: I've been in the hospital for two days, I don't have time to update, I'm sorry, but it will be back to normal the day after tomorrow.

142. Xia Zhimu leaves the team, Bishas' ambition

Li Ruo left, since she had already told Zhang Feng everything and got Zhang Feng's promise, she was naturally satisfied.

From the first meeting between her and Zhang Feng on the mission, to the fact that Zhang Feng also had the Nightmare God Darkrai from the Xia family's false remarks, Li Ruo chose Zhang Feng as the best person to plan this matter.

Even in order to get Zhang Feng to agree to help with full confidence, she also spent nearly half of her net worth preparing that set of Shanaido's evolution stones. Just after she was entrusted as a guest of this test, she met again in the city of fate. We arrived at Zhang Feng, so we had a meeting this evening.

Zhang Feng walked to the floor-to-ceiling window again, looking at the city full of neon lights in the night, the light of thought flashed in his black eyes.

Harvested a set of Shanaido's evolution stones, brought in a Heavenly King-level trainer for his organization, and even had the opportunity to kill a Rocket team cadre. I have to say that Li Ruo's visit brought him a lot of trouble Less good news.

"Hey, think about it, how to deal with this Bishas, ​​that guy is very cunning, and I really don't know his true strength."

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng felt a little distressed in his heart. The other cadres of the Rockets may still be able to find out about the elf lineup. This Bishas has been changing the elf lineup because of the dark ball. He also needs to prevent that guy from borrowing the elf to be similar to teleportation. ability to run.

The peaceful night passed in a flash, and on the second day, the city of Yuanzhi also lost the excitement of yesterday, and the trainers who heard the news and came to watch Meiyi's game also left.

And then, the Heavenly King Examination in the City of Fate also ended. Zhang Feng also asked the two girls if there were no problems, and they would continue their journey towards Fangcao City. Now, there is only one month left before the Chinese New Year. , Zhang Feng must also end the gym challenge as soon as possible and collect the required badges.

"Uh, I have to go home too. I haven't been home for a while."

When Xia Zhimu heard the words, she curled her lips slightly and said, the family has urged her many times, and it is time for her to go back.

"Then we can only say goodbye first, and see you again later."

Zhang Feng was not surprised when he heard this, and smiled at Xia Zhimu.

This world is like this, you will meet all kinds of people along the way, but the difference will come sooner or later, Zhang Feng is also very indifferent to Xia Zhimu's sudden departure from the team, and the difference is also for a better reunion.

"Hey, is this your parting message to me? It's too insincere. If we meet next time, we may be... opponents."

Xia Zhimu smiled when she heard the words, and said jokingly.

Since being with Zhang Feng, Xia He has also developed some good feelings. The reason for leaving this time is to calm himself down and think about his relationship with Zhang Feng.

The second is that she hasn't been home for a long time. "Haha, okay, I'm looking forward to the battle with you."

Zhang Feng said with a smile.

The days of parting always come, so Zhang Feng and Liu Menghan's journey continues.

"I'm not used to Sister Mu's absence!"

Liu Menghan couldn't help but smile when she saw that there were only two people left beside her.

"There will always be encounters, and we have to end the gym challenge before the new year and go home."

Zhang Feng didn't have any emotion for... parting, after all, we will meet in the future.

And in the days to come, he will only be more busy, the issue of buying the island, the special cadre of the Rockets has to solve it, and there are still two 2 badges that he has yet to get, but he can't stop at all...  

At this time, in the Forest of Time, a large-scale Rocket Team secret base is hidden in the depths of the forest.

In the research room of the base, Bishas looked at Dr. Darkmoon who was operating the computer in front of him with a very eager expression.

Originally, as the cadre of Team Rocket, he had been searching for Celebi, the phantom elf who could travel through time and space for a long time, and several times when he almost succeeded, Celebi used the power of time and space to escape, This time, when he learned the news of Celebi, he was even more cautious and did not disturb Celebi.

At the same time, he secretly invited Dr. Darkmoon, and asked Dr. Darkmoon to make a set of instruments for him to temporarily block Celebi's ability to travel through time and space.

Originally, Bijas left Dr. Darkmoon's side and led to Dr. Darkmoon being arrested, which made Dr. Darkmoon a little angry. When Bijas first found him, Dr. Darkmoon was not going to pay attention to him.

But after thinking about it, Dr. Darkmoon agreed to help Bishas, ​​on the condition that Bishas must kill Zhang Feng for him after he successfully conquered Celebi.

Since the battle of Emperor Xiu Honglian Volcano brought back the news that Zhang Feng had the Nightmare God, Sakagi also ordered Team Rocket not to provoke Zhang Feng for the time being. After all, it is not easy for trainers who can control divine beasts. Sakagi is planning his own plan. , If you can avoid these troubles, try not to provoke them! However, even after knowing that Zhang Feng has the Nightmare God, Dr. Dark Moon is still reluctant to give up, so he made this request privately to Bishas.

After hearing Dr. Darkmoon's request, Bishas naturally agreed without hesitation. Because Dr. Darkmoon was arrested, he was reprimanded a lot by Sakagi, and his relationship with Dr. Darkmoon was also ruined. Zhang Feng, one of the initiators of this matter, naturally gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Dark Moon, how is it, it should be completed within a month!"

Bishas's tone was more excited. The deadline he set for himself was one month. After all, he didn't know how long Celebi was willing to stay in this forest, so he could only hope that Dr. Darkmoon would have the device ready as soon as possible.

"There shouldn't be a big problem. This kind of mental interference device can weaken the spiritual power of the elf, and it can also make Celebi unable to escape through time and space with all his strength!"

Dark Moon's voice was extremely blunt. If he hadn't killed Zhang Feng and counted on Bishas, ​​he didn't want to pay attention to this guy who put him in prison.

"Hahaha, that's fine, that's fine."

Bishas also laughed recklessly, and didn't care about the dissatisfaction in Dr. Darkmoon's tone. As long as he could successfully catch Celebi and control Celebi with the dark ball, he would be able to be among the cadres of the Rockets. Going a step further, even replacing the position of the strongest Xiudi.

Thinking of this, Bishas' cold face showed a hint of excitement.

143. An embarrassing night

In this way, Xia Zhimu left Zhang Feng's travel team and chose to go home first.

Zhang Feng and Liu Menghan continued to travel, and the city of Yuanzhi was not far from Fangcao City.

"Fangcao City has finally arrived, try to challenge gym trainers as early as possible to get the seventh gym badge!"

Also because of the tight schedule, Zhang Feng had to solve the rest of the gym as soon as possible.

As soon as they arrived in Fangcao City, the two also came to the most famous Fangcao Hotel. After all, they had to rest and relax after a day's journey.

“Two deluxe suites.”

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