The hostess' commentary also sounded just right! "Destroy the light, Suicune!"

Yayi looked at the frozen bird that was accumulating energy in midair, and shouted unwillingly.

Sui Jun also endured the pain and stored energy in his mouth, and the ice-type ultimate move on the frozen bird's absolute zero was ready. In the next second, blue light shot at Sui Jun, and wherever the absolute zero went, it seemed as if the air was full of air. It's like being frozen.

Boom! Absolute Zero hit Suijun directly, the destructive light near Suijun's mouth dissipates, and ice debris is still scattered in the air, but Suijun has been turned into an ice sculpture by the absolute zero degree of the frozen bird, and has lost the ability to fight!" now!"

On the high platform, looking at the frozen Suicune, Li Ruo whispered to herself.

Next, at the scene, there were enthusiastic cheers, and the audience frantically shouted Kona's name.

This Heavenly King promotion match has finally ended perfectly here.

: When it does, Ben's particularly powerful opponents will have a third-level god.

140. Meet, Li Ruo

When Kona's Frozen Bird came on stage, the situation instantly turned into a one-sided situation. In this case, Mei could only take back Sui Jun, who was incapacitated, with a slightly helpless smile.

After all, he is the famous Four Heavenly Kings in China.

From the beginning of the battle, she has been completely caught up in Kona's rhythm.

"Oh, it's a very exciting fight. Although contestant Yayi has done her best, she is still a little immature in the face of King Keena."

"I hope that the players in Yayi will not be easily discouraged. The stage that belongs to you in the future is very big!"

While comforting Mei, the hostess raised the atmosphere of the venue without any pressure.

In this way, the Heavenly King Examination held by the Alliance has ended like this. I believe that this game will become a hot topic among trainers for a long time to come. After all, the battle of the beasts is can see it at any time.

Kona also announced in front of everyone that Mei was successfully promoted to the Heavenly King-level trainer. As for when she takes over the position assigned by the alliance, it depends on her own wishes.

There is also a reason why the Elf Association can stand firm and become the most powerful official force in the world. The Association will not force any trainer to join the Association.

But Zhang Feng looked at today's momentum, it seems that Dama Lanqi intends to support Yayi.

And the position of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Huaxia region, which is the headquarters of the Elf Association, is not something that can be obtained easily. The current Mei Yi is still too young.

In fact, Zhang Feng has some ideas about... the Four Heavenly Kings of China. Of course, what Zhang Feng is most interested in is Yulongdu, which is above the Four Heavenly Kings.

After watching the full battle between Yayi and Ke Na, Zhang Feng also came to the conclusion that even if he wants to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings, even if the entire lineup is exposed, Zhang Feng can't guarantee that he can win the transition, and Ke Na has already This is difficult to deal with, and Nadu's strength is naturally evident.

As Zhang Feng, who has set his current target on Du, naturally he has a full understanding of... Du, perhaps the one in the anime... Du because the first generation of orthodox dragon-type elves only have one type of fast dragon, so most of Du's lineup All have "Dragon" in their name

The flying elves, such as the red tyrannosaur in the Lake of Wrath.

Therefore, Du is also dubbed the champion of flying by the elf fans.

However, according to Zhang Feng, all the elves that Du has exposed to the public so far are all quasi-gods of the orthodox dragon system, and because of his own "power to control the dragon"

The power of the dragon-type elf in his hands is naturally more terrifying, and Zhang Feng's elf level is generally lower than Du, which is why Zhang Feng is eager to buy his own island.

After purchasing the island, Zhang Feng can naturally help the wild elves on the island to improve the strength of his main lineup to a higher level.

After the game, in the evening, Zhang Feng and his party also met with Li Ruo and Ke Na, who happened to be out, so they simply got together.

At the dinner table, Zhang Feng also inquired about what happened in Qiuhuang City at that time, and also learned from Ke Na that the Rocket Team that invaded at that time did not want to target Ke, but wanted to take away Dr. Dark Moon. This is also the final Ke Na. Take the reason why you can escape.

Because he was at the top of the Tianwang potential list before, and he hunted down the Rockets with himself, so Ke Na also told Zhang Feng about these more secret things! Therefore, Zhang Feng also got a message from Ke Na, According to her guess, among the 6 special cadres of the Rockets, except... Bishas who has the dark ball, others may have the strength to fight against her.

Of course, there is also a guess that Ke Na didn't tell Zhang Feng. This guess even she can't believe it. One of the female cadres who played against her at that time gave her a very familiar feeling, it seemed that she belonged to the association. A certain heavenly king, this kind of thing is too appalling, and Kona only mentioned it to the chairman Dama Lanqi during the meeting of the four heavenly kings.

Time soon came to the middle of the night, Zhang Feng stood alone in the hotel room looking at the night view outside the window, as if he was thinking about something.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Zhang Feng looked at the door, not knowing who came to look for him so late.

The door slowly opened, and Li Ruo's figure appeared in the line of sight, "Miss Li Ruo, it's so late, but what can you do to me?"

Zhang Feng smiled slightly, and said in a soft tone, if he and Li Ruo were not too familiar with each other, and even said a few words, if Li Ruo would come to him at night, which Zhang Feng did not expect.

"Yes, it's really disturbing, but there are some things that I need to talk to you about."

Looking at Zhang Feng who was much younger than himself, Li Ruo pursed her lips and said.

"As for the...that yellow elf that appeared in the siege of Dr. Darkmoon, it should be a divine beast whose talent is no less than that of today's Suicune and Frozen Bird!"

Seeing that Zhang Feng did not speak, Li Ruo said with a slight smile.

"Wow Liruo Tianwang seems to have a high opinion of me. Suicune and Frozen Bird are legendary elves, and my Zeraora is just an ordinary electric elf."

Zhang Feng glanced at Li Ruo, and was also slightly surprised. So far, Li Ruo was the first person to accurately see his Zeraora potential. It seems that Li Ruo's task of looking for him today is not that simple.

"What about the Nightmare God Darkrai?"

Rika's voice resounded in the room again.

Hearing Li Ruo's words, Zhang Feng frowned, and his face became cold. Li Ruo actually knew his Darkrai. Many people had seen his Darkrai in the first battle of Red Lotus Volcano. The Bi family, The Rockets, and the masters who fought against the Rockets.

But it's unlikely that Li Ruo, as the king of the association, got the news from the Rockets, then probably the biggest possibility is... the Bi family who has a grudge against him.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to inquire about your privacy, but it happened for a reason, I hope you forgive me."

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