At this moment, Muto also admired Vulcan's perseverance, and he could still make such an attack despite the metallic sound.

"This is really..."

Looking at Lucario who fell to the ground, the Vulcan worms parked in mid-air, and the messy battle field, Muto raised his eyebrows. He had not gone all out against a challenger who came to challenge his gym. .

And now, the challenger has almost cornered him.

"Lucario, it's time to decide, speed!"

"Vulcan, the final blow, the energy-charged flame attack."

Muto directed to Lucario, who had regained his ability to move, and Zhang Feng also ordered the final blow to the Vulcan. His Vulcan had a natural advantage in this battle, even if Lucari After European evolution, it is difficult to get close to it.

Lucario didn't hesitate at all, he launched it quickly, and attacked the Vulcan with almost lightning speed, but after all, it was on the same ground as the Vulcan, and there was still a distance in the air, and the Vulcan was also completed. Charged with flame attack, covered by flames, it rushed directly to Lucario.

In mid-air, the super speed and the energy-storing flame attack violently collided.

Boom! The explosion produced a burst of smoke, and Lucario's figure flew out directly, and fell heavily to the ground from mid-air. At the same time, the evolution was also lifted. Looking at this scene, Zhang Feng didn't seem to be too surprised. .

The fire god insect flew out of the thick smoke, and after a crisp insect call, it stopped in front of Zhang Feng with scars all over his body.

"Well done, Vulcan!"

Zhang Feng also smiled at the Vulcan, and said gently, although his Vulcan had just been conquered, and his tacit understanding was not enough, it was simply excellent enough in itself, and its perseverance was amazing.

"Lucario loses his ability to fight, Vulcan wins."

"The winner of this gym battle is the challenger, Zhang Feng."

The referee also waved his hand and shouted after looking at Lucario who was lying on the ground unresponsive.

"Great, I got the last badge."

In the auditorium, Liu Menghan stood up in surprise, Zhang Jiqi, Zhang Feng was qualified for the China Championship.

Taking the most fighting badge from the somewhat helpless Muto, the system's voice sounded at the same time.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the fight, the plot is activated, and the permission to open the pillar of the sky on the map is obtained."

"At the same time, because the host has collected all eight badges, he will receive a master ball as a system reward!"

"It's actually..."

Hearing the system's voice, Zhang Feng's eyes were full of surprises, so much that Liu Menghan didn't notice when he walked to his side.

Can't wait to open the system backpack, Zhang Feng also saw a Poké Ball with a purple top and a white bottom, which is the Master Ball rewarded by the system.

The master ball produced by the system is the best poke ball made by the top technology, 10% captures any pokemon, and can be recognized for capturing pokemon.


Seeing the system comment, Zhang Feng didn't know what to say for a while, suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, Zhang Feng left the martial arts gym with Liu Menghan.

As soon as he left the martial arts gym, Zhang Feng met a figure that Zhang Feng could not have imagined, a... ... black hair scattered randomly, dark brown eyes, and a delicate face, it was Shangguan Wan'er.

Today, she is wearing a light blue long dress, like a beauty in ancient costume who came out of a painting, I have to say that this woman doesn't care...

Any outfit is full of temptation and natural charm.

Liu Menghan, who was on the side, saw that Shangguan Wan'er also had a little bit of vigilance in her beautiful eyes. Although she had heard Shangguan Wan'er's story, this woman was too beautiful. She suddenly came to Zhang Feng, which made Liu Menghan a little worried.

Shangguan Wan'er looked at Zhang Feng's surprised expression and smiled angrily, "Why didn't you expect me to come here?"

" are you"

Zhang Feng's tone was a little helpless. To be honest, he promised to help Shangguan Wan'er only because of the real dragon's teeth. There are too many troubles on this woman, and Zhang Feng did not want to get involved too deeply.

"I came from a long way to see you, why did you let me tell you on the street?"

Shangguan Wan'er said with a chuckle.


"Change place!"

Back at the hotel, Zhang Feng took Liu Menghan and Shangguan Wan'er to the elevator. Along the way, it also attracted the attention of many passers-by. It was not a problem to come to the hotel to open a room. Zhang Feng also brought Liu Menghan and Shangguan Wan'er, two stunning beauties. It's too ostentatious indeed.

Back in the hotel room, Shangguan Wan'er, who was at the back, closed the door.

Liu Menghan also immediately poured a cup of tea for Shangguan Wan'er who was sitting at the table, and also hinted that she and Zhang Feng were already living together, and she was only a guest here.

"Tell me, why did you appear in Wudou City?"

Zhang Feng didn't pay attention to Liu Menghan's small movements, and said warmly, since Shangguan Wan'er came to look for her, there must be something wrong.

I beg him, after all, the two are not very close.

Shangguan Wan'er picked up the teacup and sipped her mouth. After taking a deep look at Liu Menghan beside Zhang Feng, she forced a smile and said, "The elf will send me over for a mission, and I just saw you challenging the martial arts gym. , and I also have something to look for, so I came here."

"That's it, say something!"

Zhang Feng pondered for a moment and said.

As the special search officer of the Elf Association, Shangguan Wan'er will indeed be sent to various places to perform tasks, and Zhang Feng is also a little curious about what Shangguan Wan'er suddenly found him.

170, the Shangguan family, join

"Actually, this time I came to Wudou City to perform a mission that I specifically requested."

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