I saw a roar from the fossilized pterosaur in the air, and a special sound wave came out from its mouth, which directly caused the circle bear to stop attacking, and covered his head in pain.

"Circle Bear, what's the matter with you, let out your qi and bomb."

Alan looked extremely anxious when he saw this scene.

I saw Huanhuan Xiong's eyes were confused, and the Qihe bomb with both hands slammed directly into his abdomen.

"End it! Fossil pterosaurs, use the rays of destruction"

The violent energy accumulated in the fossil pterosaur's mouth, and in the next second, the khaki light directly hit the circle bear, the explosion occurred, and the circle bear fell to the ground and fainted.

"Circle Bear!"

Looking at the fainted Huanhuan Bear, Yalang looked at Zhang Feng's fossilized pterosaur with a pale face.

134, vs Lucario, the gap is too big

"Do you have any tricks to make the elf stronger? Why is your elf so strong."

Yalang looked at Zhang Feng and asked seriously.

"Going out on a trip and constantly challenging opponents stronger than you, your strength is accumulated step by step!"

Zhang Feng said lightly, after all, he agreed to help the Axi couple.

"Are there many trainers as strong as you out there?"

Yalang asked persistently, he now regards Zhang Feng as his goal, because Zhang Feng is the strongest trainer he has ever seen.

"Go on a trip and increase your knowledge, you will naturally know the gap between you and me."

Zhang Feng did not reply to Yalang's words, but said to himself.

"Okay, if you defeat my last elf, I'll go on a trip!"

Accompanied by bursts of white light, Aaron's last elf appeared, which was a blue and black Lucario! "It's Lucario!"

Xia Zhimu shouted in surprise.

Lucario is an arrogant elf, but extremely loyal to the master he admits.

Lucario was born with a sense of justice.

They generally live in the mountains far away from humans and hone their skills.

Seeing Lucario, Zhang Feng also raised his eyebrows slightly and became a little more serious. Aaron's Lucario has an orange aptitude, which may be another benefit of staying in the deep mountains! You know Most trainers have a hard time owning an orange-qualified elf in their lifetime.

As soon as Lucario came on stage, Aaron's mother Linna also changed slightly. You must know that most of the trainers he had invited before were also defeated by this Lucario.

"Sword Dance, Lucario."

I saw Lucario dancing the battle dance fiercely, surrounded by swords and shadows, Aaron chose to increase Lucario's attack power first.

"Primitive power, fossil pterosaur."

The fossilized pterosaur pulled a piece of boulder and smashed it towards Lucario.

"Bone Stick Fight! Lucario"

Aaron hurriedly ordered.

I saw Lucario appear with a blue bone rod in both hands, and Lucario, who was holding the bone rod, accelerated and rushed towards the fossil pterosaur, and the bone rod easily swept away the surrounding boulders.

The next second, Lucario's bone rod, which jumped high, was directly drawn on the fossilized pterosaur. It must be said that Aaron's Lucario's offensive skills are not bad.

"That's it, Fossil Pterodactyl, Flaming Fang!"

Zhang Feng calmly ordered.

The fossilized pterosaur in mid-air endured the severe pain, its mouth flickered, and it bit Lucario's right hand fiercely. The effect of this blow was very significant.

"Dangerous, Lucario, let go." Fossil pterosaur, let go... its hand, and pull away."

Zhang Feng gave the order without hesitation. After all, the flaming tooth had already hit. At close range, Lucario was still very fossilized. The pterosaur's tooth directly released Lucario's right hand while the white light flickered in Lucario's left hand. He flapped his wings and opened the distance.

"Lucario, wave missile."

Seeing Lucario falling to the ground again, Aaron shouted hurriedly.

Lucario froze, his hands accumulated waveguide energy, and a blue light ball shot directly at the fossilized pterosaur in midair.

"Fossil pterosaur, the dragon's claws cut it open!"

The Fossil Pterosaur's claws flickered with blue light, and it swung a claw forward fiercely, directly smashing the wave missile shot by Lucario into two halves, and the cut wave missile exploded in the Fossil Pterosaur.

"Fix it, fossil pterosaurs, billions of shockwaves."

Zhang Feng commanded.

The fossilized pterosaur rushed out from the blast of air, its body stretched like a sharp sword from the string and attacked Lucario on the ground, while the whole body was enveloped by the energy of the fans.

"Dragon Wave, Lucario."

The energy between Lucario's hands converged, and the next second, a cyan wave light directly shot at the fossilized pterosaur.

Boom! The mid-air fossil pterosaur was directly hit by Lucario's Dragon Wave.

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