Looking at Mei's electric dragon, Kona said with interest.

"Yes, this electric dragon was encountered on an island when I was traveling in my country. It is my main elf."

Ya Yi nodded and said, this electric dragon has been with me for more than a year, and it was not prepared temporarily.

"In this case, as a challenger, you should attack first!"

Kona gestured towards him.

"Then I'm welcome, King Kona! Electric Dragon, use the electromagnetic cannon!"

As soon as he entered the battle, Ya Yi's expression brightened, and he chose to attack without hesitation.

Although she has always liked to watch Kona's games as a fan of Kona before, but after all, what she saw on the screen was not enough to understand how strong Kona's armored shell was! So Mei chose without hesitation. Use the attack to test the strength of the armored shell.

The electric dragon let out a soft moan, his hands gathered electric current, and in the next second, a cannonball-like electromagnetic energy projectile shot at the iron armored shell! "Iron armored shell! Hold on!"

Seeing this, Kona also directly ordered Tiejiabei.

And after Kona's order, Iron Armor directly propped up a green protective cover all over his body to block the blow.

"Tiejia shell, poisonous ling!"

Kona's voice sounded.

I saw a purple light flashing from Tiejiabei's forehead, shooting directly at the place where the electric dragon stood.

"It's actually a poisonous diamond!"

Mei's face changed, Du Ling was present, and it became very difficult for her to replace the elf.

"Electric dragon, slam, and fight quickly!"

The electric dragon exuded an amazing momentum and rushed directly to the iron shell! "This electric dragon of Yayi is also very well cultivated!"

Looking at the imposing electric dragon, Zhang Feng analyzed that although this electric dragon is a lot weaker than the iron armored shell, it must also be a heavenly king.

"Iron armor shell! Iron wall, carry it down!"

Kona's voice came! I saw the iron-clad shell stay still, the skin flashed with metallic luster, and the outer shell looked as hard as iron! Bang! The dragon was stunned by the anti-shock force and retreated again and again. On the other hand, the armored shell was still standing in place! "Hi"

Seeing this situation, the audience took a deep breath and looked extremely shocked. To be honest, they were very surprised at... Tiejia Bei's terrifying defense! Mei frowned and carefully observed the opposite Tie Jia Bei, there were almost no scars on her body. .

She took the slam of her electric dragon from the front, but she was not affected in any way, even if her body never moved! Even if the armored shell is an elves with a particularly strong defense, and also blessed with iron walls, this is too exaggerated .

No waiting: Mei was thinking about how to attack, and Kona's right voice woke her up again.

"Iron shell, blizzard!"

I saw a blue light flashing on the forehead of the iron armored shell, and a frigid wind mixed with snowflakes violently blew towards the electric dragon! "Quickly use the light wall, electric dragon!"

With the sound of Ya Yi's voice, a translucent golden light wall appeared in front of the electric dragon, and disappeared in an instant.

The next second, the electric dragon showed a painful expression in the blizzard. Even if the wall of light was used to weaken the attack of Kona's armored shell, the blizzard still had a great impact on the electric dragon! "Iron armored shell, spiked cannon!"

Kona didn't seem to have any intention of showing mercy, and Tiejiabei used a series of pointed cannonballs to shoot at the electric dragon.

"Electric Dragon, immediately use the wave of the dragon!"

The electric dragon's mouth accumulated energy, and in the next second, the cyan dragon-type energy hit the spiked cannon in mid-air! Boom! The explosion produced, on the spot, bursts of smoke! "Yo is so intense, the dragon's fluctuations and sharp The fierce collision of the thorn cannons, the attack of the electric dragon is comparable to that of the armored shell!"

The hostess's enthusiastic commentary, coupled with the already fierce battle, mobilized all the enthusiasm of the audience!

137. The powerful monarch snake

"Use the electromagnetic gun again! Electric dragon."

Miyuki said without hesitation.

No way, the Electric Dragon's Electric Skill is the most effective way to attack Kona's Iron Shell.

"Hundreds of millions of shock waves, iron shell!"


Kona's voice sounded, and Mei was taken aback.

I saw that the iron armored shell turned into a pink streamer, and at the same time as the electromagnetic gun was hard to bear, hundreds of millions of shock waves directly hit the electric dragon, and the electric dragon's body flew out.

Seeing this scene, the audience was silent, and the attack of the iron shell was so terrifying.

Zhang Feng also shook his head, he was not surprised at all, the higher the level, the greater the gap in strength.

"This, King Kona is too strong!"

On the high platform, the hostess said with a frown as she looked at the electric dragon who had collapsed to the ground and fainted.

If the situation continues like this, wouldn't it be impossible for Mei Yi to be promoted to the King of Heaven? "Don't worry, Mei Yi doesn't have to defeat Kona in this game, as long as she does her best."

Li Ruo also seemed to see the hostess' worry, and said with a chuckle.

In Li Ruo's view, if the promotion of the King of Heaven must defeat Kona, then more than 9% of the King of Heaven trainers in the entire China are not eligible for promotion.

On the electronic screen, the icon belonging to the electric dragon also dimmed.

Mei retracted the electric dragon, took a deep breath with her hands on her chest, and took out a second Poké Ball from her waist.

"Please, Monarch Snake!"

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