"Ivy Snake, get close to Kirulian and use a slam!"

Seeing Chirulian easily block her ivy snake's vine whip, the girl was a little anxious.

However, the speed of the ivy snake is not covered. The ivy snake is heading towards Chillian at a high speed. Unlike Fairy Zhang Feng's normal speed, the ivy snake's instantaneous explosive power is quite good.

"Chirulian, after teleporting to distance, use mental strength."

Zhang Feng looked calm and did not panic at all. He could observe that the ivy snake had a good explosive power, and at the same time, Chirulian was not good at melee combat. As long as Zhang Feng kept Chirulian at a certain distance from it, he would Nothing to worry about.


I saw a wave of superpowers around Chirulian's body, and then it disappeared in place in an instant.

"Get out of the way, Ivy Snake."

When the girl saw that the smashing attack was in the air, Kirulian, who teleported behind the Ivy Snake, shouted anxiously.

"That's too late."

As Zhang Feng expected, Chirulian can be said to be very adept at... superpowers, and after teleportation, he can quickly connect to his mental strength.

The ivy snake, which was hit by waves of mental fluctuations, was very uncomfortable, and his face was extremely painful.

Super power-type elves have always been difficult to deal with, no matter what...

Whether it's a control type of mind or an attack type of mental strength, the elf will immediately after the attack.

into a very dangerous situation.

"Mind power, grab it, and throw it out."

I saw that Chirulian's eyes flashed blue light, and he controlled the body of the ivy snake, let it float, and threw it heavily to the ground.

Looking at the fainted ivy snake, Zhang Feng's face disappeared. This is also Zhang Feng's habit, no matter...

In the face of how weak an opponent is, Zhang Feng will respond with all his strength, this is a way of his respect.

"Ding, congratulations on the level of Kirulian.

2 "

The sound of the system in my mind also sounded at the right time. Compared with the previous situation of upgrading several levels at a time, it is now difficult to appear. After all, the higher the level of the elf, the more experience to upgrade.

Seeing Zhang Feng's calm expression throughout the whole process, Li Yun, who easily solved the ivy snake, also had to admit that Zhang Feng was indeed amazingly talented in elves.

Xiao Tianze's face was more disdainful. In his opinion, it was just two elf rookies who hadn't evolved to their final form pecking at each other.

"Let's change to the next one!"

Zhang Feng said with a smile, looking at the crowd of onlookers as if looking at a lot of experience points.

"I, I come!"

As soon as Zhang Feng finished speaking, the next challenger came on the field immediately, because after the lottery was completed, Zhang Feng was too lazy to read the list. The battle order was announced on the forum post, and the challenger was finished one by one.

"Come on, Heechul."

Amidst the cheering of the female companion, came out a black-haired boy who looked about the same age as Zhang Feng, but had an extremely strong physique, and his surname was Xi, which reminded Zhang Feng of a person, the strongest fighting force in China. Heavenly King, Sheba! Zhang Feng frowned and looked at the young man in front of him, wondering if he had anything to do with Sheba.

While Zhang Feng was thinking, Heechul also released his own spirit, a sturdy hero, level 1.

, purple.

Just looking at this heroic aura made Zhang Feng's eyes shine, and he cultivated a very good elf.

"Don't you need to give your Chirullian a break?"

Heechul said in a low voice.

"No, let's get started!"

Seeing Heechul speak, Zhang Feng was a little surprised. Most of the people who came to challenge him were for his evolution, and many people even wanted to be the last in the daily challenger list. After all, Chirulian's consumption The bigger it is, the better chance they have of winning Zhang Feng.

For this reason, the trainers in the front were even willing to spend a lot of money to exchange positions with the trainers in the back, but Heechul was... the first in the past two days to ask Zhang Feng if he wanted to restore Kirulian's strength.

"That's good, I won't be merciful, Haoli, Gathering Qi."

Haoli took a deep breath, concentrated, and at the same time increased the hit rate of his attack against the key:

"Lucky spell, Kirullian."

Chirulian is also silently chanting a spell to the sky. Chirulian, who has a lucky spell, has not been hit for a while. You must know that the attack power of fighting elves has always been terrifying. The body can't help Haoli's knowing attack.

"Haoli, let it see your strength, kick the next plate."

As soon as Heechul finished speaking, Hao Li kicked his body and shot out like an arrow from a string, leaving a cloud of dust on the ground.

"So fast!"

Seeing Heechul's terrifying explosive power, Xia Zhimu, who was watching the game as a referee, was also a little surprised! "Magic Leaf + Power, Rulian."

The speed of the instant burst of power is nothing more than driven by its terrifying explosive power.

Haoli directly aimed at Chirulian's lower plate, and didn't care at all about the magic leaves surrounding Chirulian! "Boom!"

The power of the magic leaf controlled by the mind force from the bottom kick exploded, and Chirullian and Haoli retreated at the same time.

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