the Fire Monkey could not break free of the power of thought.


Seeing this scene, Gai Yi directly exclaimed:.

Xia Zhimu, who was the referee, also showed a surprised look. She was also a little bit incomprehensible, because this Laluras was just born. Could it be that the shining elf is... so talented? "Throw it out!"

Seeing Gai Yi's surprised look on the opposite side, Zhang Feng said lightly.

Lalu Lasi already has the attributes of super power, and his La Lu Lasi has stronger super power than ordinary La Lu Lasi, it is normal to be able to restrain the fire monkey.

As soon as Zhang Feng finished speaking, Lalu Lasi waved his hand, and the Fire Monkey was directly smashed to the ground.

"Fire Monkey, are you alright!"

Seeing this scene, Gai Yi hurriedly cared.

The expressions of the spectators also changed, and they didn't dare to despise Laluras.

"Fire monkey, flame fist."

Looking at the fierce fire monkey standing up again, Gai Yi shouted.

The fire monkey's right hand suddenly scorched around and attacked Lalu Lasi directly.

"Teleportation, Lalu Lasi."

Zhang Feng shouted.

Lalulas, who heard Zhang Feng's words, did not hesitate at all, her eyes flashed with blue light, and she disappeared directly in place.

The fiery fire monkey, who was punched by the flame fist, looked around a little blankly.

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