117. Defeated, Heechul

Seeing the little elves retreating in the field, Heechul showed a smile. As long as he confronted Kirulian head-on, his mighty power would never suffer.

"Haoli, don't give him a chance to react, chop with your bare hands."

The heroic hand knife again attacked Chirulian, who was not far from it. At this distance, once the attack hits, Chirulian, who is not very physically strong, will definitely not be able to stand it.

"Shadow doppelganger, Kirulian."

At the juncture of crisis, Chirulian directly transformed into clones one after another, and Haoli's knife slashed at one of the clones.

"Chirulian, suck the kiss!"

Seeing that Haoli's attack failed, Zhang Feng shouted without hesitation.

"Get out of the way, Haoli."

I saw that in the avatar state, all the Chirulians used the sucking kiss to Haoli together. Haoli was also confused by the scene in front of him and lost his ability to judge. He was directly hit by the sucking kiss. While causing damage, He also recovered a lot of physical strength for Kirulian.

"Haoli, Thunder Fist."

Although he was hit by the kiss of absorption, Haoli's right fist was still surrounded by lightning and attacked again.

"Chirullian, the power of mind floats!"

Zhang Feng was also in no hurry, even though Heechul's explosive power was astonishing, it was still too reluctant to get close to Kirulian.

"Jump up, grab it, throw it on the ground."

Haoli looked at Chirulian who was floating in the air with the blessing of psychic power. He jumped into the air with both feet and grabbed Chirulian. Haoli exploded at a very fast speed, and the distance from Chirulian was also the same. gradually getting closer.

"Chirulian, teleport."

Seeing that the jumping hero was about to catch Chirullian, Chirullian disappeared again in mid-air. The position of the elf's instant movement with ordinary superpowers was random, but Zhang Feng found himself The Kirullian seems to be able to slightly control where he reappears.

Sure enough, when Kirulian reappeared, it was already behind Haori.

"Spiritual strength, Kirulian."

Facing Haoli, who had nowhere to borrow in the air, Chirullian directly used his mental strength, and waves of mental fluctuations impacted Haoli, Haoli's body shook violently, and he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Chirullian also fell to the ground again.

"Magic Leaf! Kirulian."

The hero who fell to the ground didn't have time to stand up, and was hit again by Kirulian's magic leaf, and the scarred hero finally fell.

"Haoli lost his ability to fight!"

"The winner is Zhang Feng!"

Following Xia Zhimu's sentencing, Heechul quietly withdrew his heroic power, and his female companion also looked at the defeated Heechul with a worried look! At this time, Heechul raised his head, forced a smile and said, "Next time When we meet again, I will not lose to you, Zhang Feng!"

Hearing Heechul's words, Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Yeah! I will still do my best when I meet you next time."

For... Zhang Feng, Heechul is also a good opponent. After defeating Haoli, Kirulian's level has also reached 1.

2, and the experience value is not far from level 2.

Then, Heechul also left the scene with his female companion. Zhang Feng shrugged and signaled the next challenger to continue. Today's challenger really surprised Zhang Feng, whether it was the first user of the ivy snake or the Heechul's heroic power is a relatively strong trainer.

"Alas, even that kid just now lost."

"Yes, that... Heechul, what a pity!"

"Is this the power of the Glitter Elf? Kirulian's super power is too difficult to deal with!"

The onlookers were also talking a lot. Even if he was as strong as Heechul, he still couldn't do anything about Zhang Feng's Kirulian.

"It's my turn!!"

Of course, the challengers drawn by lottery will not retreat because Zhang Feng's Chirulian is too strong. After all, even if they don't have a chance to defeat Zhang Feng's Chirulian, at least they can compete with Zhang Feng, who is number one on the Heavenly King Potential List. You can also learn a lot by playing tricks.

And sure enough, the trainers who came up next were also defeated by Kirulian one by one. After all, there are only a few trainers with such a powerful force like Heechul. You must know that the elves with purple qualifications are also valuable throughout China. extremely high.

After all, the lottery is not as good as the elimination system. This luck system chooses opponents in such a way that the chances of encountering powerful trainers are not so great. After all, the most common trainers in China are ordinary trainers.

Today's challenge is faster than yesterday's. About half an hour, all the challengers have finished the challenge. Zhang Feng still did not disappoint the audience, still maintaining an unbeaten record, the challenge is over, Zhang Feng's Qilu Liane's level has also reached 1.

, learned new skills, provocative.

Just when Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu were about to go back to the hotel to find Liu Menghan, Li Yun stopped him! "Zhang Feng, Menghan, didn't you two travel together before?"

Li Yun and Xiao Tian had been waiting for Zhang Feng's battle to end, and the two of them came up after the crowd dispersed.

When Zhang Feng saw that it was Li Yun, he smiled and said, "Menghan doesn't want to come today, she's resting in the hotel! Are you looking for her?"

Li Yun was stunned for a while, she thought that Liu Menghan had not traveled with Zhang Feng, but it would be great to meet Liu Menghan here.

After a pause, Li Yun continued: "Zhang Feng, won't you tell us who the girl around you is?"

Li Yun's tone was quite yin and yang.

Hearing Li Yun's words, Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu frowned at the same time, and he could naturally hear the sarcasm in Li Yun's tone.

"Come with me if you want to see Menghan!"

Zhang Feng said lightly.

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