"Fix it, Mind Power."

Zhang Feng said slowly.

I saw that Lalulas didn't know when to appear behind the fire monkey, and his mind force directly grabbed the body of the fire monkey, slammed it, and fell into the field again.

The Fire Monkey fainted directly, and the challengers watching the battle looked at each other in dismay. Zhang Feng, this Lalu drawing, is a bit tough! At this time, Zhang Feng was also a little happy, because while defeating the Fire Monkey, Zhang Feng's mind system sounded It also sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to Laluras for rising to 1.

, learn skills, the voice of charm."

The experience of just one battle instantly made Lalu Lasi upgrade five levels in a row, and Zhang Feng is also looking forward to the next challenger even more.

112. Offensive Protection, Magic Leaf

Lalulas, who defeated the Fire Monkey, also seemed very excited, after all, this was the first battle of his life.

The face of the defeated Gai Yi was also a bit ugly. After all, he lost a bit miserably. The Fire Monkey never touched Laluras from beginning to end.

And the 9 trainees who were candidates for training also looked solemn, and those who... claimed that Zhang Feng was not worried about the lack of the main elves such as Kuailong and the melon eaters also shut up.

"Next, come up!"

Lalulas also supported her with her small hands, as if she was looking forward to her next opponent.

Now, Zhang Feng expects some powerful opponents to come to power, in this case, his Lalu drawing can also grow faster.

It was also under Liu Menghan's shout that the second trainer came on the field, and his elf was a level 1.

, The green Bibi: Bird also disappointed Zhang Feng. Compared to the Fire Monkey, Bibi: Bird, a must-have elf for newcomers, is also a lot less aggressive, only one thing has not changed, that is... the level is still the same. identical.

The quality of opponents in this random draw is inevitably mixed, but the advantage is convenience. After all, there are too many people who want to participate. It is naturally unrealistic to ask Zhang Feng to screen them one by one.

"Bibi: Bird, lightning flashes."

"Lalu Lasi, mind power."

The result is obvious, Lalu Lasi's psychic power easily captured the flash of electric light Bibi: Bird, and slammed it on the ground, and Zhang Feng found that Lalu Lasi's power of psychic power has also been significantly improved due to the upgrade.

Using the same mind power, the Fire Monkey persisted longer than this Bibi: Bird.

Looking at Bibi:Bird, who fell to the ground and fainted, the sound of the system in Zhang Feng's mind continued to sound.

"Ding, congratulations on the level of Laluras being upgraded to 1.

, learn the skill Magic Leaf!"

"Next, come on!"

Zhang Feng, who had tasted the sweetness, showed a smile on his face.

But this smile seemed so mocking in the eyes of the onlookers.

Next, some trainers came on the field one after another, but Zhang Feng's face turned completely dark. Unicorns, strong sparrows, and even green caterpillars came. The quality of the opponents dropped seriously, and Lalulas naturally gained little experience. It's pitiful, the four 44 opponents who played later were basically killed by Lalulas's thought force in one move, the opponents were too weak, and Lalulas's level was only 1.

, and learned a new skill, Lucky Spell.

Zhang Feng was a little helpless, knowing that he would not set a limit on the number of challengers, mainly because he was afraid that Lalu Lasi's physical strength would not be able to handle it. Who knows that it will become the current situation, and there are only four challengers left.

It can be seen that the spectators are also lacking in interest, clamoring to change a group of more powerful challengers. After all, all those who are currently on stage have been tricked by Zhang Feng's Lalu Lassi, and they are not interesting to watch.

"Next, come up!"

Zhang Feng said angrily.

He really didn't want to see the next one come up and give him another one. It's not that Zhang Feng looks down on Bobo, but that this kind of elf can provide too little value to Lalu Lasi.

"Finally it's me."

I saw a black-haired man with a green shirt standing in the challenger position with little jumping.

"Come on, Flying Mantis."

The boy threw the Pokeball, a green figure, and the handsome flying mantis appeared in the field.

This young man actually... took out an elf that surprised Zhang Feng. It is a very good elf of the insect system, and its level is also 1.

2, aptitude is blue, Zhang Feng cheered up and looked forward to the performance of the boy.

"Gather your energy, Flying Mantis."

The young man also chose to let the Flying Mantis use Qi to make his attack easier to hit Laluras:.

"Lucky spell, Laluras."

Zhang Feng shouted calmly.

The 5 rounds in the lucky spell state will not be hit by the Flying Mantis.

"Flying mantis, lightning flashes."

"Lalu Lasi, teleportation."

The Flying Mantis turned into a white light and rushed directly to Lalu Lassi, and Lalu Lasi's response was fast enough to teleport away, and the figure appeared about 5 meters behind the Flying Mantis.

"Magic Leaf, Laluras."


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