The explosion happened! And just as Aaron was about to be happy, he saw the figure of the fossilized pterosaur rushing out of the smoke with hundreds of millions of shock waves hitting Lucario directly.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Zhang Feng's mouth rose slightly, this powerful dragon's fluctuation still could not interrupt his fossilized pterosaur's hundreds of millions of shock waves.

Lucario, who was continuously endured by the Fossil Pterosaur Fire Fang and billions of shock waves, was overwhelmed and fainted.

"Lucario lost his ability to fight, so the winner is Zhang Feng!"

Aaron's mother shouted hurriedly.

"The power of Aaron's Lucario is not too powerful. It is estimated that it has not been too long since it evolved into Lucario, and the level is not high enough...high!"

Xia Zhimu said directly.

Aaron took back Lucario, who had lost his ability to fight, and looked very disappointed. The match against Zhang Feng had hit him too hard, and he was not even qualified to see Zhang Feng's second elf.

Zhang Feng patted the forehead of the fossilized pterosaur who was claiming credit in front of him and took it back.

"Your strength is also very strong in the outside world!"

Yalang looked at Zhang Feng and said word by word.

"It's okay, there are people who are stronger than me, how much... I don't know."

While Zhang Feng spoke, some figures also appeared in his mind.

The ice king Kena encountered by Dr. Dark Moon, Yulongdu, the first person in China, Xiudi, the rocket team leader of Red Lotus Volcano, and the opponent who fought against him, all these... are all powerful and terrifying, Zhang If Feng didn't use divine beasts, he wouldn't be sure to fight them.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Aaron's expression turned a little better.

"Children, it's getting late, so go back to the farm to have lunch first, your elf egg is about to hatch."

At this time, Linna on the side also smiled. Although her son lost today, she felt that this was a good start. After all, Zhang Feng made him interested in the outside world.

In this way, the group returned to the farm.

135. Challenge Kona, Mei

After dinner, everyone came to the greenhouse, in order to hatch Xia Zhimu's elf eggs, and by the way, you can also see other elf eggs.

"Okay, everyone, come with me. Xiao Xia's elf egg was placed in the incubator by me. Let's go there to watch the elf's birth."

Aki said with a smile, he was very happy to see that his son finally decided to go out of the mountains to travel.

Next, Zhang Feng and his party came to the incubation room under the leadership of Axi.

"Come and see, this should be about to hatch!"

As Aaron's voice sounded, everyone saw that the glowing egg shook in the petri dish.

Aki hurriedly pressed the button to open the petri dish to reveal the elf egg.

At the same time, the white light of the elf egg is also more dazzling, and the shaking is also more violent.

The bright light can't keep everyone's eyes open! "Being able to witness the hatching of the elf egg is the most wonderful moment of our job!"

"Do you know what kind of elf egg this is?"

"Probably Laluras!"

Xia Zhimu also replied to Linna and his wife, because her egg is a pair with Zhang Feng's egg, and Siruf has already said that the two eggs are likely to be the same kind of elf.


The white light gradually dimmed, the elf egg broke open, and finally turned into a little guy with a white body and a green head that resembled a little humanoid girl.

"Ah! Although I already knew it would be Lalu Drawing, it's really cute!"

"Unfortunately, I want one too."

Xia Zhimu directly picked up her Lalu drawing, the girl's resistance to this cute thing was almost zero, and Liu Menghan also looked at Zhang Feng with a resentful expression, after all, she was the only one who was eliminated early in the doubles battle.

Hearing Liu Menghan's words, Axi and his wife looked at each other and said: "This time, I would like to thank you for helping us a lot and making this child Aaron cheer up again, so we decided to give you an elf egg as a gift. Thank you."

In this way, Zhang Feng and his party got another elf egg that looked good in color and high quality, and continued to travel.

Naturally, the three of them discussed and gave this elf egg to Liu Menghan, and she also accepted the green patterned elf egg with joy.

Their next destination is naturally the City of Fate, where the Heavenly King Examination Tournament is held.

On the way, Zhang Feng also logged into the Elf Forum to have a look. Netizens expressed their understanding of the operation of the alliance to put Zhang Feng behind Yayi, even though Zhang Feng has been performing in: Gym... strong, but still in line Not Shang Shuijun gave people a great shock, that is the incarnation of the divine beast, the north wind.

And Xia Zhimu has been holding Lalu Lasi in her arms all the time, Lalu Lasheng is a good time to enhance the relationship.

After arriving in the City of Fate, Zhang Feng hurriedly went to buy tickets for the Zhang Tianwang Examination Competition.

After buying the tickets, on the day of the competition, this evening, I just let the elf and Zhang Feng and his party have a good rest! It's a relaxing night! The next day, the Heavenly King Examination held in Yuanzhi City will officially start.

The host of this competition is actually an acquaintance of Zhang Feng. There is a local hostess in the city of fate, and the other is...Korna's best friend Liruo Tianwang whom he met while arresting Dr. Darkmoon earlier.

"Today, the audience is very enthusiastic. I believe everyone must want to know, whether this... the arrogant girl born in the city of fate, the young man who was favored by the divine beast Suijun, can successfully be promoted to the trainer of the king of heaven. Woolen cloth"

A few simple words from the hostess aroused the enthusiasm of the audience. Eye-catching trainers such as Mei Yi have a large number of fans.

"Yi, Yayi, you must do it!"

"Defeat the King of Kona!"

Glancing at the audience who shouted loudly with a support object holding Mei Yi next to him, Zhang Feng rolled his eyes.

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