Zhang Feng can naturally recognize Shinji, but Shinji's face is extremely ugly at present, it seems that the gym battle is not so smooth.

Shinji glanced at everyone, did not speak, and left directly.

Zhang Feng didn't think much about entering the Guchen Gym directly. As soon as he entered, he could see the battlefield of the Gym's confrontation, and some unmanned cameras that had not been taken down. I thought that the game of Shinji just now should have just finished live.

"Referee, I want to challenge Mr. Gu Dao, the owner of Gu Chen Taoist Museum."

Heechul said to the middle-aged man in the field who had not left the referee's seat.

"Yo! There are quite a lot of challengers today. One has just left, and there are so many. Okay, I accept your challenge."

Gu Dao also appeared on the scene. He originally had a fight with Shinji, but he didn't have a good time, but he never thought that many challengers would come so soon.

The strength of the ancient road is also one of the best among many gym owners, and fans who know him know that his strength is no less than that of the middle-level king. Generally, challengers will choose to avoid his gym and choose a gym that is easier to challenge. to get the badge.

After all, there are not a few gyms in Huaxia that have been recognized by the Elf Association. It is not necessary to challenge the ancient way to get eight badges, so generally those who dare to challenge him are trainers who are extremely confident in their own strength.

"You are the owner of the ancient gymnasium and we are here to challenge the gymnasium!"

Heechul spoke up immediately.

"A few people, or all of you have to challenge"

The ancient road turned to Zhang Feng and his group, and he also hoped that there would be more people who would challenge him.

"Only three of us boys challenge, who will come first?"

Heechul also looked at Zhang Fenghe.

"Let me come first!"

Xiao Tian also walked out, challenging the gym owner was not difficult in his eyes, because he knew it from his father Xiao Jing.

The mission assigned by the Elf Association to the masters of the gymnasiums is to let them discover talents and fight according to the strength of the challenger, which means that the masters of the gymnasium will not fight with all their strength, and with this feeling, he chose the first A shot, at least he will be the first of the three of them to successfully challenge. Thinking of this, a confident smile appeared on Xiao Tian's face.

Xiao Tian wanted the first challenge, and Heechul sat directly back in the auditorium.

"Then, from now on, the battle between Gudao, the master of the Guchen Gym, and the challenger Xiao Tian! There are three Pokémon that can be used, and when one of the Pokémon loses the ability to fight, the game is over! Please bring out the Pokémon from both sides!"

The referee also signaled the two sides to take out the elf, and the battle field used in this game is naturally the battle field specially prepared by Gudao.

Xiao Tian and Gu Dao threw the Poke Ball at the same time, and the drones around them also rose again to broadcast the battle live.

Xiao Tian chose the strong crocodile, and the ancient road side was the big steel snake. Seeing the aggressive big steel snake of the ancient road, Xiao Tian's face changed slightly.

"Strong Crocodile vs. Steel Snake, what do you think of this game?"

Heechul stared at both sides of the battle with great interest and said that he couldn't get used to Xiao Tian's style of getting along with him these days. Today is Xiao Tian's first elf battle, and Heechul also wants to see this mouth. It is quite possible to say how Xiao Tian's fighting strength is.

"Uh! There's nothing to say, the big crocodile is sure to lose, this big steel snake is very strong."

Zhang Feng said in a relaxed tone, he really didn't expect that the owner of this Guchen Gym would be ruthless towards the trainers, and he dispatched a giant steel snake of the Heavenly King level at the beginning.

Li Yun, who was beside Liu Menghan, frowned after Zhang Feng's words.

And the battle soon began. This powerful crocodile was obviously prepared by Xiao Tian to challenge the Guchen gymnasium, so its strength was a bit unsatisfactory. combat capability.

And looking at the powerful crocodile who was stunned by the tail of the big steel snake, Xiao Tian's face became extremely ugly. This is something he has faced before... ... a gym owner has never experienced.


"Everyone, look, look at that... the trainer's face."

"As expected of the owner of the Guchen Gym, he killed the challenger's elf in one blow."

"I just saw that the camera turned, and God Zhang Feng was also in the auditorium. Is he going to challenge the Guchen Gym?

Many viewers in Gudao's live broadcast room were discussing the scene where the big steel snake killed the powerful crocodile in seconds.

And seeing the crocodile that fainted on the ground and the ground cracked like a cobweb, Heechul, who was sitting in the auditorium, also became serious.

Zhang Feng's expression was indifferent, for... this scene, he obviously had expected it.

121. The first appearance, mage large needle bee

Xiao Tian's face was ugly, and he looked at the ancient road that was still smiling at him.

"Challenger, please release the second elf."

It was also at the Guchen Gym that Xiao Tian saw the true strength of the master of the Gym for the first time.

Xiao Tian's second elf was a Marylou, obviously he was ready for the Guchen gymnasium.

But even if the big steel snake Gudao made Xiao Tian's father Xiao Jinglai, he was definitely not a match.

"The strength of the master of the Guchen Gym is really not built, but this Xiao Tian is too weak."

Heechul didn't care about Xiao Tian's girlfriend who was sitting not far away.

He can also see the strength of the big steel snake, but he believes that if he lets himself play, he will not lose so badly...

"The electric shock beast lost its ability to fight, and the big steel snake won, so the winner is the ancient road, the owner of the gymnasium!"

The referee's voice came.

"Young man, your combat ability is still a little immature, and the badge cannot be given to you."

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