As Mei's voice sounded, an extravagant green monarch snake fell to the ground.

"Oh, it seems that King Kona put a lot of pressure on Mei, and Mei chose to let her initial elf monarch Snake play!"

As soon as she saw the monarch snake, the hostess was also excited. Before hosting the game, she fully understood the information of Mei Yi, and knew that her initial elf was a leaf vine snake, and now it is also in the hands of Ya Yi... Sui Jun The absolute trump card outside.

In the next second, the monarch snake that fell to the ground was also flashing purple light, and the poisonous diamond effect of the armored shell was produced.

"The monarch snake, hit the iron shell!"

Mei calmly commanded that although Kona put a lot of pressure on her, she must not be in a mess now.

I saw the monarch snake lying down with a huge body, and rushing towards the iron armored shell as quickly as lightning! In an instant, the monarch snake came to the iron armored shell, and its tail slapped the iron armored shell with great force! "Tiejia shell, iron shell!" wall,"

Tiejiabei once again used the iron wall to strengthen the royal guard. After the shot of Zhongbei, the tail of the monarch snake stopped abruptly in the audience's astonished eyes. She saw a painful look on Tiejiabei's face.

"Yes, this monarch snake has been cultivated very well!"

Li Ruo on the high platform stared at the monarch snake and said with a chuckle.

"Iron armored shell, shell blade."

As Kona's voice fell, the sharp shell blade of the iron shell slashed towards the monarch snake! "Monarch snake, wrap around the iron shell and throw it into the sky!"

I saw that the monarch snake accelerated directly to avoid the shell blade of the iron armored shell, and the slender snake-shaped body of the monarch snake directly tied the iron armored shell. .

"The power of this monarch snake is very good! The level is also very high!"

Zhang Feng's voice sounded.

Xia Zhimu also nodded.

"Monarch Snake, let's solve it like this! Flying Leaf Storm!"

With the sound of Yayi, the ruby-like eyes of the monarch snake stared at the iron armored shell in the air, and with a light cry, countless flying leaves all over the body condensed into a storm and hit the iron armored shell directly! The attack power will also increase instead of decreasing.

"Shrink into the shell! Iron shell!"

Even though the scene was very unfavorable for Iron Armor Shell, Kona still looked calm.

Boom! This is the sound of the armored shell falling to the ground, and the shrinking shell has resisted most of Ye Baofeng's damage.

"Parasitic Seed, Monarch Snake!"

Mei Yi didn't think it would be so easy to deal with Tiejiabei, and she continued to order without hesitation.

The ruby-like pupils of the monarch snake flashed green light, and a 1 seed directly hit the iron-clad shell, and the seed attached to the iron-clad shell directly grew rattan and entangled the iron-clad shell, absorbing its stamina from the iron-clad shell.

Grass-type elf is still very powerful in consumption.

"Iron armored shell, frozen light!"

A blue light flashed from Tiejiabei's forehead, and it shot directly at the monarch snake. The monarch snake was directly frozen by the freezing light and turned into an ice sculpture.

"Get out, monarch snake, hardened plant."

Mei shouted loudly.

I saw the eyes of the monarch snake flickering with red light, and the next second, the ice cube that had frozen it exploded directly. At the same time, with the monarch snake as the center, the surrounding field was also directly cracked, and the overwhelming gray plant roots were directed at the iron shell. Go! "No, Iron Shell, use the shell blade!"

Kona's face changed slightly, and the power of this hardened plant exceeded her expectations.

"This monarch snake should be carrying a grass-type treasure."

Zhang Feng's expression changed a bit when he looked at this level of hardened plants.

In the next second, the hardened plant directly hit the iron-clad shell, even if the iron-clad shell frantically slashed the gray plant with a shell blade, it still couldn't match the regeneration speed of the hardened plant, and was submerged by the hardened plant.

The smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the iron-clad shell that fainted in the arena! Seeing Kona taking back the iron-clad shell indifferently, Zhang Feng frowned. It was very strange. He did not expect that Kona's iron-clad shell would lose its fighting ability so easily. .

But after glancing at the excited audience in the audience, Zhang Feng thought about it, and that's right! After all, this is a match prepared by the league for Yayi. Although he said he wouldn't let the water go, Ke Na definitely didn't need to go all out.

138. Mei's trump card, Suijun appears

"Miss Lips, use the freezing light!"

"Kapimon, destroy the light!"

In the venue, the match between Mei Yi and Ke Na was extremely fierce, but Zhang Feng was drowsy. Ke Na would always put some water after killing a elf in Mei Yi, and Ke Na was extremely serious in the battle. Zhang Feng's expression made Zhang Feng complain that she is really a natural actress! "Oh, Kena is indeed the number one ice trainer in Xia, and there is only one elf left in Yayi, she is forced into a desperate situation, but I have to say It is also extraordinary that Mei can fight against King Kona to such an extent."

As Mei's Kirby fell in front of Kona's lip-smacking sister, the hostess was high: a fierce voice resounded throughout the venue.

"Kona, Kona!"

"Kona King, you are too powerful."

The audience in the venue also frantically shouted Kona's name.

"Hey, Zhang Feng, why are you falling asleep? Such a wonderful game, don't you usually like elves battles the most?"

Liu Menghan asked curiously, looking at Zhang Feng who closed his eyes and said nothing.

"Ah! Uh, that..., I was just thinking about something!"

The blue light in Zhang Feng's eyes dissipated and he said.

Because the first half of the game was really mostly performance, Zhang Feng entered the system interface to check the status of his warehouse elf.

It is not a problem to put so many elves in the system warehouse, and Zhang Feng's thought of buying an island has also risen again.

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