With a soft moan from Lalulas, countless colorful leaves attacked the flying mantis.

Seeing this scene, the black-haired boy hurriedly shouted: "Flying mantis don't panic, keep cutting."

"Lalu Lassi, mind power controls the magic leaf."

Zhang Feng looked at Lalu Lasi expectantly and shouted.

He was also... Random thoughts, since Lalulas' special ability as a flashing elf is different from that of ordinary Lalulas, it may be possible to control multiple magic leaves to form a new attack form.

And Lalu Lasi did not disappoint Zhang Feng. When the Flying Mantis was going to use continuous cutting to block the magic leaves, Lalu Lasi's eyes flashed blue, and the magic leaves were under the control of La Lu Lasi's mental power. The strange angle bypasses the hand knife of the flying mantis, and all the magic leaves surround the flying mantis to attack it.


The teenager who saw this scene directly exclaimed: The audience under the stage was also in an uproar, and Zhang Feng actually played the magic leaf of Lalu Lassi to give the feeling of Ye Baofeng.

"How fine-tuned that control is!"

As the referee, Xia Zhimu also sighed very much that Lalulas' manipulation of magic leaves to attack the Flying Mantis requires too much control over the elves themselves. She did not expect that Lalulas, who was just born, could do it.

Seeing the success of the skill, Zhang Feng also showed a smile. Using mental force to control the flying mantis is not only exhausting, but also may be freed by it. Although the threshold for manipulating the magic leaf to attack is very high, as long as you adapt, you will be able to deal with the elf's ability. The consumption is not large.

"Flying Mantis, move at high speed and use tile cutting."

Seeing that the Flying Mantis was out of breath, the young man also decided to launch a general attack.

Looking at the flying mantis Zhang Feng, who turned into afterimages and rushed towards Lalu Lassi, he shook his head and said softly: "Lalu Lasi, magic leaves + force magic leaves around the body."

I saw the blue light flickering in Lalulas' eyes, and countless blades revolved around Lalulas, forming a protective net. The offensive protection that Zeraora had used before was once again used by Lalulas with the help of thought power.

The right hand of the Flying Mantis flickered with white light, trying to forcibly break through the magic leaf shield made by Lalulas, but it was also directly hit by the magic leaf, the white light of the hand knife disappeared, and it flew out directly.

113. Shinji, the electric shock monster

"Flying Mantis is incapacitated."

"So the winner is Zhang Feng."

Hearing Xia Zhimu's voice, and the Flying Mantis, who fell to the ground and fainted, the talents watching the game in the park woke up like a dream. Zhang Feng just showed them a textbook-like battle, using Lalu Lasi's ability to the extreme.

It was only at this time that they realized that their remarks... Zhang Feng was weak without the main elf was too mentally retarded.

"Ding, congratulations to Laluras for upgrading to 1.

, learn the skill to absorb the kiss."

Hearing the voice in his mind, Zhang Feng nodded. Because of the existence of the system, after he won the elf battle, his elf can also get a high experience bonus. The general upgrade speed of the rocket can be seen.

Of course, coupled with the fact that Lalulas has been challenging elves that are much higher than her level, the upgrade so fast is also based on its own strength.

Next, the battle continues.

Bella Russi Big Tongue Bella Russi Silly Beast.

Lula Ruth Fire Rock Rat.

As the challengers were defeated one by one, the audience at the scene was also looking forward to who could cause Zhang Feng some trouble, and at the same time, the level of Lalu Lasi also reached 1 in the battle.

, learned new skills Meditation and Light Wall.

"It's alright, Laluras."

Zhang Feng asked Lalu Lassi, whose chest was slightly undulating, with concern. After nine consecutive elf battles, even though the upgrade has recovered a lot of physical strength, it is still a bit too strong for... the newly born Lalu Lassi, Lalu Lasi is this The mental energy has been exhausted a lot.


Lalulas turned around and waved at Zhang Feng to indicate that she was fine.

"The last one, come on stage!"

Zhang Feng, who was affirmed by Lalu Lasi, did not ink any ink, and directly let the last challenger play.

"Electrical monster, prepare to fight!"

The last trainer to play threw the Poké Ball directly.

The purple and dark blue long-sleeved jacket, dark purple trousers, blue-purple sneakers, coupled with that gloomy face, Zhang Feng recognized the last challenger, who was Xiaozhi from the Shenao area in the original anime. Rival, Shinji.

Although when the list was drawn, the last one was indeed called Shinji, but Zhang Feng didn't think about this person at all.

After being slightly shocked, Zhang Feng also recovered his calmness. After all, he had encountered quite a few anime characters before, Xiao Chi, Team Flare, Team Rocket, and one more Shinji.

Looking at Shinji's electric shock monster, Zhang Feng also sighed slightly, his qualifications and level are also 1.

, The elf with the qualification of the champion, as the ace, is indeed qualified to be the rival of Xiaozhi.

Xia Zhimu announced the official start of the battle.

"Electric shock monster, use electricity."

Si shouted coldly, he watched the whole process of each battle before Zhang Feng, he knew all the attacks of Lalu Lasi and Lalu Lasi's physical strength was huge, he just wanted to solve the battle quickly, from Zhang Feng's hands Get an evolution stone.

"Wall of Light, Lalu Lassi."

I saw Lalulas creating a wall of golden light, and the electric shock monster's attack fell on Lalulas, "Lalulas, meditate."

The consumption before Lalu Lasi was a bit big, so Zhang Feng chose to let Lalu Lasi meditate and decide the outcome with one move.

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