Zhang Feng glanced at the working fossil resurrection machine and said that he was looking forward to the qualifications of this fossil pterosaur.

With the sound of a successful resurrection, the hatch of the fossil resurrection machine was opened, and a newly resurrected fossil pterosaur appeared.


The fossilized pterosaur itself is also the most grumpy among the fossilized elves, and it is the most difficult to deal with when it is resurrected. As soon as it was resurrected, it saw so many people. It also directly spread its wings and wanted Zhang Feng and his party to fly over.

Gu Dao had obviously anticipated this scene long ago, so the venue for resurrecting the fossilized pterosaurs was an abandoned indoor battle arena.

"Quick Dragon, use the wave of the dragon to help it wake up."

Looking at the fossilized pterosaur that had already used hundreds of millions of shock waves to aim at Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng ordered it without hesitation.

Sure enough, most of the wild elves would think about it before attacking humans, and basically they would fight back when humans invaded their territory, but the fossilized pterosaurs wanted to attack Zhang Feng as soon as they came out.

A mouthful of blue dragon-type energy in Kuailong's mouth directly hit the fossilized pterosaur that had cast hundreds of millions of shock waves, the smoke dissipated, and the fossilized pterosaur still maintained the state of billions of shock waves and blasted towards Kuailong.

"Good guy, good strength! Dragon claw, fast dragon."

Zhang Feng praised the fossilized pterosaur who could stop the wave of his fast dragon blow and continue to attack.

The claws of the fast dragon were wrapped in blue light, and the dragon's claws directly broke the billions of shock waves of the fossilized pterosaur and hit the fossilized pterosaur.

The fossilized pterosaur may also have just been resurrected from the fossil, and he fainted without taking a breath, looking at the fossilized pterosaur Zhang Feng, who had fallen to the ground with circle-shaped eyes, and threw the elf ball.

The fossilized pterosaur turned into a red light and was sucked into it by the Poké Ball. The Poké Ball shook violently for four or five seconds. After a few seconds, "Den"

With a bang, the subjugation was successful.

"Fossil Pterosaur: Rock Flight System"

"Body type: 1.



"Talent: Orange"

"Grade 1.


"Characteristic: The hard head will not decrease even if he uses a move that will cause damage.


"Tricks: iron head, ice teeth, flame teeth, lightning teeth, ultrasonic waves, hit, bite, roar, high-speed movement, primitive power, slam, billion shock waves, lines, rockslides, dragon claws, feather habitat. "

Looking at the attributes of the fossilized pterosaur presented by the system, Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, it was indeed an excellent fossilized pterosaur.

"Congratulations, Zhang Feng, you have conquered another powerful elf."

Liu Menghan on the side also said with a smile, although she herself does not like fighting, she likes to watch all the battles Zhang Feng has come over.

Because the six elves were full, Zhang Feng sent Zeraora back to the system warehouse.

After conquering the Fossil Pterosaur, Zhang Feng and his party also left the Fossil Museum, left Guchen City, and moved towards the next gym city, Fangcao City.

However, they made a detour on the way, because in a city called Yuanzhi City not far from Guchen City, there is about to hold a Heavenly King Examination Competition. The girl named Yayi was shocked by the alliance, and she was directly ranked first in the list of potential kings, pushing Zhang Feng to the second place, and invited the ice king, Kena, among the four kings, to be the girl who was promoted to the king. opponent.

Anyway...you can go to Fangcao City by walking from the City of Fate. Zhang Feng is also very interested in...that girl Meiyi who subdued Suicune, knowing that it is not easy to get the approval of the beasts in this world.

Moreover, Zhang Feng himself will also participate in the evaluation competition for promotion to the king soon, so it is considered to be familiar with the competition in the city of fate.

"Zhang Feng, there is a farm in front of us, let's go and have a look."

It was just in the morning, the group had just had breakfast, rested and started their journey. Seeing such a large farm in front of them, Xia Zhimu was also interested. After all, she still enjoyed traveling with Zhang Feng more than fighting.

"No problem, go and see if you want to see it."

There is still some time before Yayi's Heavenly King Examination Tournament, Zhang Feng is not in a hurry, it is also good to relax on the way.

After inquiry, it turns out that this is a farm that specializes in raising elves and hatching elves' eggs. The owner of the farm is called Axi, and he and his wife Lina jointly run the farm.

The couple who have been engaged in the cultivation of elves have a son who is very fond of elves fighting, Aaron.

The two couples also support their son, but because the son has a good talent for fighting, he will also challenge the trainers who occasionally pass by their farm, but they all won without exception, so the son said that the trainers outside are not good enough. In this way, if I can't learn something when I travel by myself, I stay in the back mountain every day and train myself.

"You are also trainers! If you can, I hope you can defeat my Aaron. He stays behind the mountain all day like this. I'm afraid he will lose his basic social skills in the future."

Axi pleaded with a very serious expression, while Xia Zhimu and Liu Menghan looked at Zhang Feng.

At present, when it comes to the battle between the three of them, there is no doubt that Zhang Feng will play it.

"Well, yes, no problem, but we have an elf egg that is about to hatch, and would like to ask you to take care of it and hatch it here?"

This kind of breeding house for hatching elf eggs is... They take good care of the elf eggs that the trainer puts here, and there is the most suitable environment for elf hatching.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Xia Zhimu also took out her elf egg from the backpack behind her.

"Okay, no problem, your egg looks like it's about to hatch. It's estimated that tonight, you are lucky to see your little elf breaking out of its shell."

Axi agreed, and saw that Xia Zhimu's elf egg was about to hatch, Zhang Feng and his party also nodded, worthy of being a breeder, Xia Zhimu's elf egg had already moved, but it had not hatched for a long time.

When she heard that her elf egg hatched at night, Xia Zhimu's face was full of expectations.

134. The First Battle of the Fossil Pterosaur

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