Xia Zhimu asked in surprise when she saw Zhang Feng's repost.

In her opinion, Zhang Feng's Chirulian is indeed very strong, but after all, this is not a game but ten consecutive games. From today's dangerous and dangerous match between Zhang Feng and Zhen Si, you can see the difficulty of the ring match. .

"Maybe the powerful trainer hasn't arrived on the first day, so you can look forward to tomorrow's battle."

Zhang Feng showed a smile, this kind of continuous high-intensity battle was a test for him and Kirulian.

The next day, after breakfast.

"Today, shall we still go together?"

Zhang Feng asked.

"I won't go, I'm going to do it today!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's question, Liu Menghan also spoke first.

"Okay, okay."

So Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu joined the fossil park.

And while the two were still there: On the way, Fossil Park had already gathered a lot of trainers in advance, and there were a lot of trainers yesterday, most of them wanted who could get the evolution stone in Zhang Feng's hands, Who can defeat Zhang Feng's perverted Chirulian.

And the ten 1-challenge trainers drawn the day before are basically ready.

"Look, this is the Fossil Park!"

A woman in a long white dress and a man with black short sleeves came here. If Liu Menghan was here, he would be very surprised. The two were Li Yun and Xiao Tian who had their engagement ceremony in Qiuhuang City.

"It is said that Zhang Feng set up the arena here, and it is estimated that we will be able to see them in a while."

Li Yun excitedly said to her boyfriend that she hadn't seen her best friend for a while, and when she came to Guchen City, she heard the news of Zhang Feng putting on the ring and came directly.

"as long as you are happy."

When Xiao Tian learned that it was related to Zhang Feng, he also showed a lack of interest. He was very jealous of Zhang Feng, and now Zhang Feng has grown up to be able to take out the Evolution Stone as a prize, which made him even more unwilling to see Zhang Feng is gone.

To know the evolution stone, even the owner of his father Qiuhuang Taoist Museum never owned it.

"Wow, there are already a lot of people!"

Looking at the fossil park, which was surrounded by water, Xia Zhimu said with a light smile.

Xia Zhimu was not surprised at all, she was still very clear about the attraction of the Evolution Stone.

"Zhang Feng! It's Zhang Feng here."

Before Zhang Feng approached, he was recognized, and people consciously gave up a path.

Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu came to the battlefield.

"What's the matter, who is the girl beside Zhang Feng?"

Seeing that the girl beside Zhang Feng was not Liu Menghan, Li Yun's face also changed. After getting along for a while, she could see that her best friend Liu Menghan liked Zhang Feng very much, but now there is another beautiful girl beside Zhang Feng. Girl, looking at Zhang Feng who was standing on the battlefield, Li Yun was a little angry.

"Perhaps he is looking for another girl behind Liu Menghan's back."

Xiao Tian also said yin and yang strangely from the side.

Seeing that such a beautiful girl suddenly appeared next to Zhang Feng, and after looking at his girlfriend Li Yun, Xiao Tian suddenly became full of jealousy towards Zhang Feng.

"I believe that you have done a lot of research on my Chirulian. Well, I won't say much, in order, the challengers will come one by one."

Zhang Feng said to the crowd with a smile, he couldn't wait to fight! "I'm the first!"

As soon as Zhang Feng finished speaking, a girl with a delicate face walked out of the crowd, stood on the battle field, and released the elf directly. It was a blue aptitude, level 1.

Ivy Snake.

"Go on, Chirullian."

Looking at the Ivy Snake on the opposite side, Zhang Feng also threw the Poke Ball directly to let his Chirulian play.


As soon as Chirulian appeared on the stage, everyone's eyes lit up, with a blue body and a cute appearance, but more people knew that although Chirulian looked petite and cute, it was not ambiguous in the battle.

Every time I can challenge a elf whose level is much higher than my own, and in addition to the elf battle, Kirulian's strength has grown very fast.

116. Mysterious boy, Heechul

"Glasses, Ivy Snake."

The Ivy Snake glared at Chirulian with its sharp eyes, staring is a trick to lower the opponent's elf defense! "Chirulian, make a charming voice."

In the same way, Chirullian also uttered soft moans at the ivy snake, inflicting mental damage on the opponent, so that Chirullian's next attack would definitely hit.

"Cut, ivy snake, vine whip trick."

Ivy Snake's hands stretched out two vine whips and slashed at Kirulian, who was on the opposite side. After being hit by the voice of charm, the girl still chose to attack.

"Chirulian, mind power, block it."

Seeing this, Zhang Feng said without any hesitation.

With Kirulian's grown-up superpower, it was easy to block this blow.

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