"It's Ceraby, it's been found."

Li Ruomei stared at the blue beam of light deep in the deep forest with a very solemn expression, she did not expect Bishas to find Celebi so quickly.

174. Dangerous, Celebi

Looking at the cyan energy beam that gradually disappeared in the depths of the forest, Zhang Feng frowned slightly, perhaps now Celebi is in danger.

Although Celebi has a gentle personality and is not good at fighting, it is a divine beast after all. It will take some time for ordinary people to defeat it, but at this moment its opponent is Team Rocket, and these guys can use all means. Even use some high-tech to catch the elf.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng no longer hesitated, and said to the two people around him: "Then let's do it, the people on the outside will let me solve it, you go directly to Bishas and stop him from subduing Celebi, I will quickly join you."


"Then let's do it!"

Xiao Chi and Li Ruo summoned their own flying elves at the same time, Fire-breathing Dragon and Bi Diao, and the next second, their figures were instantly lifted up into the sky.

"over there, who is there"

The Rocket minions who were wandering on the ground also found the two of them, and for a while, groups of three or five minions also summoned a bunch of big-mouthed bats to pursue them.

Boom! A sudden and tyrannical golden energy light directly hit most of the big-mouthed bats, and for a while, many big-mouthed bats began to fall to the ground.

The Rockets on the ground were obviously stunned by this sudden attack, but what followed was...full of anger, always...they attacked others, when would it be someone's turn to dare to attack them?

"Well done! Quick Dragon."

In midair, Zhang Feng, who was sitting on Kuailong's back, patted Kuailong's head and said.

The people on the ground, headed by Team Rocket, looked fiercely at Zhang Feng who had intercepted them in mid-air, and at this time, the figures of Li Ruo and Xiao Chi were getting further and further away.

"Quick, quick attack, brothers, give this kid some color."

As the voices of the leading Team Rocket members fell, for a while, electric shocks, flames, and energy rays blasted towards the fast dragons in mid-air, and the scene was chaotic.

"Hmph, I don't have time to waste with you."

As Zhang Feng spoke, he touched the pokeball on his waist with his right hand, and the fast dragon avoided every attack of the Rockets with his superb flying skills. .

At the same time, Zhang Feng also found out the Poké Ball belonging to Yi.

"Darklay, black holes, fix them."

A white light flashed, and Yi appeared in the air with a dark body, and at the same time, a huge black energy light ball in his hand was gathering.

The Rocket minions on the ground were surprised by the appearance of Nightmare God Darkrai, and they were hit by the black holes shot out one by one, and fell asleep.

The big-mouthed bats and cross-shaped bats that were hit by the black hole in mid-air also fell heavily to the ground without exception.

Darkrai's all-round black hole skills caught all the Rockets by surprise, so they all got hit.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Zhang Feng's mouth rose slightly. Obviously, in this melee situation, it was a very wise choice for him to bring Darkrai back.

"Go, fast dragon!"

He patted Kuailong's forehead, leaving behind the sleepy Rockets, Zhang Feng also began to prepare to join Li Ruo and the others, and Darkrai followed behind, its speed was not slower than Kuailong.

Inside the Forest of Time.

"Hahaha, Celebi is finally mine, Dr. Darkmoon is really amazing."

The gloomy laughter of Bishas sounded.

At this moment, a large group of rogues from Team Rocket led by Youyun had surrounded Celebi, and at the same time, a device on the back of a rogue next to Youyun was constantly flashing blue light.

The petite Celebi looked at the ferocious Heruga and the coyote in front of him, his eyes very helpless. Usually, when it encountered danger, it would directly activate the ability to travel in time, but this group of humans suddenly encountered Knowing what means to use it, it makes it impossible to concentrate.

"Youyun, solve it quickly!"

Staring at Celebi who was surrounded by circles, Bishas, ​​whose eyes were full of excitement, said.

"Okay, Mr. Cadre."

Youyun bowed slightly to Bishas, ​​and then, Youyun waved his hand to his servants and ordered: "Go ahead and get rid of this Celebi."

As soon as You Yun's voice fell, the hot flames in He Lujia's mouth in front of You Yun accumulated and shot directly at Celebi.

The helpless Celebi held up a cyan protective cover, and the powerful flame pushed Celebi under the protective cover to retreat. At the same time, a flying mantis suddenly burst out behind Celebi, and the back of the knife slapped it hard. On top of Celebi's protective cover, Celebi fell directly to the ground, and the protective cover disappeared.

Different from holding skills, Celebi is a divine beast, and its protective cover can always exist as long as it consumes power, but also creating such a protective cover is also very expensive for... Celebi's physical strength.

On the ground, there was also another Heluga waiting there, only to see the flames in Heluga's mouth gathering, and the teeth of fire biting towards Celebi fiercely.

Although the expression was extremely painful, Celebi still held up the protective cover again, and the tooth of fire was biting on the protective cover.

Boom! There was an explosion, and Celebi's body fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Bishas also took a dark ball from his clothes and threw it at Celebi.

Celebi on the ground seemed to be aware of Bishas' movements, the blue light in his eyes flickered, his mental strength activated, and he threw the dark ball out, it was still: doing the final struggle.

"You don't eat a toast and take a penalty drink. It's okay to become my elf sooner. It seems that you must suffer a little."

Celebi's actions also seemed to have angered Bishas, ​​who was already grumpy.

I saw Bishas walking in front of Youyun, and at the same time throwing out two 2 dark balls in his hand.

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