"Okay, so far this year, you are the third challenger who forced me out of Lucario, let me see how you can beat my Lucario!"

Muto said expectantly.

"Lucario, wave missile, open!"

The blue and black Lucario opened his hands, and saw a blue ball of light appeared from his hand, and the next second, it shot directly at the Vulcan in mid-air.

"Strong mind, block me, Vulcan!"

Zhang Feng's voice fell, the blue eyes of the Vulcan worm flickered with blue light, and a powerful mental wave directly intercepted Lucario's wave missile from mid-air, directly detonating the wave missile.

Boom! The energy is rampant, and the air waves produced by the explosion spread.

"Attack, Lucario, bone sticks!"

In an instant, Lucario made a blue bone rod with both hands, and in the next second, he accelerated, jumping up and attacking the Vulcan in mid-air.

"Hot air, blow it back for me!"

Hearing this, with the six wings of the Vulcan insect in mid-air, the violent fire elements converged, and a gust of hot wind mixed with little sparks blew directly towards Lucario.

Hot air is an effective skill for... Lucario.

The hot wind hit, and Lucario, who was caught off guard, was blown away, and the bone rod disappeared.

"Steady, Lucario, use the wave of the dragon."

Lucario, who was blown away, turned over in the air, adjusted his body and landed on the ground. In the next second, Lucario gathered a cyan dragon-type energy and blasted directly at the Vulcan.

"Vulcan, flame vortex."

As Zhang Feng's voice fell, the flames accumulated in the Vulcan's mouth and shot directly at Lucario.

The green light and the red flame collided, still on a par.

"It's very difficult to deal with, this Vulcan!"

Muto frowned slightly as he watched the Vulcan worm flapping its wings in midair. He was really curious that the skill of the Vulcan worm cultivated by a 16-year-old boy who had just traveled for less than a year was actually powerful enough to compare to the way he had followed it for many years. Callio.

"In that case, let's do our best here."

Saying that, Muto took out a colored stone from the space ring and pointed it at Lucario, shouting, "Lucario, respond to my determination! Evolution."


Zhang Feng muttered in a low voice, he was not too surprised that... Muto's Lucario could evolve.

The colorful lights flickered, and Lucario, who was bathed in the evolutionary light, began to change.

With a low growl, the evolved Lucario appeared in the venue.

"Vulcan, make a butterfly dance!"

The Vulcan body started to spin lightly and danced a mysterious dance. Butterfly dance can improve the special attack speed and special defense of the Vulcan.

"Lucario, wave missile!"

Naturally, Muto would not let Zhang Feng's Vulcan continue to increase his abilities, and ordered Lucario to attack.

Suddenly, a faster and more powerful wave missile was fired at the Vulcan in mid-air.

"Vulcan, hold on!"

Looking at the Bo missile attacking the Vulcan, Zhang Feng shouted quickly, the Vulcan directly propped up a cyan protective cover in mid-air to block the Bo missile.

"Right now, feint, Lucario!"

A blue figure jumped high, and Lucario's right hand flashed with white light, and directly photographed the cyan protective cover that was enveloped by the Vulcan worm. At the same time that the protective cover disappeared, Lucario's right leg in the air With a violent kick, it directly hit the Vulcan.

The body of the Vulcan worm fell directly to the ground, causing a burst of smoke.

The evolved Lucario's speed and strength have risen a notch, and the Vulcan was not able to adapt for a while.

"Dragon Wave, Lucario."

Seeing the Vulcan worm that had just re-flyed, Muto ordered with a wave.

"Avoid this blow, Vulcan!"

Aware of the cyan dragon-type energy shot towards him, the Vulcan worm slammed its wings, and its figure rose sharply.

"What! Can you still have such a speed?"

Muto looked a little surprised when he saw that the Vulcan was able to avoid this dragon wave so quickly.

"It's our turn to attack, Vulcan, Dance of Fire."

Zhang Feng waved his hand heavily and shouted.

High in the sky, the Vulcan worm made a light cry, the flames flickered on its body, and it swooped down directly with gusts of strong wind, aiming directly at Lucario on the ground.

169. System Rewards, Master Ball

Seeing the flames all over his body covering the Vulcan worms, Muto hurriedly shouted, "Lucario, metallic sound."

Lucario opened his mouth, and a harsh high-pitched voice sounded, and the shocking Vulcan swayed for a while, but the Fire Dance still slammed on Lucario.

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