Gu Dao said to the pale Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian took three steps and took two steps and left the battlefield in a hurry. He felt very embarrassed by the merciless slap in the face by the ancient road.

"Xiao Tian!"

Seeing Xiao Tian sitting next to her with an ugly face, Li Yun shouted worriedly.

"The second challenger is ready to play!"

"Zhang Feng, let me go first, I can't wait."

As soon as the referee's voice fell, Heechul tapped Zhang Feng on the shoulder and walked straight to the battlefield.

"Come on, Heechul!"

Celine also waved her hand to cheer on Heechul.

"I don't know what kind of elf Heechul will use against the big steel snake of the ancient gym owner."

Xia Zhimu looked at Zhang Feng curiously and said, they all saw Gu Dao's strong performance, this big steel snake is definitely not easy to mess with.

"To be honest, Heechul's elves are currently the only one who can compete with the giant steel snake in strength."

Zhang Feng pondered, and for Heechul, who has been traveling for less than a year, it is already very strong that a spirit can reach the threshold of the heavenly king.

"Big steel snake, I still ask you."

"Big stinger, let's decide the outcome!"

Following the twinkling of two white lights, it also interrupted the chat between Zhang Feng and Xia Zhimu, the white light flashed, and the majestic outline snake met the light and flexible big needle bee.

"Hey, it really is a giant stinger!"

As soon as he saw Heechul's giant stinger, Xia Zhimu said with a chuckle, Zhang Feng was right, Heechul chose the only existence in the team that could deal with the giant steel snake.

"Cut, it's just a giant stinger, I thought it was some kind of rare elf!"

Xiao Tian glanced at the big horn bee in front of Heechul in the arena and sneered.

After hearing Xiao Tian's words, Celine glanced at Xiao Tian coldly, and Xiao Tian immediately put away the ridicule on her face.

"Big stinger, transform into the strongest you under the attention of all the people, evolve."

Heechul waved his hand with a confident light on his face, revealing the keystone on his right wrist.

Immediately, Heechul's keystone and the evolution stone on the giant hornbee reacted and burst into dazzling colorful rays of light.


"This is"

The audience in the live broadcast room pressed the button when they saw this scene: the keyboard was activated, and the barrage was displayed to express their surprise! The colored light dissipated, revealing the handsome stature of Big Needle Bee, and the three parts of Big Needle Bee's body were no longer directly connection, and a black link part grows between them.

The antennae on the head are shortened and extend a long way like the back of the head, the mouth is more pointed, and the eyes are longer.

The tail becomes tapered, and there are two tapered grooves in the front.

The tail as a whole points forward, and the poison needle at the end is also longer.

The poisonous needles on both hands have grown into parts similar to lance guards, and the feet have also become double needles with black and yellow stripes.

"Haha, interesting, it's actually evolution."

Looking at the big needle bee, Gu Dao also put away the play on his face, Heechul is an opponent worthy of his seriousness.

"Big steel snake, slap and beat!"

The evolved giant stinger is not easy to deal with, and the ancient road also directly ordered the giant steel snake.

The big steel snake roared loudly, and its tail swept directly towards the large needle bee in the air with strong winds.

"Large stinger, moving at high speed."

Heechul also waved his hand and ordered.

I saw the big needle bee instantly disappear in place, the big steel snake buckle was defeated, and the tail slapped the ground fiercely, causing a burst of smoke.

"Big stinger, missile needle."

I saw the hands of the pair of lance guards of the Big Needle Bee flickering with white light, splitting into a series of missiles and blasting at the Big Steel Snake with a piercing sound.

"This rocket needle!"

Zhang Feng was also a little surprised to see such a powerful missile needle. The large needle bee with the adaptability characteristic strengthened the attack to the extreme.

"Get hard, big steel snake, take it down."

The big steel snake's body is flashing with metallic luster, there is no way, this range of missile needles is just like a big steel snake's body to avoid... idiots.

The missile needle slammed into the hardened big steel snake and exploded.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and although the big steel snake was covered in scars, it still roared at the big needle bee in mid-air, and the fighting intent in its eyes did not diminish.

122. Heavenly King Class, War Hammer Dragon

The two sides in the current battle, the giant stinger has extremely strong attack power and dazzling speed, but its life is thinner than paper, and it will shatter when touched.

The big steel snake has strong physical strength and amazing defense. The key to winning this battle depends on whether the big steel snake can't withstand the attack of the big hornet first or the big hornet can't avoid the big steel snake's moves because of its lack of physical strength.

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