Seeming to understand that this kind of casual inquiring into other people's privacy is very offensive, Li Ruo looked at Zhang Feng apologetically.

However, she couldn't solve this matter alone, so after learning about Zhang Feng's true strength, she wanted to pull Zhang Feng to help.

Seeing Li Ruo's sincere apology, Zhang Feng's expression softened a lot.

141. La Liruo joins in, Bishas

"If you have something to say, please say it directly, Li Ruo Tianwang!"

Zhang Feng said lightly, for... Li Ruo's name is also changed from Miss Li Ruo to King Li Ruo.

"The second-generation imperial dragon envoy, Mr. Zhang Feng, the world does not know your strength, maybe in the future your strength can catch up with Mr. Du."

Li Ruo didn't care about the change in Zhang Feng's address to her, but continued to chuckle.

"There's no need to compliment me, Li Ruo Tianwang, please tell me the purpose of coming to me today!"

Zhang Feng was also straight to the point, he didn't believe that Li Ruo came to compliment him in the evening.

"It's like this, I need a companion who is stronger than me and does not belong to the Elf Association to help me kill a person. This matter is extremely important to me, and only you can help me. In return, I am willing to pay any price. "

When it came to paying all the price, Zhang Feng saw the determination in Li Ruo's eyes.

in spite of……

Whether it was his expression or his tone, Zhang Feng could not see a trace of lying on Li Ruo's face at present.

"Then ask Liruo Tianwang to talk about what's going on!"

Zhang Feng frowned and closed the door, signaling Li Ruo to sit down and talk about what happened.

In fact, being directly told by outsiders that he has divine beasts doesn't have much impact on Zhang Feng himself. After all, with his current strength, there is absolutely no problem with self-protection, but Zhang Feng hates it.

Trouble has not exposed the divine beast in his hands.

"I am an ordinary girl born in a crown city. My parents love elves very much, so they will help some injured wild elves from time to time, until one day, my father met the injured legendary fairy Elf Celebi, this is also the beginning of a disaster for our family!"

"After saving Celebi, it will also appear in front of our family from time to time. The legendary elf's allure to people is fatal, everyone wants to get it, and the Celebi is injured. It was because of being chased and killed by the Rockets."

When talking about the Rockets, Zhang Feng could clearly see the hatred in Li Ruo's eyes.

Zhang Feng's eyes flickered slightly when he heard the words, and it seemed that his previous inference was still wrong. With Li Ruo's hatred for the Rockets, it is impossible for her to have much relationship with the Bi family.

"So, the cadre in the Rockets who has been coveting the power of Celebi, Bishas with the dark ball appeared, he took my parents, and I escaped by hiding in the closet, and then I was in the crown. The bodies of my parents were found on the outskirts of the city!"

Having said this, Li Ruo's face was already pale, and tears quietly slipped down her cheeks.

Hearing this, Zhang Feng also understood, but he and Li Ruo had such a bloody feud.

And for... Li Ruo's words, Zhang Feng is also convinced. First of all, she said that there is no problem with editing, and Zhang Feng is still very impressed with... Bishas, ​​and has some obsessions with Celebi. .

"Miss Liruo, please condolences, you want me to help you kill Bishas, ​​even if I agree, it will be difficult to complete."

Zhang Fengyu said calmly, Li Ruo, who looked at the crying Li Yu.

After learning the ins and outs of the matter, Zhang Feng also let go of his prejudice against Li Ruo.

"Indeed, Bijas is the weakest cadre of the Rockets, but his escape ability is top-notch. His dark ball that can conquer wild elves and strengthen them, and control the elves' minds, is indeed very difficult to deal with. "

After a pause, Li Ruo glanced at Zhang Feng, pursed her lips and continued.

"I got accurate information that Bishas will go to the Forest of Time in a month to capture Celebi, this is the only chance I have to kill him, then I hope you can help me, and as a reward I will also send a The evolution stone of Shanaido."

After speaking, Li Ruo took out an exquisite rectangular box from the space ring and placed it in front of Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng glanced at the box and looked at Li Ruo in surprise. It seemed that she had already made up her mind on herself, and she must have known about the ring match she prepared for Chillian in Guchen City.

"Wouldn't it be easier to ask King Kona for help with this kind of thing?"

Zhang Feng pondered for a while and then spoke. Ke Na is known as the strongest ice-type trainer in China. If Li asks Ke Na, he should be more confident.

"The Rockets are very concerned about... the Four Heavenly Kings of China and the two champions, and there are many people from the Rockets in the association, so I can't take the risk of exposing the plan to find people in the association."

Li Ruo wiped her tears and said.

"Okay, I promise you this, and I can promise to help you kill Bishas, ​​but I also have a condition."

Zhang Feng pondered slightly and said to Li Ruo.

After discovering that Team Rocket Dr. Darkmoon was brutally using elves to conduct in vivo experiments, Zhang Feng was full of disgust for... Team Rocket, and even wanted to form his own forces to fight Team Rocket, to kill Bishas, ​​he did not A little psychological burden.

"Please say it's okay for me to pay everything, including myself!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Li Ruo said excitedly, for her, after her parents were killed, her lifelong goal was...kill Bishas and destroy Team Rocket.

"Uh, actually I want you to join my forces when this is over."

Zhang Feng scratched his head, Li Ruo was obviously thinking a little crooked, although she was pretty, but he really had no idea about her! "Your power"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Li Ruo's face was full of surprise.

"Yes, a force whose purpose is to destroy Team Rocket."

Zhang Feng looked at his right hand and said indifferently, that it is not bad to draw a trainer of Li Ruo's strength to his own power.

"Okay, I agree."

Although I don't know what enmity Zhang Feng has with the Rockets, as long as they deal with the Rockets, Li Ruo will not hesitate at all.

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