If it wasn't for Li Yun being Liu Menghan's best friend, Zhang Feng would be too lazy to care about her. She would speak to Zhang Feng in such a tone now, and Zhang Feng would naturally not give her a good face.

"Is this Menghan's best friend?"

Xia Zhimu caught up with Zhang Feng who was walking in front and asked softly.

"Mmmm! I met him once when I was out of Hanlin City."

Zhang Feng said to Xia Zhimu.

Seeing Zhang Feng's attitude, Li Yun was even more angry. Before, she thought that Zhang Feng had great potential and was sincere, but now she found out that it was all fake.

However, Li Yun still dragged Xiao Tian and followed Zhang Feng closely, she planned to see her best friend before talking.

118, exchange, lizard king mage evolution stone

When they came to the hotel, Li Yun also opened a room with Xiao Tian, ​​and then Li Yun went to Liu Menghan's room.

"Today's battle ended unexpectedly easy!"

Xia Zhimu followed Zhang Feng to his room. Today, Zhang Feng's battle ended a lot easier than yesterday, and yesterday's match against Shinji would not have been the case if Lalulas hadn't evolved!" Today's Heechul is very Strong! That heroic left a deep impression on me!"

Although Heechul's heroic aptitude is not particularly outstanding, that... terrifying explosive force must have undergone rigorous training.

Although Zhang Feng thought that this Heechul just had the same surname as the Four Heavenly King Shiba, but Zhang Feng was still there: when he was at Hanlin Elf School, he watched a lot of Heavenly Kings exhibition games, and the terrifying explosive power of Shiba's trump card was even faster than Shangdu's Dragons can also guarantee that they will not fall behind for a period of time.

Therefore, in Zhang Feng's view, Heechul places the same emphasis on... the explosive power of fighting-type elf as Heba, so he thinks that the two of them may have some origins.

"That heroic force is indeed very strong, by the way, you will have to fight for a few days later."

To be honest, after the two-day battle, Xia Zhimu has come to understand that Chirulian is very strong, and Zhang Feng's temptation to throw evolution stones from the very beginning is nothing more than... Someone who wants to give him experience Stronger, the stronger the person who comes, the more you can increase Kirulian's battle experience.

She has not followed Zhang Feng for a long time. She has never seen Zhang Feng's way of cultivating her other elves, but judging from his tempering of the newly born Chillulian, Zhang Feng's... main force It is understandable that the elves are unusually strong one by one.

"Of course I still want it, let's fight for another four days! Challenge the gym next Monday."

Chirulian's level is still a bit low to challenge the gym. Zhang Feng also heard Xia Zhimu say before that the strength of the master of the Guchen gym is not ordinary.

Zhang Feng wants to make Chillian stronger in a limited time, not to mention catching up with the level of the fairy elf, at least not too far behind.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng also re-posted his post on the Elf Forum, and by the way raised the restriction level by 5 levels, the greater the pressure, the greater the profit for Chirulian.

After everything was done, it was time for dinner. Originally, Xia Zhimu wanted to call Liu Menghan and her... girlfriends together, but Zhang Feng was too troublesome. There are naturally a lot of things to talk about when the girlfriends meet, and if they eat together With Xiao Tian, ​​Zhang Feng was afraid of losing his appetite, so he took Xia Zhimu directly to the restaurant.

One morning's battle, Zhang Feng was already hungry and his chest was on his back, and he was not in the wild now, so he simply dealt with it every day, a lot of delicious food.

"Hey! Sit here, Zhang Feng!"

Coincidentally, when Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu entered the restaurant, they were seen by Heechul, who had just ordered and was about to eat, so Heechul also waved to the two of them. As for... He is similar at this age but can beat him. Boy, Heechul is very interested.

"Heechul, it's you!"

Seeing Heechul beckoning, Zhang Feng simply pulled Xia Zhimu and sat there. After all, the two of them came a little late. In this kind of four-person table, there were only two people seated on Heechul's side, and Heechul was this person. It is also quite an appetite for Zhang Feng.

The four of them also sat down face to face: Heechul first introduced Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu to the girl next to him, Celine who grew up with his childhood sweetheart, and also his fiancee.

In the Huaxia world, it can be said that it is very common to get engaged just as an adult, and Zhang Feng is not surprised! Xia Zhimu also briefly introduced herself.

Because of the addition of Zhang Feng and the two, Heechul also called the waiter to order some dishes. Because there was still some time to wait, the four of them chatted.

"Zhang Feng, you are the strongest trainer of the same age I have ever met."

After being defeated by Zhang Feng, Heechul was very sure of... Zhang Feng's strength. Although he had heard Zhang Feng's name on the Internet before, it was not as simple and straightforward as a battle! When Zhang Feng's Chillian was in, the battle situation might be very anxious to outsiders, but in fact, in his opinion, he didn't cause any trouble to Zhang Feng from the beginning, and before confronting him, Zhang Feng's strange Rulian has just fought a battle.

"You are also very powerful, and I am amazed by the explosive power of Haoli's moment."

Indeed, there are always some talented trainers in an era, and the speed of their growth cannot be compared with ordinary people. For example, Zhang Feng's friend Xiao Chi, you must know that Zhang Feng has a system to make the elves grow quickly. , but Xiao Chi and Zhang Feng are the same age, and their strength has also improved rapidly. Although Heechul is not as good as Xiao Chi, Zhang Feng has seen a trainer with great potential.

"Okay, stop praising each other, it sounds weird!"

On the side, Heechul's fiancee Celine chuckled, she knew that her fiance was a fighter, and at the dinner table, she could not do without the elf battle in three words.

"Cough, that's right, Zhang Feng, why did you take out the evolution stone of the giant needle bee as a prize? You shouldn't be unaware of its value!"

Heechul's character is very carefree, and he also directly asked Zhang Feng why he dared to use the evolution stone as a prize. You must know that there are so many talented trainers in China, and no one dares to say no to defeat. The risk of doing so is too great.

"The evolution stone of the hornbee is of no use to me."

Heechul didn't ask any privacy questions, and Zhang Feng answered it directly.

Originally, he wanted to add that even if the Evolution Stone was useless to him, no one could take it away, but when he thought that Heechul had just lost to him, he didn't say anything! "Oh! I have a set here: The evolution stone of the Lizard King, if you don't mind, let's exchange it."

Heechul's expression immediately became eager when he heard that the evolution stone of the giant needle bee was necessary for Zhang Feng. He didn't know how to open his mouth to submit a change to Zhang Feng, but now he heard this, Heechul also opened his mouth.

Heechul is not like his father who only loves fighting elves. He likes... fast and explosive elves very much. In his main lineup, there is an orange aptitude and extremely talented giant stinger. It was also the reason why he came to challenge Zhang Feng this time.

: Brothers, the writing is a little short, I will change it slowly, tomorrow will start three times a day.

119. Heechul's Stingray

As we all know, the big stinger, as an elf with insect and poison attributes, often appears as a villain in animation, often bullying the weak, grabbing this and that, and finally becoming the protagonist's experience pack, race The value is also only a pitiful 395.

And this also causes it to have a pitiful racial value of 495 after it evolves, but there is a reason why it is so popular in this world.

After the evolution, his physical attack has become 150! The special attack has been reduced to 15, the speed has reached 145, and the durability of the paper is better than not. The adaptability feature whose power is doubled, directly cultivated the hornet into a highly lethal weapon.

Heechul naturally also took a fancy to this. With his experience in cultivating the instant explosive power of elf, coupled with the terrifying lethality of the giant stinger, he is confident that he can cultivate an ace elf that belongs to him.

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