Fossil pterosaur has both the attributes of rock and flight. It is speculated that it was the king of the ancient sky, and it is the only one among the ancient elves that has evolution. Zhang Feng's goal of entering this time is precisely it.

"You can recognize this fossil as....fossil pterosaur"

Gu Dao's voice suddenly sounded, looking at Zhang Feng who said in front of him that the fossil belonged to the elf, Gu Dao's face was full of surprise.

You must know that someone like him who has studied fossils for more than ten years can only be sure after careful observation for a while, but Zhang Feng can tell the difference as soon as he sees it, and Gudao can't accept it.

"Uh, I saw a skull fossil that looks very similar to this one on the Elf forum before, which is... a fossilized pterosaur."

Zhang Feng started talking nonsense in a serious way. He was going to say that he saw it in the fossil museum, but when he thought that it would be bad if the fossil museum didn't have the same fossil, Zhang Feng simply used the excuse of seeing it on the Elf forum.


Gudao is dubious.

But just when Gu Dao wanted to continue asking Zhang Feng, his cell phone rang, and Gu Dao also picked up the phone. Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng was also relieved.

"Hey, I'm Gu Dao, what's the matter!"

"Mr. Gu Dao, a group of organizations in red uniforms came from the Guchen Museum. They brought one of the three fossil resurrection machines, and there was a fossil helmet that was being resurrected in that fossil resurrection machine."

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Zhang Feng was also surprised. In red uniform, someone dared to openly grab something from the Guchen City Museum. At this time, Gu Chen had hung up the phone and handed Zhang the fossilized pterosaur fossil he had just found. After Maple, throw the Poke Ball and summon a white armored bird.

Taking the ancient road of the armored bird, he said to Zhang Feng, "Zhang Feng, bring the fossils directly to the Fossil Museum to revive, and I will deal with some things first."

After speaking, the armored bird flapped its wings, and the ancient road went into a deep pit.

"no solution anymore."

Zhang Feng also summoned Kuailong directly. He went to the Fossil Museum, and now he is on his way.

On the other side, on the outskirts of Guchen City.

"Yes, yes, I got this resurrection machine this time. I believe the boss must be very happy. I will buy more fossils in the future, so that our organization can use the powerful fossil elves."

"Thanks to the fact that the Elf Association is busy preparing for the qualifying matches for this year's Elf World Championship, and Guchen City currently doesn't have a Heavenly King-level trainer other than... that... gym owner."

"Okay, this time the plan is very successful. After everyone has a rest, we will send this fossil resurrection machine back to the organization."

It turned out that the one who stole the Fossil Resurrection Machine was the one from the Flare Team that Zhang Feng met when he took Ibrahimovic before.

Just as the three people were talking, the light on the fossil machine disappeared, the hatch opened, and a fossil helmet came out from inside.

"Hey Captain, we seem to have earned it, and it comes with an ancient elf!"

They just took the Fossil Resurrection Machine and have been focusing on escaping, and did not notice that the Fossil Machine is still there: working.

"Just in time, I'm here to capture this fossil helmet."

Among the three, the black-haired man at the head also spoke excitedly.

"Don't think about it, Armored Bird, make high-speed stars."

After Gudao returned to the Fossil Museum, he brought the instrument to track the fossil resurrection machine and immediately chased it out. As the only three fossil resurrection machines in China, how could there be no positioning equipment! The two also easily found the stolen fossil resurrection Machine thief.

The ancient road's armor shot out a flying star, and the three men were also blown up. The three men retreated, and the fossil helmet panicked and fled back to the fossil resurrection machine. Zhang Feng also clearly saw the Flare uniforms on the three of them. .

The three members of Team Flare were also very puzzled about... Gu Dao caught up so quickly, why did Gu Dao know their location.

Looking at the three Flaming Team 3 in front of him, Gu Dao's face was full of anger, he threw the Poke Ball directly, and Bangira came out.

"What Bangira"

The person in the lead naturally recognized what level of elf Bandera belonged to.

"Come out, Thunderball, and make a big self-destruct."

The black-haired man at the head knew that the situation was not good, and directly chose to let the lightning ball explode to create chaos so that they could escape.

Looking at the lightning ball covered in white light, Zhang Feng directly threw out the Poke Ball and shouted, "Don't think about it, Chirulian, come out, use your psychic power to prevent it from exploding."

The blue light that symbolized super power flashed in Chirulian's eyes. In the next second, the white light on the lightning ball disappeared, and the lightning ball also floated in the air.

"Well done, Bangira, Stoneblade."

Gu Dao also praised Zhang Feng.

In that case, he didn't have a better way to prevent the explosion of the lightning ball.

"Come out, come out bro..."

The three of them were about to summon the elves, but found that their bodies were floating beyond their control.

The blue light flashed in Chirulian's eyes, and he directly completed the control of everyone, and Bangira's stone blade also directly hit the three of them 3.

Next, Gudao handed the three of them over to the special investigators of the Elf Association, and they escorted the three of them for treatment.

Then, the staff of the Fossil Museum also came to bring the Fossil Resurrection Machine back to the museum.

133. Fossil pterosaur, elf egg hatching

"Fossil pterosaurs are irascible, and in ancient times they were... carnivorous elves, even if they are resurrected, if you want to tame it, it's up to you."

Before the Fossil Resurrection Machine, Gu Dao said with a serious face, as long as it involves ancient elves, he will become very focused.

"Don't worry, combat subjugation is normal."

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